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Treatment methods for rheumatoid arthritis

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Treatment methods for rheumatoid arthritis
Today I will talk to you about rheumatoid arthritis. Many elderly people suffer from this disease. Unfortunately, many elderly people live in rural areas and suffer from the pain. As a result, they are not treated in time and are extremely painful. I think that as a child, you must understand your parents' bodies, care more, ask more questions, and find ways to help them. This is true filial piety! We have worked so hard to raise us, we must repay the happiness of our parents! Therefore, if you know more about this disease, it may be of great use.

Western medicine believes that the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, and it has not been thoroughly understood. It is only known that it is a chronic systemic disease mainly caused by inflammatory synovitis. It is characterized by multiple joints, symmetry, and aggressive arthritis of the small joints of the hands and feet. Women are significantly more affected than men, and the number is 2 to 3 times, and most of them are older women. This disease will Lead to joint deformity and loss of function. Moreover, patients are often accompanied by extra-articular organ involvement, such as kidney and heart problems, and even life-threatening.

The pathology of Western medicine found that the pathology of this disease mainly includes the proliferation of synovial lining cells, the infiltration of a large number of inflammatory cells in the interstitium, the neogenesis of microvessels, the formation of pannus, and the destruction of cartilage and bone tissue.

So, what are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

First, patients experience systemic symptoms such as weight loss, low-grade fever, and fatigue. Then, the following symptoms will appear at the same time:

(1) Morning stiffness: The so-called morning stiffness refers to the feeling of inflexible joint movement when you get up in the morning. This symptom is common in arthritis. Ordinary arthritis will take a shorter time, generally within half an hour, and rheumatoid tends to be longer.

(2) Changes in joints:

① Generally, small joints are prone to problems, such as hands, feet, wrists, ankles, and temporomandibular joints. If the development is serious, other problems may occur in elbows, shoulders, cervical spine, hips, and knees. This is different from ordinary arthritis. In general arthritis, most of the joints of the hands, knees, hips and spine are easily involved, while the metacarpophalangeal, wrist and other joints are less involved. The initial manifestations of rheumatoid are often these Small joints, wrists or fingers start to hurt, this difference should be remembered.

② Joint deformity: We have seen that the fingers of many rheumatoid patients are obviously deformed, which is the characteristic of this disease. The hand and foot joints of patients with this disease are often deformed with the development of the disease, and the pain is abnormal.

(3) Extra-articular manifestations: The reason why rheumatoid arthritis is more harmful is not only the unbearable pain in the joints, but also because it has great harm to the internal organs of the body. This disease will cause fever, local swelling, and may involve the heart, kidneys, respiratory system, etc., until it is life-threatening. Therefore, some medical workers once called this disease "undead cancer". In fact, this statement is wrong. The harm that this disease will eventually bring is unimaginable.

So, if we suspect that we have this disease, how to diagnose it? In fact, it is very simple, just go to the hospital and do relevant examinations, such as the examination of rheumatoid factor, to know whether you have rheumatoid. This kind of examination is very simple, but most patients may not do it.

I have encountered many people asking me this question: "My mother is suffering from rheumatism, and her joints hurt so much that she can't sleep every day. What should I do?" I asked: "Can you confirm whether it is rheumatoid or rheumatism?" The answer is yes : "I don't know, it's just joint pain!"

I think this is incompetent as a child. You have to take your mother to check. In fact, it is very easy to distinguish the difference between rheumatism and rheumatoid. You must know that these are two different diseases, and you have to figure it out.

Because the children have no medical knowledge, and the elderly do not have any, so the elderly have no choice but to buy some rheumatism ointment to deal with it. In fact, if there is no symptom, how can the effect be good?

Therefore, as children, we must work hard to learn medical knowledge!

Western medicine is also very effective in the treatment of this disease. Taking western medicine can immediately relieve the pain, but the long-term effect is not good, and the pain will often start again after stopping the medicine, so it cannot be relied on.

So, how does Chinese medicine treat this disease?

There are many classifications of this disease in traditional Chinese medicine. Basically, there are several classification methods. Let me list them for the time being:

1. Symptoms of wind-cold-dampness arthralgia: the main three pathogenic factors are wind, cold, and dampness, which cause the patient's joints to be cold and painful, the pain is severe, and the swelling is difficult to disappear. Pale tongue, white coating, stringy and tight pulse.

2. Symptoms of rheumatism-heat arthralgia: Dampness and heat are the main pathogenic factors. Contrary to the previous syndrome type, this is a heat syndrome. The patient's joints are red, swollen and painful, and the pain cannot be stretched. Red tongue, yellow fur, stringy and slippery pulse.

3. Symptoms of phlegm and blood stasis in the collaterals: this is the lack of righteousness, leading to phlegm-dampness and blood stasis. The patient's joints are swollen and painful for a long time, and gradually appear ankylosis, flexion and extension difficulties, accompanied by subcutaneous nodules, muscle thinning, mental fatigue and face withering , waist and knee pain, dizziness and so on. The tongue is dull. Thin fur, thready or astringent pulse.

4. Symptoms of Kidney Yang Deficiency: Prolonged illness will lead to deficiency of righteousness, joint swelling, stiffness, cold pain, aversion to cold, cold limbs, sore waist and weak legs, clear and long urine. Pale tongue, white coating, slow pulse.

So, with these classifications, what is the effect of our treatment? Let me tell you that the effect is not ideal. Sometimes patients will see results, but some will relapse immediately, and some will not respond to straightening. Therefore, rheumatoid is a very difficult disease to treat, and it can be regarded as an intractable disease.

