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When you get angry, the liver will go on strike

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

When you get angry, the liver will go on strike
People may be familiar with such sayings: "All diseases are born from Qi", "The liver is the source of all diseases", "Qi is the murderer", etc. The Qi mentioned here actually refers to anger. Why does anger have such a big impact on the body? It turns out that the qi in the human body is functioning well. When a person gets angry, the liver will go on strike. Once the liver stops working, the liver qi will stay there without moving, resulting in stagnation.

We know that liver qi is on the left side of the human body's circular movement, and it is responsible for rising. Now that the liver qi does not rise, it stagnates there. Traditional Chinese medicine calls this situation liver stagnation, or liver qi discomfort.

Some people may ask: "Why does the liver go on strike when people are angry? What are the characteristics of the liver?" The liver is called "the general's official" in Chinese medicine. What does a general look like? The general's character is upright, straightforward, short-tempered, and easily impulsive. You only need to think about Meng Zhang Fei to understand Gan's temperament. Therefore, there is another saying in traditional Chinese medicine about the liver, which is called "the liver is the rigid organ". When you read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", you will always see this situation: when encountering unfair things, Zhang Fei starts to yell before others speak. The same is true for the liver. When people get angry, the liver will go on strike before the spleen and stomach react. Once it goes on strike, the stagnation of liver qi will affect the circular movement of the body's qi, which will lead to all kinds of diseases. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine says " The liver is the source of all diseases."

Now, how many white-collar workers suffer from liver qi stagnation? Let's put it this way, sometimes, when I check the pulse of people in a unit, I find that the pulses of most people are very similar, they are all stringy pulses, that is, the pulses of liver depression. After talking about the other person’s symptoms, I smiled later and said, “You are similar to the previous one.” Because I always said those few words, making others think that I only know about this, how come everyone is the same?

One day, when I went to a meeting, a leader introduced me to a patient, a lady. She said that she was very uncomfortable recently and always wanted to vomit. I checked the pulse and asked her: "Are you dizzy?" The answer: "Yes .” I asked again: “Are you upset?” The answer was yes. I asked again, "Do you have a headache?" The answer was yes. I asked again: "Is your appetite bad?" The answer was yes. I asked again: "Is the throat dry?" The answer was yes. I asked again: "Chest tightness?" The answer: "Yes, I can't breathe."

I mentioned seven or eight symptoms, and she didn't have only one bitter mouth. She was very surprised, how could she be so accurate based on just a pulse diagnosis? In fact, people with liver depression always have this series of symptoms. Chinese medicine is not fortune-telling, and it is not so mysterious. If I judge that the patient is liver depression, I will use these symptoms to compare. Usually, it is almost the same. Everyone understands these After the truth, you can also compare it yourself.

One patient was the boyfriend of a director of Beijing TV Station. His symptoms at the time were vomiting, dizziness, and hearing loss. To what extent did he vomit? On the subway he would have sudden jet-like vomiting and become very dizzy. When I went to see him, he said "I'll show you a show", so he shook his head and passed out on the sofa on the spot.

Why did he ask me to see a doctor for him? The reason was that he was afraid of puncture and craniotomy. He once went to a Western medicine hospital, spent a lot of money on examinations, and did a lot of head CT and other things, but in the end he was not diagnosed. The doctor said that he would need a puncture, so he ran home in a hurry. The doctor also warned him that three After 1 month, if the hearing continues to decline, a craniotomy is required.

I judged that his problem was caused by liver depression, so I asked him if he was angry before his illness? He recalled it and said: "Before the onset of the disease, I was angry with my subordinates." So, I prescribed Xiao Bupleurum Decoction for soothing the liver and regulating Qi, and added a few herbs. Because his eyes were red, I added more Dive into the town for keels and oysters. After taking several medicines, his symptoms disappeared. When the Western Medicine Hospital heard about his situation, they couldn’t believe it. They said that they would check up after three months. If the hearing loss occurred, they would still need a craniotomy (I don’t know why the craniotomy was needed).

