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What should the frail person do? | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

What should the frail person do? | life recipe
Last week, I met a lot of friends in Hainan. Most of you got to know me through my WeChat account, so this time, the Angelica School of Traditional Chinese Medicine held this TCM study tour. I spent three days sharing my emotions and thoughts with you. health problems.

When I met you, I was really moved by the enthusiasm of my friends. You came from all over the country, and some even came back from the United States and Thailand. very hard.

After the meeting, many friends also told me some good news. After learning Chinese medicine, how to use the ideas of Chinese medicine I taught to recuperate the physical problems of myself or those around me. Everyone told me again and again, and I smiled again and again. In fact, This is the happiest thing for a TCM communicator, and I feel really happy after listening to it.

After class, I showed my friends tongues one by one and analyzed the characteristics of the tongue appearance. This way of learning is also very interesting. Every twenty or so people form a group, and these twenty or so people take turns to look at the tongue appearance, while the rest of the group Surrounding the side, you can see the characteristics of the tongue phenomenon, and those who are interested will probably learn a lot of analysis of the tongue phenomenon in a short time.

Among these friends, several are more typical, with a pale tongue, a fat tongue body, and tooth marks on the edge of the tongue. His body is also a little weak.

In fact, this is a sign of insufficient qi and blood in the tongue. Pale tongue is a manifestation of cold or blood deficiency, while a fat tongue and tooth marks on the edge of the tongue indicate that there is water in the body, and it also represents qi deficiency. With such a tongue phenomenon, the pulse is relatively weak.

So, how to improve your physical fitness at this time?

For those who are depleted, it is actually necessary to nourish, because I only saw these friends once, and I can’t continue to follow up and observe after the conditioning, so for the sake of safety, I recommend everyone to use Guipi Pills, which can be taken slowly. However, if it was by my side, I would introduce Bazhen Pills or even Shiquan Dabu Pills.
This Bazhen Pill, called Bazhen Decoction in ancient times, is a combination of Sijunzi Decoction, a classic prescription for nourishing qi, and Siwu Decoction for nourishing blood. In Sijunzi Decoction, there are four herbs of ginseng, Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala and licorice. Among them, ginseng nourishes qi, Poria cocos dispels dampness, Atractylodes macrocephala nourishes the spleen, and licorice keeps the middle. The recipe is basically based on this soup of the four gentlemen.

Siwu Decoction is composed of rehmannia glutinosa, angelica, peony, and Chuanxiong. Among them, rehmannia glutinosa nourishes the kidney essence, which is the source of blood, and angelica nourishes and activates blood. The combination of peony and Chuanxiong has a stronger power of nourishing and promoting blood circulation.

Combining these two prescriptions, replenishing qi to generate blood, and nourishing blood to carry qi is the embodiment of the mutual generation of yin and yang in Chinese culture. In many cases, it is difficult for us to replenish blood alone, but if we focus on replenishing qi first, Then it can naturally breed yin and blood. This is the idea of ​​leading yang from yin and yin from yang.

Adding astragalus and cinnamon to this prescription increases the effect of nourishing qi, and cinnamon can draw the fire back to its source, restraining the fire of emptiness and reducing it. After adding these two herbs, this prescription is called Shiquan Dabu Wan. For me For the depleted patients mentioned above, if they take Shiquan Dabu Pills, it can play a very good nourishing effect.

Sometimes, when I go to a certain unit, I will be surrounded by everyone asking how my body is. If everyone looks at the tongue symptoms, they will find the rules. In fact, most of the time, people with physical impairment account for a large proportion. This is a characteristic of modern people, because people exercise less, work hard, and consume too much, so there are more opportunities to suffer from both qi and blood deficiency. I am usually very opposed to indiscriminate supplementation, but if these people who are physically weak do not supplement, their quality of life will plummet, and no matter how hard they work, more problems will appear in their bodies. Therefore, for those who really need supplements, they should take supplements without hesitation. After supplementation, their physical fitness will be significantly improved.

So, what kind of people should be vigilant and not take this medicine?

