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Why does he have a sore throat when he catches a cold?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Why does he have a sore throat when he catches a cold?
I always talked about wind-cold cold before, and I mentioned that there will be several stages. This is wind-cold cold. This kind of cold usually starts with sneezing and runny nose, and then waits for the second stage. It is easy to start to have sore throat and yellow phlegm. But there are always friends who ask:

What should you do if your throat is red, swollen, hot and sore at the beginning of a cold?

In fact, I have talked about this situation before, but I can’t stand my friends asking constantly, so let me talk about this situation a little more!

This situation is mostly caused by wind-heat and cold.
We have talked about the basis of exogenous diseases before. The human body originally has its own defense force to prevent external evils from entering and maintain the balance between us and the surrounding environment. I always make an analogy, for example, there are 100 defensive troops in your mouth and nose, and 50 external evils, then the external evils are invincible to the defensive troops, and they are firmly controlled there, unable to invade .

The meridians of our body are like rivers, and new defensive troops are constantly transported by boats to change defense with these soldiers.

At this time, if, for any reason, the river channel is blocked and soldiers cannot be transported, the number of soldiers on the frontier will become less and less as they grow old, sick and die. One day, there will be only thirty defensive soldiers left. Then, at this time, the enemy If there are fifty, the enemy has the upper hand and begins to invade!

This is my analogy. In fact, things are roughly like this. Any problem that causes obstruction in the operation of meridians will cause the invasion of external evils.

The factors that hinder the operation of the meridians are firstly cold, the temperature drops, and the river is frozen; Unable to transport soldiers. The third is that the humidity is heavy, and there is a flood in the river. The dirty water and silt are wrapped together, blocking the river.

Among them, there is no water in the river, which is what we call insufficient body fluid.
So, what is the reason that will cause the loss of body fluid in our body?

First of all, it is the abnormal environment in the body, which we need to understand. There are roughly the following situations:
1. This person has always had a constitution of yin deficiency. Generally, people with yang deficiency are prone to cold evil, while people with yin deficiency, with deficiency heat in the body and insufficient body fluid, are particularly prone to heat evil. In this kind of constitution, people with insufficient kidney essence are the most susceptible to diseases. For example, what is said in the "Internal Classics": "If you don't store essence in winter, you will be sick in spring" refers to this situation.

2. People with anger. This kind of person is in a bad mood, the liver qi is uncomfortable, and the anger is hot, which can easily make the body in a warm state, and eventually consume body fluid.

3. People who eat too much hot food. What I have seen is that most of them like to eat meat, which leads to stagnation of the spleen and stomach, stagnation and heat generation, so the heat of the heart and lungs cannot go down, and the kidney water cannot go up. It must be a sore throat first.

In the case of poor internal conditions, once the external temperature changes, it is easy to feel the heat evil.
So, how does the outside temperature change, will there be insufficient body fluid in the human body?

Mainly when the external temperature suddenly rises, resulting in a large loss of human sweat, it will cause insufficient body fluid

This kind of situation was most likely to occur in summer in ancient times. The weather was extremely hot, and the human body lost a lot of sweat, resulting in insufficient body fluid. I once heard from friends in Jiangnan that in the past some of their ancestors died of heat in summer, and one can imagine the tragic situation at that time. However, we now use air conditioners extensively, so the ratio of exposure to cold and heat in summer is roughly the same, or even more.

The spring and autumn are the high-incidence periods of warm and heat evil. Because the temperature difference becomes large at this time, it is very cold in the morning and evening, and the human body accepts this cool state. However, it is very hot at noon, and if people do not add or remove clothes at any time, they are prone to sweat profusely, resulting in loss of body fluid.

In winter, we should not be careless. Sometimes winter "responds to the cold and turns warm". When the cold continues, the human body adapts to the cold, and then suddenly heats up, so everyone sweats profusely inside the down jacket, which also leads to loss of body fluid.

Therefore, everyone has seen that the internal and external factors of the human body are combined. People with normal body and no heat accumulation in the body may have no problem when the weather suddenly gets warmer, but if the internal factors are present, the weather will Once there is a change, you will sweat profusely, the meridians will be blocked, and external evils will naturally invade. In ancient times, this was called the invasion of warm evil.

So, what are the symptoms at this time?

It is dry mouth, dry eyes, feeling irritable and hot, the color of the tongue is more important, it must be red, the tongue coating is either very thin or no coating, and the stool is easy to dry. The most obvious feature is that the amount of urine decreases. , the color is a bit dark.

Such a person will have a red, swollen, hot and sore throat when he is slightly affected by evil spirits, and he will start to have a fever. At the same time, such people are prone to chapped lips, sores and cracked mouth corners in spring.

So, what should we do at this time?

For ordinary people, at the initial stage, I recommend three-bean ebony plum white sugar soup.

Three-bean ebony soup with white sugar

This recipe uses a handful of black beans (the flesh inside must be green, not yellow beans), a handful of mung beans, a handful of soybeans, five ebony plums, and two tablespoons of white sugar.

Put the above-mentioned materials in a pot and add water to boil, boil for two hours, or put it in an electric cooker for one night, and then drink this drink. Note that this is a daily amount, do it on the same day, drink it on the same day, do not drink it the next day. It can be taken as a drink frequently.

The amount of water added can be prepared as a drink according to your own acceptance. In fact, the final taste is the same as the bean paste drink.

This prescription, in fact, is not elegant, nor is it a routine prescription in the treatment of febrile diseases. The reason is relatively simple, that is, black beans tonify kidney qi, soybeans tonify spleen and stomach, mung beans to clear away heat, and ebony and white sugar sour and sweet to transform yin and nourish body fluid.

However, although this prescription is simple, I recommend this prescription to friends who are sick. Many people use this prescription to reduce fever when they have a fever. It didn't work. It's unbelievable that such a drink can be cured so quickly.

In fact, this is the idea of helping the body to replenish body fluid and then recover by itself, but this is at the initial stage of the invasion of warm and heat evil. If it reaches the stage of intense heat and toxin, the various methods of clearing away heat and detoxifying for febrile diseases are also necessary. to use.

In the febrile disease theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there is another kind, which is caused by the evil of dampness and heat. The river is gone. That's another kind of exogenous infection. In colds, there are also such problems. We will introduce those situations with heavy humidity later.

Dear friends, today, I have introduced a general idea of the situation of having a sore throat immediately after catching a cold, so that friends can experience it. However, the most important thing is not to let your body always be in a state of insufficient body fluid. This is what we should pay more attention to!
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