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Pingweisan, a classic prescription for dispelling dampness and invigorating the spleen

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Pingweisan, a classic prescription for dispelling dampness and invigorating the spleen
Once I just came back from a business trip, a good friend came to me and said that he had diarrhea for more than a month. After the first diarrhea, I even feel a little comfortable, but the troublesome thing is that I dare not go far, for fear that I will suddenly find the toilet, and I will have a stomachache before the diarrhea, and then I have to run to the toilet quickly. At that time, he had diarrhea when he ate too much, and he also had diarrhea when there was a slight cold wind. When he had diarrhea, he could see that the food was not fully digested. In the end, I basically didn't dare to eat a lot of things. Now people have become thinner.

Judging from his description, it is a bit like diarrhea caused by mixed cold and heat. But I saw that his belly was bigger and his complexion was pale, so I thought he must have spleen deficiency, so I asked him a question: Do you usually hear the sound of water flowing in your stomach?

Sure enough, he replied: There are often sounds in the stomach, sometimes it is the sound of air, and sometimes it is the sound of water.

Then I looked at his tongue, a very obvious sign of spleen deficiency and dampness, that is: the tongue is covered with coating, the tongue is fat, there are tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, and the tongue is full of water.
This kind of person, if you look carefully, you will find that the tongue is not red, but pale.

I judged at the time that this friend was due to spleen deficiency, which caused the spleen soil to be unable to control water dampness, and water dampness aggravated the spleen deficiency, so the spleen was unable to transport and drink water, which led to diarrhea.

So, I told him that he could buy a Chinese patent medicine called Pingwei Wan and try to take it for two days.

As a result, he told me the next day that the diarrhea stopped after only one day of eating! After taking it for a few days, I asked him to take Shenling Baizhu Pills to strengthen the effect of nourishing the spleen, and the diarrhea that lasted for more than a month was cured like this. The speed was beyond my imagination. At that time, I deeply felt that if the symptoms were right, those classic prescriptions of Chinese medicine were very effective.

In fact, every Chinese medicine practitioner has such an experience, and even many Chinese medicine practitioners are very good at using this Pingwei powder. I will introduce this recipe to you later.
Modern people are very humid. This is what I discovered when I was studying tongue images. When I was a doctoral student, I had many tongue images in my computer, with more than 3,000 sheets. One day, I suddenly found that almost half of the tongues were very wet, which made me very puzzled. At that time, I thought it was because these tongue pictures were taken in hospitals. Later, after graduation, I was observing ordinary people At the time, I found that the ratio of water to humidity is also so much.

Judging from ancient medical records, the proportion of water and humidity is not so large, so what is going on?

I think it may be related to the living habits of modern people.

First: Modern people drink more cold drinks. Now whether it is winter or summer, everyone drinks cold drinks. It is such a cold day. When I go to the supermarket, I can see that many drinks are still in the freezer. Many people feel that it is a disadvantage to buy a drink without buying a cold drink. It is also one dollar a drink, and the drink he put in the refrigerator contains electricity money. I must not take the one at room temperature, but I must take the cold one, so that the cold water is poured into the stomach.

There was no such thing in ancient times. In ancient times, if you want to drink cold food, dig a deep cellar and store ice, basically only the emperor has this condition. So, what will we hurt by downing such a cold drink? Spleen yang is injured, and yang qi is injured at once. Yang qi controls water and humidity. As a result, water and humidity can't be controlled, and the humidity is getting heavier and heavier. Men drink cold beer, cheers, and go down.

Now I see that many people drink cold beer in winter. It must be cold. After going down for a while, the spleen yang was injured. When I stretched out my tongue, I found that the tongue was very wet. There were tooth marks on the side of the tongue and a coating on the tongue. The tongue is full, the tongue is fat, and the saliva on the tongue coating is particularly obvious. This is a wet tongue. Many people who often drink cold beer will have chronic diarrhea. Diarrhea occurs when they eat cold beer. In fact, this is the spleen Kidney yang deficiency.

So what do we need to learn when we study Chinese medicine? To learn the wisdom of life, such as drinking cold drinks, you must teach your children not to do this since childhood, and form a habit, so that he will never suffer when he grows up, because he has wisdom.

Second, modern people blow more air conditioners. The most important principle of Chinese medicine is the correspondence between nature and man. Our bodies will change with the seasons. In summer, it should be hot, the skin will vent, the lungs will govern the fur, the pores will open, and sweat will come out. Let’s go, Chinese medicine says that in summer, the yang energy is outside. If we turn on the air conditioner at this time, we will not be able to sweat, and the water we drink will have nowhere to go out. It will hurt the lungs and the yang energy of the lungs. It is mainly water, but it can't transport water anymore, and the water is very wet.

Now, when summer comes, many people have to adjust the air conditioner to be colder when they come to the office. In fact, many friends will be hurt in the end. I suggest that in summer, don't turn on the air conditioner to cool the air. It feels comfortable at the time, but it will hurt the yang energy of the lungs later.

Third, exercise your body. To bask in the sun and sweat. Modern people have too few opportunities to exercise. They sit in the office for a long time with the air conditioner blowing, get off work in the car, and then go home to rest. There are few opportunities for outdoor activities. Many of us are afraid of sweating now. In fact, sweating is a way for the body to circulate Qi and blood and expel moisture, especially for children. Nowadays, children have a lot of homework and spend most of their time indoors. They rarely have the opportunity to sweat like rain. , In fact, this is not conducive to the discharge of water and moisture. It is very important for us to let children participate in more outdoor sports.

