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what to do if bitten by autumn poisonous mosquitoes?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

what to do if bitten by autumn poisonous mosquitoes?
Since yesterday, we have entered the beginning of autumn, let's talk about the topic of autumn. I don’t know if you have noticed, but mosquitoes in autumn are very poisonous. After biting people, they often leave a long-lasting mark on our skin, red and swollen, which lasts for a long time.

It is estimated that many people who observe life carefully will find it. People who are careless about life and carelessly pay attention to life will probably not notice it. I am a person who observes life carefully. I found that in the four seasons of the year, forget about winter and spring Mosquitoes in summer are not so poisonous. It seems that mosquitoes have accumulated toxins all summer, and they will bite you hard in autumn-so that you can't forget when you saw the scars and when you gritted your teeth.

Walking on the street in summer and autumn, I saw many people with scars on their legs, and some women even affected their appearance. This is not because I pay special attention to people’s legs, but because of professional habits. The singer is singing with his mouth wide open, and others are feeling the beauty of the singer’s voice and appearance, but I can see the thick and greasy tongue coating from his open mouth—the phlegm is too heavy, this is a professional habit, and it is not at all Knowing what people are singing, I was thinking in my head how to prescribe a prescription if I was approached.

So, what should you do if you are bitten by a mosquito in autumn?

This is a problem that a classmate asked me many years ago. I was studying for a master’s degree at that time. I remember very clearly that we walked out of the teaching building together when the class was over at noon. My classmates and I were discussing the problem enthusiastically. Maybe I was talking very excitedly. At this time, some female students behind us felt that we were walking slowly and passed us. At the same time, a female classmate turned to me and said, "You are so good, let me ask you a difficult problem?!"

I was challenged to ask, "What's the problem? Tell me."

The female classmate said as she walked, "Qiu was bitten by a mosquito, what should I do if the lump doesn't go away?"

I was speechless at the time, what is the problem? Is it worth thinking about in Chinese medicine? Where is the disease?

She then pointed to her leg as she walked, saying it had been swollen for days.

In this way, I also remembered, it seems that I have had a similar experience. However, there is still no good way.

In this way, this matter remained in my heart.

In fact, there are many folk methods for dealing with mosquito bites, such as using toothpaste, smearing with alkaline water, etc. However, for mosquito bites in autumn, generally there is no particularly good effect, and sometimes the scars even stay in winter.

Later, one fall, I was bitten myself, which was very annoying, and a large piece was red and swollen. I thought to myself, isn’t this just heat poison? I should use detoxification medicine, just right, there is a bottle of "Bawei Xileisan" beside me, this is a Chinese patent medicine for sore throat and oral ulcers, I will pour out a little, dissolve it with a drop of water, and apply it on the red and swollen around, and then went to sleep, and as a result, the redness basically disappeared when I got up the next day, leaving only a small red spot in the middle.

Later, it was tried and tested, although it is a small trick, but it can really make people less painful.

The main point is: when applying, don't apply all of it, but apply it to the surrounding redness, that is, apply it to most of the redness, but leave the spot where the mosquito bites in the middle, where the poisonous gas is discharged, The so-called giving evil spirits a way out is also true.

Many people will question: Does poison gas really need a way out? In fact, everyone will know after trying it once. The red dot in the middle will bulge the next day, which is a sign that the poisonous gas has gone out.

This is the "encirclement method" in traditional Chinese medicine surgery. I usually use this method when dealing with redness, swelling, heat pain and other diseases on the skin, if the evil energy is not too strong, then I will basically use this method to let the evil energy go out by itself.

According to Zhu Weiju, a famous doctor in the Republic of China, exogenous evils can only be divided into organic and inorganic. Chemical substances such as arsenic cannot proliferate by themselves and are inorganic evils, while viruses and bacteria can proliferate and are organic evils. For organic evils, they They are alive. I always think that they know where to go. If there is a threat to their life, they must not go there, and they will hide in another direction. This is known to the simplest single-celled organisms.

I don't know if this idea is naive, but the hoop method is indeed very effective, and it has a better effect than directly painting all over.

So, what kind of medicine is this Bawei Xileisan?

It turns out that this is a traditional prescription, which has the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, reducing swelling and relieving pain. The main ingredients are watermelon cream, cold water stone, artificial bezoar, pearl, Qingdai and other drugs. Everyone is familiar with this watermelon cream, such as watermelon cream lozenges, So, what is this watermelon frosting?

It turns out that it is a white crystalline powder processed from watermelon and Glauber's salt. Its specific method is as follows:

Generally, around the August Festival of the lunar calendar, take fresh watermelon, cut a thick slice along the pedicle as the top cover, dig out the melon pulp and seeds, fill the melon with Glauber’s salt, cover the top cover, insert it firmly with a bamboo stick, and put it on the watermelon. Put it in a clay basin, cover it, and put it in a cool and ventilated place. When hoarfrost is precipitated, brush it down at any time until no hoarfrost is precipitated.

The functions and indications of watermelon cream are: clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and relieving pain. It is used for sore throat, sore tongue, swollen or bleeding gums, aphthous moth, thrush in children, mild burns and traumatic bleeding; acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, oral ulcers, etc.

The other medicines in the prescription are also heat-clearing, so this prescription is mainly for detoxification and heat-clearing.

This Chinese patent medicine is generally sold in better pharmacies, so when will we still use it?

The answer is that when ulcers appear in the mouth, if you apply a little tin powder, it will have a very good effect, especially for heat syndrome.

Generally, this Xilei powder is mainly for external use, and it is effective for redness and swelling of the throat and mouth. In the past, when encountering sore throat caused by heat syndrome, in addition to taking internal medicine, it is usually combined with external medicine powder. Many people like it Use this tin bulk.

Later, some old Chinese doctors, such as Xie Haizhou in Beijing, found that this medicine can treat colon ulcers. It is usually used as an enema, and the effect is very good. However, due to the difficulty of operation, I do not recommend it.

When I have time in the future, I will introduce more usages of Chinese patent medicines, because they can be bought in pharmacies.
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