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The weather is getting colder, people with yang deficiency should pay attention to these things

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

The weather is getting colder, people with yang deficiency should pay attention to these things
I often see TV commercials. After exercising, the young man picks up a drink chilled with ice cubes, then raises his head and drinks it in a gulp. Then, the world around him becomes a world of ice and snow. It’s really "exciting"!

Under the influence of this trend, many young people basically drink iced drinks to quench their thirst.

Even when autumn is here, the weather is starting to get cold. Look at those who drink beer, they still want to drink ice!

In the view of Chinese medicine, this is a bad living habit that will cause physical injury. That day, I saw a news that a young man was sweating profusely after playing basketball and drank a bottle of cold drink. As a result, his heart went into cardiac arrest and he died suddenly. I wrote on Weibo that the reason is that when the blood vessels are pumped, drinking cold water suddenly lowers the temperature near the heart area, causing the cardiovascular system to suddenly contract and cause problems. It's extreme, but it's there.

And we have seen more people who have abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking, and even those who have a decline in physical fitness. I think this is a very harmful habit. If you drink it like this for a long time, it will cause the body's yang energy to be injured, and people will become a yang-deficiency physique.

So, what exactly is a Yang-deficiency constitution? Yang deficiency refers to the lack of yang qi in our body, that is, the lack of fire of life, which leads to deficiency and cold in the body. Come, let's take a look at the symptoms of people with yang deficiency!

People with yang deficiency will have these symptoms:

1. Aversion to cold and cold limbs: I always feel afraid of the cold. This kind of fear of cold is different from the fear of cold when I catch a cold. The cold is called aversion to cold. The body is cold. Even if you wear more clothes, you are still cold. But for those with Yang deficiency who are afraid of the cold, wear more clothes, eh? It feels so much warmer!

2. Pale or dark complexion: Because of insufficient yang qi, the circulation of qi and blood is poor, so the complexion will not be rosy, but will turn pale. If the deficiency of kidney yang is serious, the complexion will turn dark, and even many black spots will appear. spot.

3. Loose stools, clear and long urine: In this case, it is very serious when it is cold. Some people will urinate more at night when the weather is cold. The stool is not shaped, or even completely incomplete, that is, the food you eat comes out without digestion. The meaning of clear and long urine is that there is a lot of urine, and the color is not yellow.

4. Lack of energy and drowsiness: Traditional Chinese medicine refers to this situation as "but want to sleep", which means that you always want to sleep during the day, and you are always listless and sleepy.

5. Loss of libido and decreased sexual function. Female dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders.

6. Pale tongue, weak pulse, etc.

Next, let’s take a look at the tongue of a person with yang deficiency. The color of the tongue is pale, and the tongue will be fat.

How about it? Are some friends right? It is estimated that friends with yang deficiency must be very anxious at this time, what should I do? I'm yang deficiency?

Friends, don't worry, let's first analyze how the constitution of yang deficiency is formed.

1. Congenital deficiency and weak endowment: Some friends have parents who are not in good health, and their yang energy is insufficient, so they have inherited a yang deficiency constitution for their children. Therefore, it is very necessary to adjust the body before preparing to have a child. Friends who are planning to have a second child should pay attention.

2. Improper atriole and chamber, loss of kidney qi: Some people indulge in excessive sex, which will indeed damage the kidney yang. People like this don't feel it when they are young, but when they get older, they often notice the loss of yang energy. However, some young people will also be like this, it is often too much consumption.

3. Excessive fatigue, depletion of righteousness, and physical injury: In modern society, people are too busy. Many people work until late at night, and then lie in bed and watch their mobile phones. I often see in my circle of friends, there are people who send WeChat in the early morning . Excessive consumption in this way will damage a person's essence, while insufficient essence will affect kidney yin and kidney yang. Such a person often suffers from a deficiency of both yin and yang.

4. Excessive emotion damages viscera and never recovers for a long time: This is something that people have never noticed, even if they are in a bad mood, they can actually damage Yang Qi! Because of the internal injury of the seven emotions, it will lead to the low function of the viscera, which will cause the deficiency of Yang Qi. In this case, it often manifests as deficiency and hyperactivity of viscera function at the beginning, and asthenic fire appears, and then it turns into a low function after a long time, and then shows a state of yang deficiency.

5. Take cold and cold medicines inappropriately: For example, some people have a sore throat, so they take Niuhuangjiedu pills and take them all year round. Doing so will damage Yang Qi. Some western medicines, such as antibiotics, are similar to cold and cold medicines. Some children take antibiotics when they suffer from external diseases, and as a result, symptoms of insufficient Yang Qi appear.

6. Other reasons, such as sleeping in a shaded room for a long time. In this way, since you are using body temperature to warm the air in the whole room, you will consume Yang Qi. There are also long-term living by dark and humid water, etc., such reasons are rarely paid attention to, but they do exist.

The last important reason is excessive drinking of cold drinks and eating cold foods, including foods with low temperature and foods with cold medicinal properties.

For example, some people drink cold water every morning, which will also lead to insufficient Yang Qi, because Yang Qi in the morning is like a small flame, and it is most prosperous at noon. When it is still a small flame, if you drink cold water and artificially lower the body temperature, it will hurt Yang Qi.

Some people drink cold beer all year round, and as a result, chronic diarrhea develops gradually, which leads to injury of spleen yang. Some people are already eating watermelon in autumn and the weather is cold, which results in diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Therefore, Chinese medicine does not recommend that people use cold drinks as beverages on weekdays.

Someone said: No! You see, Koreans drink cold water all day long, so why are they not afraid? I replied: You should see how Koreans eat hot sauce, right? I saw Korean students eating rice. They poured chili paste into it and stirred the rice until it turned red. Then, they added roast beef and ginseng chicken soup. This kind of diet can be maintained with cold water.

Some people say: Japanese also drink cold water! I replied: Then you haven't seen how many people in Japan suffer from allergic rhinitis! During the Beijing Olympics, they were particularly worried about the air in Beijing, because most of the athletes in the Japanese Olympic delegation had allergic diseases! Such as rhinitis and asthma, and in Japan, one of the main Chinese prescriptions for treating these diseases is Qinglong Tang of Wenyang.

Others said: Americans also drink cold water! I replied: Don’t compare with Europeans and Americans. Their diet structure is different from ours. They mostly eat meat. Compared with Asians, the length of their intestines is different. Ours is more suitable for digesting plant foods such as rice. One of the important reasons why I don't go to Europe and the United States is that I can't understand their tongues. When they stick out, they are all blood red. I can't be sure what it means. Therefore, we have to admit this difference in physique.

And we, if you drink ice water like this, after a while, you will find that your tongue will become fatter, the color will become pale, and the tongue coating will be covered. , and even become Yang-deficiency constitution.

Now that autumn is here, I think middle-aged and elderly people still know how to protect themselves, while those young people who are used to drinking cold drinks are still "shiny and cool" under the influence of advertisements. Let them have a little understanding and learn to protect themselves! Because, for them, the road ahead is still long, I hope they can be healthy all the way!
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