Three months later, I met this choreographer and asked her boyfriend how his hearing was. She said everything was normal and there was no need for a craniotomy; In order to be amazed, I also want to come to see a doctor. At that time, I sincerely felt that it would be great if the doctors of Chinese and Western medicine could see a doctor together, or if the Western medicine knew something about Chinese medicine, at least it would not require a craniotomy.

I found that there are too many cases of stagnation of liver qi. Among white-collar workers, the proportion of my prescriptions for soothing the liver and regulating qi is astonishingly large. Sometimes I think, I can’t always prescribe such prescriptions. Does this violate the principle of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment? Shouldn't this person be this prescription, and the next person should be this prescription, right? Several times I wanted to think about it from other angles and make another prescription. As a result, as soon as I changed my mind, it didn't work. Therefore, even for depression, I will prescribe prescriptions for soothing the liver and regulating qi, and the effect is very good.

There is a lady who is a senior executive of a listed company. Once I checked her pulse. After the diagnosis, she thought that what I said was accurate and amazing. But she didn’t recuperate herself first, but asked me to recuperate her husband. Why? ? Because her husband made her very worried, what happened? It is insomnia, insomnia all night, unable to control my emotions, not interested in anything, and finally unable to even go to work.
After listening to her narration, I said, "Maybe this is the depression described by Western medicine?"

She said, "Yes! How about, do you treat depression?"

I asked her, "How does Western medicine treat her?"

She told me that she has been in treatment for a long time, with ups and downs, without much improvement, but the psychiatrist is very satisfied, and she used him as an example of success.

I was also hesitant after listening to it. How can I cure depression? So I had to say: "Let's meet up then, I can only recuperate his body, not necessarily cure his depression."

As a result, when I met him and checked his pulse, I found that his pulse was very stringy, which was exactly the pulse condition of liver depression. At the same time, there were prickles on his tongue, covered with white coating. It turned out that he had worked hard abroad, and his body was under too much pressure.

So, I asked him: Is the mouth bitter? Throat dry? dizzy? Feel like throwing up? Chest tightness? Do you lose your temper easily?

He has almost all of these conditions, and I judge that he is a patient with liver depression. Although I don't know how to treat depression, I know how to soothe the liver and regulate qi.

I prescribed Xiao Chaihu Decoction for him, adding keel and oysters. Unexpectedly, after three doses, he had a reaction, and various symptoms began to alleviate. I prescribed five more doses, and soon he could sleep through the night. This made him feel like he was waking up from a dream, and he lamented that Chinese medicine can treat diseases so quickly, which is simply amazing. I am also very surprised, why can the medicine of soothing the liver and regulating qi cure his depression? Later, I thought of a saying in the "Huangdi Neijing" that "the liver hides the soul". The human soul is hidden in the liver. Once the soul has a stable and comfortable home, it will naturally not wander around, and people will not be depressed. No wonder this patient wakes up as if from a dream when his liver qi is relieved.

After this treatment, his symptoms basically disappeared. One day, in a coffee shop in China World Trade Center, he asked me how to maintain health in the future. I told him the truth that "the liver is the root of all diseases", and he asked how Only by nourishing the liver, I said: "The best way to nourish the liver is not to get angry." He then asked how to not get angry? So I told him the Diamond Sutra for about an hour, telling him that he must let go of many things and restore his peace of mind. In fact, if you think about it carefully, many things in this world are beyond the control of human beings. Do you think you have earned this money? Think about it, in another hundred years, where will the money you earn be? Where are you again? So, don't be obsessed, when you empty your heart, you can feel your true self.

I remember that I drank bottle after bottle of water that day, and my mouth was still dry, but when I walked out of the coffee shop, I felt that the innocence was really blue, the sun was really warm, and my mood turned out to be So peaceful, think about it carefully, many of the things I said that day were also for myself!
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