Today, I will introduce to you a very effective prescription, which is Mr. Shi Hongtao, an old Chinese doctor in Jilin.

The main side of this formula is as follows:

Raw astragalus 200g Gentiana 20g Fangji 15g safflower 15g Peach kernel 15g Qingfengteng 20g Caulis 20g Dilong 15g Guizhi 15g Achyranthes bidentata 15g Jiazhu 15g Angelica dahurica 15g Baixianpi 15g Licorice 15g.

This prescription can be added or subtracted according to the syndrome, mainly to change the dosage of the medicine in the prescription, or slightly change the medicine. If the heat is the main factor, you can add 30g of Leulu, which can clear away the heat without hurting the yin; if it is mainly cold, you can add 10g of aconite to enhance the power of dispelling cold and relieving pain; 20g, 10g of Aconite, 15g of Shenjincao, and 30g of Jiajiazhu, to strengthen the penetrating power of warming and tonic.

My personal experience is: when applying this prescription, I usually remove Fangji, add 30 grams of Coix Seed and Smilax Smilax, and if the patient has obvious yin deficiency, add Shengdi, generally about 30 grams, and take the medicine If you have symptoms of getting angry, add 15 grams of Anemarrhena. If there is no yin deficiency or getting angry, there is no need to add it.

The armor beads in the prescription are the scales of pangolins. I rarely use this medicine because pangolins are very precious animals. However, it can still be used to treat serious diseases. It’s a pity to boil the medicine. This medicine is very expensive. It can be ground into powder and taken 3 grams each time.

If you take this prescription, you will see obvious results within a week. If you keep taking it, the long-term effect will be very good.

The biggest feature of this recipe is that the amount of astragalus is large. The astragalus here is raw astragalus. Generally, we use about 30 grams, but in fact this is very limited. You must know that the power of astragalus Relatively mild, not a large amount is not enough to cure the disease. Wang Qingren in the Qing Dynasty even used more than 100 grams in Buyang Huanwu Decoction. He was a person who made good use of Astragalus. As for why Astragalus meridian can treat this disease, the main reason is that no matter it is wind, cold, damp heat or any evil attacking the meridians, it is actually caused by the lack of righteousness, emptiness of the meridians, and weak Wei Qi. Therefore, at this time, it can dredge the meridians and dispel cold and dampness , can clear away dampness and heat, but righteousness must be replenished, this is the way to strengthen the body and drive away evil spirits, so "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" says astragalus:

"Mainly treat carbuncle and gangrene for long-term wounds, drain pus and relieve pain, strong wind, dysentery, five hemorrhoids, rat fistula, tonify deficiency, and all kinds of diseases in children."

Physicians of past dynasties carried forward and supplemented it, which made the effect of Astragalus membranaceus manifest. For example, Huang Yuanyu in the Qing Dynasty said that Astragalus membranaceus:

"Clear the deficiency and smooth, specialize in walking the meridians, and benefit the Wei Qi. Those who are against it will restrain it, those who are trapped will send it out, those who are depressed will move it, and those who are obstructed will unblock it. Top grade."

In the drugstore, we will see two kinds of astragalus products, one is roasted astragalus and the other is raw astragalus. Sunburned Astragalus membranaceus has warm and hot properties, mainly to invigorate the middle; while raw Astragalus membranaceus, Huang Yuanyu believes that the property of the medicine is cold. From our practice, it is true that it is rare to see people who eat raw Astragalus membranaceus to get angry. The effect of raw Astragalus is mainly to go along the meridian, walk the body surface, nourish Qi, and get rid of wind evil. So this recipe uses raw astragalus.

When taking this prescription, you can ask the nearby Chinese medicine practitioners to help you add or subtract it. You can start with 100 grams of raw astragalus, use two or three pairs, and then increase to 200 grams if you feel that there is no problem. Some patients reported that after taking the medicine, they felt that they had strength to walk in the body and a feeling of swelling. This is the reason why Qi and blood began to circulate.

In fact, many old Chinese doctors have summed up the prescriptions for treating rheumatoid, but this prescription is generally recognized as a good prescription. Some Chinese medicine practitioners use the prescriptions of famous doctors when their family members suffer from this disease. It is found that other prescriptions have mediocre effects, but this prescription has outstanding curative effect. In fact, the most important thing is this idea, which is the idea of strengthening the body and expelling evil spirits. The task of strengthening the body has been summed up by the predecessors. The power of raw astragalus is relatively strong. We need to inherit this kind of experience. Unfortunately, I checked some literature and found that everyone's understanding of this issue is still insufficient. My task is to select such prescriptions and tell everyone, because I know that you don't have so much time to test each prescription one by one, so it is very important to summarize and select based on the previous ones.

This prescription comes from the book "Contemporary Famous Doctors Clinical Essence-Bi Syndrome Special". For every kind of disease, there must be a particularly effective prescription, an idea, hidden in this set of books. In this book, some old Chinese doctors talk in general terms, dialectical and neat like a textbook, and I think it is of little value; It is a unique experience, which hits the nail on the head. If you study this set of books back and forth, you will eventually find that Chinese medicine has very effective and immediate solutions for every disease, but these methods are not familiar to everyone. Therefore, the "Nei Jing" said it well: "Those who cannot be cured have not learned the tricks."

For many diseases, the predecessors have summed up good methods for us. I hope these methods will not be overwhelmed!

Okay, dear friends, that’s all for today’s rheumatoid. Remember, this is rheumatoid, not rheumatism. If the distinction is not clear, go to the hospital for a related examination. , can help everyone.
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