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[Chinese Medicine] learning experience(82) Danggui Buxue Decoction

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

[Chinese Medicine] learning experience(82) Danggui Buxue Decoction
The notes I compiled are based on the textbook "Prescriptions" of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and some prescriptions that I think are good. The prescriptions written are all my personal experience, and the analysis methods are mainly based on the six meridians and the viscera. I am not a medical professional, studying medicine is purely a hobby. It is normal if there are mistakes in the text.

(82) Angelica Blood Soup
[Source] "Distinguishing Puzzles from Internal and External Injuries"

[category] blood tonic

[Composition] Astragalus one or two (30g), angelica wine washing, two money (6g)

【Usage】Use 㕮zui, fry two cups of water until one cup is removed, remove the dregs and serve warmly, before eating empty (modern usage: decoct in water).

[Function] Tonify qi and generate blood.

【Indications】Syndrome of fever due to blood deficiency. Muscle heat and flushed face, polydipsia and want to drink, pulse is large and weak, heavy pressing is weak. It is also used to treat women with blood deficiency, fever and headache during menstruation and postpartum, or those who have sores and ulcers that do not heal for a long time.

Li Dongyuan said: "Blood deficiency and fever, the syndrome is like a white tiger, but the pulse is not long and there are discernible ears. If you take Baihu decoction by mistake, you will die." After blood deficiency, Yang Qi has nothing to attach to, and it must float outside to generate heat, and the pulse is large and empty. Deficiency of yin and blood leads to insufficient fluid, so thirst is seen. People with blood deficiency must be deficient in qi, and the outer defenses lose their solidity, and the yang qi is about to be released, so sweating is seen. The symptoms of this syndrome are very similar to those of Baihu Ginseng Decoction, which are "hot body, thirsty mouth, profuse sweating, and strong pulse", but the pathogenesis is quite different. If Baihu decoction or Baihu ginseng decoction is taken by mistake, the remaining trace of yang energy will also be wiped out, and disasters will follow.

"Visible blood cannot grow quickly, but invisible qi should be urgently consolidated." This is a sign of critical survival, one must first consolidate and defend qi, so that the yang will not be released, and the body fluid will not be released, so astragalus is used to strengthen the surface. Then use angelica to generate blood, so that Qi can be attached. Although the medicine has two flavors, its reason is quite deep.

When Li Dongyuan made this prescription, the ratio of astragalus and angelica was 5:1. The patient was a dying person, and his purpose was to save Fuyang. Nowadays, many doctors still use the original prescription ratio when treating common blood deficiency patients. Commonly, 30 grams of Astragalus membranaceus and 6 grams of Angelica sinensis are used. Especially those who are Weixu outside the Wei, use astragalus with such a disparity in proportion, isn't it afraid of being overwhelmed and turning into a fire? Ordinary patients with blood deficiency use such a small dose of angelica, how long will it take to supplement the blood? With such rigid prescriptions and rigid thinking, such people are not suitable for medical practice. I advise you to change careers as soon as possible, so as not to mislead others and yourself.

There are also "bar essences" who brought up laboratory data and said that the ratio of astragalus and angelica is the best for blood enrichment, so this ratio should be used. People who say such things are even more unsuitable for medical practice. Let me ask, for ordinary patients, can blood be enriched without using astragalus? If astragalus is replaced with Chuanxiong, Baishao and Rehmannia, can it nourish blood? If the ratio of astragalus and angelica is 1:1 or 2:1, can it replenish blood? Even if it is 5:1, the effect is the best, but the greater the ratio, the greater the side effects, and the lower the cost performance of blood supplementation. It is no longer a medical problem to solve a BUG and lead to more and more serious BUGs. This is a basic philosophical problem.

This prescription is effective in treating postoperative fever and postpartum fever.
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