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Yin-Yang Reconciliation, Hundred Diseases Elimination

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Yin-Yang Reconciliation, Hundred Diseases Elimination
Chapter 42 Lecture 2

Hello everyone, today we will continue to talk about "Tao Te Ching". Let's see what kind of life inspiration Mr. Lao Tzu brings us. Earlier we talked about in Chapter 42: "Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things." It talked about the origin of the world and how our world came about.

What I’m talking about today is: “Everything bears the yin and embraces the yang, and the qi is in harmony.” What does this mean? Lao Tzu said that all things in this world, everything is carrying yin and embracing yang, "negative" carries negative, carrying yin, embracing yang. Everyone was wondering, why didn't Lao Tzu say that he was holding Yin and carrying Yang? Why is it called carrying yin with your back and embracing yang? Let's explain this bit by bit. First of all, let's look at what this "negative" means? This burden of carrying, "responsibility" originally meant relying on it, relying on it for merit, and having confidence in it, what should we say? When relying on, relying on speaking. What does "negative yin" mean? Yin is the foundation, rely on this yin; "embracing yang" means embracing, embracing a mass of yang energy.

In terms of our human body, what does the back of the human body belong to? The back belongs to yang, the yang meridian in our meridian goes to the back, what is the stomach? The ventral side of the belly belongs to yin, and our yin meridian is in front. Everyone said that this is not negative yang but embracing yin? No, the inside of your body is yang and the front is yin, but the yang corresponds to the outside and the yin, so the back of your body is yin. Then the meridian of your abdomen belongs to yin, so it faces the outside, and the outside should be yang, because yin and yang correspond to each other. So we can explain it this way, but in fact, we can't pursue Lao Tzu's words so strictly. In fact, there is not much difference between "carrying" and "holding". The negative and hold, negative means to wait, to rely on; hold means to wrap. In fact, there is not much difference between carrying and hugging. What we actually talk about is that yin and yang are combined with each other. The eight diagrams we see, the eight diagrams, yin and yang are embracing each other, like two fish. This is such a pattern of yin and yang in all things. .

What is the meaning of "to make peace"? Yin and yang collide with each other, shake each other, and meet each other to form a kind of energetic and harmonious atmosphere. That is to say, they are balanced together to form a group of vital qi. Everyone must remember that the word "harmonious qi" comes from Lao Tzu's "concentrating qi to think of harmony". What should I say? When talking about Yongyao, "Yong" means the surge of water, and "Yao" means the shaking of shaking. What does that mean? It is because it is moving, and it is constantly moving. Then the yin and yang qi move continuously, reaching a peaceful state and forming a new qi, which is a kind of vital qi. This is how all of us are composed, so we enter a state of dynamic balance. It is called "Chonghe Qi". This can be seen everywhere in ancient Chinese culture. When it comes to harmony, everyone quotes Lao Tzu.

What can we learn from these two sentences? We can learn the balance of yin and yang. We say that the balance of yin and yang is very simple, but many of us do not understand the principle of yin and yang balance in our lives. Yin and Yang maintain a balance in the dynamics. Please remember that the word "dynamic" is not static. Look at the rushing qi, which is actually surging like a cloud, and the two qis are constantly in a state of balance in the dynamic. It's called "peaceful thinking".

Let me give you an example. For example, if we don't understand the principle of "concentrating energy to maintain harmony" in life, we will enter a state of imbalance between yin and yang. For example, sometimes we have some bad behaviors that hurt our yin. For example, there used to be a shopping mall on Dawang Road in Beijing called Xingguang Department Store. That underground shopping mall, the basement floor is full of gourmet food, I am particularly impressed, I still remember it after so many years. A few years ago, I went to an underground shopping mall for dinner. When I was eating, I saw a shop called Mala Xiangguo. Everyone bought the food and ate in the hall because there were many tables.

Then I saw a pair of young lovers having dinner, which impressed me deeply. What is it like? That boy is thin, just staring at his girlfriend to eat, why? I guess he will be full after two bites, his appetite is limited or he can't reach the chopsticks at all, so what about his girlfriend? When I saw it at the time, I was really proud. Two pots were placed in front of the girl, because the spicy hot pot is made of stainless steel pots, that kind of small pot. Inside the pot is a spicy hot pot, and all kinds of things in it are fried after being spicy. The other pot is spicy boiled fish, the girl eats it deliciously, she shakes her cheeks and teeth, and eats back and forth between the two pots, her boyfriend is looking at her from the opposite side.

I think that scene is really funny, I think this girl is so edible and has such a good appetite, what does she look like? I looked over there carefully, and I told everyone what it looked like, the big red bumps all over the face, it was really miserable, I thought to myself at the time, it’s all like this, and you still eat spicy food like this, why do you say? Because this spicy food is fragrant and warm, it’s okay if you eat it properly. For example, if you have a lot of moisture, you can eat some to invigorate the Yang Qi and get rid of the moisture. If the yin is insufficient, you still have to eat it. If you eat spicy hot pot every day, two pots and two pots will hurt the yin, because it is warm and spicy, and it will hurt the yin. The material base of moist liquid is yin, and it will damage yin, because your body will be hyperactive, and more yin will be consumed after hyperactivity, so skin problems will appear after yin deficiency.