We remind you that when taking Shiquan Dabu pills, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the tongue. The friends I met this time who need tonics all have thin and white tongue coatings, not yellow and greasy. . If it is a yellow, greasy and thick tongue coating, the damp heat needs to be cleaned first, and it cannot be nourished.

Secondly, the tongues of these friends are all pale, not bright red. You can’t take this prescription for those bright red tongues, because bright red tongues represent heat, and this prescription is too warm, so it is not suitable.

Thirdly, the tongue shape of these friends is fat and big with tooth marks, not the pointy tongue shape. For the pointy tongue phenomenon, most of them are stagnation of liver qi, or even anger, so it is necessary to consider soothing the liver and regulating qi First of all, you can't take this side tonic.

Then, if the tongue looks fat, pale, and has tooth marks, let’s take a look at the indications of this prescription. This prescription is used for Qi and blood deficiency. People with the following symptoms can take it: pale complexion, shortness of breath, palpitations, Dizziness and spontaneous sweating, fatigue and weakness, cold limbs, heavy or little menstrual flow.

If the tongue and symptoms correspond, you can continue to take this prescription.

Pregnant women should take it under the guidance of a doctor.

Some friends asked: What should I do if I get angry after taking tonic medicine?

In fact, this kind of situation also exists. The reason why you get angry is not that the body does not need tonic, but that the spleen and stomach are too weak to accept this kind of nourishment. This is called "deficiency is not tonic" in Chinese medicine. When the fire is hot, you can suspend the tonic, take the Chinese patent medicine Baohe Wan once or twice to increase the function of the spleen and stomach, and then continue to take it.

I have another method, which is to use a Amomum seed, break it, take out the seeds inside, chew slowly and carefully in your mouth, and then drink Shiquan Dabu Pills with water. Amomum has the effect of promoting Qi. It can open the channel of the spleen and stomach and increase the absorption of drugs.
Finally, I would like to remind you that when the body gradually recovers and the tongue becomes rosy, you don't need to take this prescription anymore. At this time, you can start to solve the newly exposed problems. Generally speaking, my experience is that the lack of Qi and blood in the body will cause many problems, and other problems in the body will also cause the lack of Qi and blood. When the overall level of qi and blood is low, other problems in our body are not easy to show, because the body is unable to adjust at all. In other cases, the body is unable to adjust at all, such as blood stasis. Inability to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Therefore, when the qi and blood are sufficient, the body begins to try to recover, and there will be a reaction at this time. For example, some people will have a fever after the qi and blood are sufficient. This is an external evil that the body is unable to expel before expulsion. Treat it.

Sometimes, when the righteous energy is sufficient, the pain begins in the place of stasis, which is also a good thing. At this time, it will be more effective than before to focus on dredging.

Therefore, when the body is full of righteousness, it will expose the hidden problems before. In this case, you can just treat the symptoms. You will find that these problems can be truly solved when the Qi and blood are sufficient.

The other day I read "Jingyue Quanshu" written by Zhang Jingyue of the Ming Dynasty. It records that he saw an old man. The old man was very weak and suffered from exogenous typhoid fever. Zhang Jingyue is a well-known expert, so he used warming and tonic medicine to straighten his body. As a result, after taking the medicine, the old man developed a symptom, that is, shivering and shaking all over. At this time, the family members came to ask Zhang Jingyue, and Zhang Jingyue prescribed a tonic. He used a tael of ginseng and ginger, but after taking the medicine, he began to sweat. The family members of the patient were very panicked, and came to ask what to do. Zhang Jingyue replied, it was still the same prescription, boil it one more time and give it to the patient. The family members of the patient said that it was like this after drinking it once, can they still drink it again? Zhang Jingyue said: "There is a god in it, and I don't know it." So I let them drink it. As a result, after drinking it again, the patient's sweat stopped, his spirit recovered, and he recovered soon.

This is the reaction that occurs when the body fights against external evils again when the righteousness of the human body is restored. When the righteousness overcomes, the body returns to normal.

Many people in later generations criticize Zhang Jingyue's warming and tonic. In fact, if you look closely at his prescriptions, he knows very well. Among them, he is very precise in the use of medicines. To become a famous doctor of a generation, he must have his own uniqueness.
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