Another problem is that many people drink a lot of water now, and they don't know how many buckets of water they need to drink every day. I once saw an old man who had a heart problem recently. Her child is a good friend of mine. She invited me to visit her home. I went to have a look. The old man got himself nine glasses of water a day. Three cups in the morning, three cups in the afternoon, and three cups in the evening, I drank so much water in a day, and it was in the winter when there was very little exercise, which scared me. this is not right.

In fact, drinking water should be divided into seasons. Today’s hot day is different from yesterday’s cold day. When it’s hot, we sweat a lot, so we need to drink more water. This is no problem, but today is cold, and in winter Originally, not so much water evaporated, you didn’t sweat so much, why drink so much water? Where does the water come from? Do your lungs, spleen and kidneys have such a strong function of transportation and transformation? Young people are in good health, and they can drink more water if they have sufficient energy. Elderly people have relatively weak physical and chemical abilities, so why drink so much water?

We know that the heart belongs to the fire among the five elements in the body, so what restrains the fire? Water suppresses fire. Water is used to put out fire. When you are wet and heavy, it will blind your heart yang. Therefore, drinking so much water will cause heart problems.
Human beings are one of the myriad things in nature, and they will change with the changes of nature. In summer, you sweat a lot and evaporate a lot, but in winter you will gradually restrain yourself, which is called closing. I don’t exercise in winter, I don’t go out, I don’t have anything to do when I stay at home, and I don’t sweat. Then I drink nine glasses of water. The water is heavy and directly blinds my heart. Just like the sky, heavy fog will cover the sun, that's the reason.

Therefore, in the process of promoting health knowledge, it must be different from person to person, and it must not be one size fits all, so as to obtain real health care effects.

Therefore, the fundamental way to remove dampness is to change bad living habits. If these living habits do not change, then although the dampness can be removed by medicine, it will come back immediately. We cannot always rely on medicine to maintain the balance in the body. Therefore, a good living habit is very important to us.

However, if the body is indeed trapped by water and dampness, it also needs medicine to regulate it. There are many prescriptions for dispelling dampness in Chinese medicine. There are many prescriptions for dispelling dampness, such as Wulingsan, which can be used when the dampness stays in different parts of the body.

Later generations, in the "Taiping Huimin Mixture Prescriptions" in the Song Dynasty, there are also many wonderful prescriptions, because these prescriptions were compiled by the royal organization at that time, so many prescriptions are very precise, among which Pingwei San is a dampness-removing recipe.

Pingwei powder is mainly used to remove the dampness of the spleen and stomach. Its composition and method of taking are said by the ancients:

Cangzhu (remove the rough skin, soak rice swill for two days) five catties, Magnolia officinalis (remove the rough skin, make ginger juice, stir-fry until fragrant), tangerine peel (remove white) three catties and two taels each, and licorice (fry) thirty taels. The top is fine. Take two qian per serving, take one cup of water, add two slices of ginger, two pieces of dried jujube, fry together until 70% off, remove ginger and jujube, take it with heat, empty it, add salt before eating, and take it with boiling soup.

This prescription now has a Chinese patent medicine called Pingwei Wan, which has the effects of drying dampness and moving the spleen, promoting Qi and harmonizing the stomach. No thirst, no desire to eat, or nausea and vomiting, loose stools, drowsiness and lethargy, no red tongue, thick and greasy fur.

Because the atractylodes herb of this prescription is dry and strong, people who do not have water-dampness or yin deficiency, who have symptoms of red tongue with little moss, bitter mouth and thirst, or rapid pulse, should not take this prescription.

Now some Chinese patent medicines do not have ginger and jujube in them, please read the instructions, if not, when taking the medicine, you need to take a few slices of ginger and a few jujubes, boil water to take the medicine. The ancient recipes are all particular, because this prescription is for attacking evil, so it is combined with ginger and jujube to protect the Qi of the spleen and stomach. We cannot lose this idea.

In this prescription, Cangzhu is bitter, pungent and dry, and it is best at drying dampness and invigorating the spleen, so it is reused as the king. Magnolia officinalis is bitter, warm and fragrant, disperses the flow of qi, helps herb to dehumidify and invigorate the spleen, and is a minister. Tangerine peel regulates qi and transforms stagnation, combined with magnolia bark to restore the ups and downs of the spleen and stomach; licorice, ginger, and jujube regulate the spleen and stomach, and harmonize the middle qi to help transport and transform, all of which are assistants. All the medicines are matched together to play the functions of drying dampness and invigorating the spleen, promoting qi and harmonizing the stomach. The main area of action of this prescription is mainly in the spleen and stomach. If the spleen and stomach function is abnormal due to water dampness, it can be used to treat symptoms such as fullness of the chest and abdomen, light mouth and lack of food, diarrhea, and white thick and greasy tongue coating. Therefore, the ancients said it is "the holy medicine for curing the spleen". There are many stomach-strengthening prescriptions in later generations, all of which are flavored on the basis of this prescription. It is even said that the famous Buchang Jinzhengqi Powder comes from the Bureau, which is the Pingwei Powder plus Huoxiang and Pinellia.

What you need to know is that this prescription is a prescription for curing diseases and attacking evils, not for health care, so it can't be taken for nothing, and it needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor. When I use it, according to my experience, this prescription works very quickly. If it works in a day or two, you can continue to use it. If it doesn’t work, it means that the direction is wrong and you have to think again.

Moreover, after the dampness is removed, it is necessary to nourish the spleen with Shenlingbaizhu pills and other medicines, because Pingwei powder has great power to remove dampness, but the power to nourish is insufficient.

Therefore, this prescription is pungent and dry, so pregnant women should not take it.

Here, what I'm telling you is a way of getting rid of dampness, and I'm talking about my own experience. If you feel that your situation is similar, you can find a nearby doctor to help analyze and see if you can use it. But the final removal of moisture must be guaranteed by our good living habits, which everyone must keep in mind.
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