There are other problems, such as hot hands and feet, night sweats at night, insomnia, irritability, dry stool and many other problems, but this girl showed it. When I saw the red bumps on my face, I still eat in this state. Why? She doesn't understand the principle of "strength for harmony", it's only good to maintain the balance of yin and yang, if you don't maintain the balance of yin and yang, you put more emphasis on one side, it's not "strengthening for peace", it's called "strength for peace", one wins the other, so This is unreasonable. This kind of heat is used too much to hurt the yin, and the balance of yin and yang is not maintained. What else is similar? For example, staying up late, playing games every night, watching Moments on the mobile phone, also hurts the yin, because at this time the yin will start to breed at night, the yang will rest, and the yin will start to use it. You can’t consume it too much, etc.

There is another type of excessive damage to yang. There are many people who suffer from excessive yang damage. Let me give you an example, both men and women. I saw a girl, the girl's clothes are really weird, long-sleeved denim clothes, this dress is too weird, long-sleeved, it goes down to the waist, and it disappears below the ribs, until the waist is blank, and the waist is exposed outside , wearing a pair of jeans underneath, you said that this dress is too strange, the sleeves cover the arms well, and the waist is exposed, this girl has a pretty good figure, her waist is so beautiful when she walks, she twists and turns at the airport, I Observing from the back, I looked at the men passing by, everyone looked twice more, everyone looked at her, and I thought in my heart that everyone praised her, this figure is really good, twisting around, but I think everyone I praise you for being beautiful, but do you know you? I don't know, I don't know you. Is it useful for you to praise you for being beautiful? It's useless, because I don't know you, so what's the use of praising you? Everyone went back to the plane and went their own way, so it was useless for everyone to say hello. I just love being frozen. It’s good for everyone to look at the beauty, which is called self-sacrifice.

When I got on the plane and sat a few rows in front of me, I saw this girl holding her stomach with her hands during the whole flight. Do you think she is cold? She is also cold, for the sake of beauty, I risked it all, you said that in the cold weather, can Yang Qi be hurt? Injured, so such a girl will definitely go to a Chinese medicine doctor one day, why? I have a problem with my body, such as less menstruation, stomach pain, uterine fibroids and other problems, and I caught a cold. There are a lot of people like this. Now there are a large number of patients in traditional Chinese medicine. Women suffer from the cold in this way. This is to lose their health for the sake of beauty, especially to damage their yang energy. The truth is, she hurts her yang and lets her yin prevail. She is always afraid of the cold, and the yin and cold condense in her body, causing various problems, so this is why she doesn't understand the principle of yin and yang balance.

There are also many men. For example, many men drink beer and like to drink cold beer. I once gave a lecture to a business school. Before the lecture, the men asked me privately. Mr. Luo, I will ask you a question privately, and I will waste your time for two minutes. What do you say about my chronic diarrhea? I often have stomach troubles, and I get stomach troubles when I get cold. After a while, another classmate comes. Teacher, I will ask you a question in private. What do you say I often have stomach troubles? All I asked was one question. Five or six classmates asked me one question, what should I do if I often have stomach troubles? I said why? Why are middle-aged men like this? As a result, when I got together after class, I found out that these students met together and had a very deep relationship. The students from the business school have a class once a month. Everyone has a successful career and a common language. It became a deep friendship.

As a result, once there is a party, when it is time for the class party, drink after class, be happy, get together once a month, how do you drink? Bring a case of cold beer, after opening, drink the case of beer as soon as you touch it, isn't this hurting your yang? Cold beer is cold water directly entering the body, how much impact is this on the body, can the spleen and stomach bear it? Spleen and stomach are viscera and viscera. They need to maintain a normal body temperature to operate. If you pour a lot of cold beer into it, its temperature will drop and its function will decline.

If things go on like this for a long time, the yang qi is injured, the yang qi of the spleen and stomach is injured, and the yang qi of the spleen and kidney is injured. When the yang qi of the spleen and kidney is injured, this kind of chronic diarrhea is prone to occur. Stomach pain, diarrhea; get up early in the morning, go out for a walk, and the cold wind blows, and diarrhea; eat something cold, eat some cold dishes, and then have diarrhea again, why? When yang qi is injured, mix some heat into it at this time, evil heat, after yang qi is injured, the function will be low, sometimes evil heat will start to breed inside, so in the end it is often mixed with cold and heat, but how does this disease come of? Yang Qi is often the first to be injured, so in chronic diarrhea, a considerable proportion of people are injured due to improper diet and eating too much cold food. .

We usually need to understand the principle of "concentrating on energy for harmony". "Concentrating on energy for harmony" does not mean that yin and yang are dead, and that they are placed in a one-to-one ratio. A state of peace is called "peaceful thinking". If we can learn some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine in our life, we can often have this kind of awareness. My yang is a little weak. If I supplement my yang and my yin is a little weak, I will supplement my yin and always maintain a state of balance between yin and yang. , Your health is better, that is your own blessing. Friends, we have to learn these principles.

That's all for today. I use the principles of traditional Chinese medicine to analyze the principle of Lao Tzu's "everything bears yin and embraces yang, and the qi is for peace". I will continue to talk to you tomorrow at this time, and see what kind of life inspiration Laozi has brought us. See you tomorrow, thank you!
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