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What should people do if they get angry as soon as they take tonic?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

What should people do if they get angry as soon as they take tonic?
Yesterday I introduced this kind of knowledge to you, that is, many of my friends will get angry when they take tonic. I have basically analyzed the reasons for you, so friends asked, so, what should we do? Dr. Luo can't always not talk about the solution!

In fact, I have already talked about the solution a lot. It is estimated that some friends did not read it seriously, and some are newcomers, so I will tell you again.

First of all, the first question, if we get angry as soon as we nourish, will we not nourish?

It is wrong to think so. In fact, in modern society, because everyone’s life rhythm is too fast and too tired, most people have different degrees of depletion. Therefore, I think there are too many people who need nourishment. Even a very large majority, as long as those obstacles are removed and the body is nourished normally, the body will be greatly improved.

For example, among the women I have seen, a considerable proportion of them are blood deficient, which is caused by overwork, and various problems occur in the body, such as poor complexion, poor sleep, or even insomnia, lack of energy, Fatigue easily, heart palpitations, cold hands and feet in winter, constipation, dizziness and headache before menstruation, less menstrual flow, etc. Such women often go to the hospital for physical examination and find nothing, but their health is always in poor condition. This is all caused by blood deficiency. What they need most is nourishment. Therefore, I have been recommending female friends to take Yuling Ointment. For such women, if the blood deficiency is nourished, the body will be completely improved, and the quality of life will be greatly reversed.

Another example is that people in Jiangnan like to eat ointment prescriptions. I think this is a very good habit. I have seen many people insist on it all year round. Know the power of nourishment.

Therefore, in modern society, everyone is so tired, I think nourishing can help everyone and improve their health.

So, in nourishing, what should I do if I encounter the problems I mentioned?

Some friends asked, should we stop tonic? No, we can remove the obstacles and nourish the body. In this way, several problems in the body will be solved.

1 Method of soaking feet with liver qi
When your liver qi is uncomfortable, or even very angry, nourishing is easy to get angry, because the qi in the body is stagnant.

So, what should we do at this time?

At this time, you can use the method of soaking your feet. I will write it to everyone again without too much trouble.

If the shape of the tongue is pointed, the tip of the tongue is very red, there is no tongue coating, or the tongue coating is very thick.
Also: bitter mouth, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, stomach distension, nausea, even vomiting, irritability, chest tightness, even heart palpitations, pain in the ribs, insomnia and dreaminess. If more than three of these symptoms are consistent with the tongue image, you can use this prescription for soaking feet. This prescription is specially designed to soothe the liver and regulate qi, especially for insomnia caused by liver qi discomfort. Just pregnant women hanged.

Prescription: 6 grams of Bupleurum bupleurum, 6 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, 6 grams of Fabanxia, 6 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, 6 grams of roasted licorice, 6 grams of cassia twig, 30 grams of Poria cocos, 30 grams of calcined keel, 30 grams of calcined oyster, Six grams of gold, six grams of polygala, six grams of Cyperus cyperus, six grams of Shichangpu, six grams of paeonol, and six grams of fried gardenia. If there is no coating on the tongue, add 9 grams of Shengdi and 9 grams of Baishao.

For this recipe, boil water for 40 minutes, divide the concoction into two parts, use one part in the morning and evening, mix it with warm water, and soak your feet. minute.

Let’s get to the key points, a friend asked:

What should I do if I suffer from liver qi discomfort, phlegm dampness, blood stasis, and blood deficiency?

My answer is that I should go to Chinese medicine for conditioning.
If you assist in conditioning yourself, the order is: No matter what, sort out the liver qi first, because this is the root cause. Most of the people I have seen are caused by the discomfort of the liver qi.

Therefore, first sort out the liver qi, and then the phlegm dampness may be eliminated by itself, or it may be easier to eliminate.
After sorting out the liver qi, then dissolve the phlegm and dampness.

The method of removing blood stasis can be added at any time, not in this order.

Under normal circumstances, if the person's liver qi is uncomfortable and needs nourishment at the same time, I will ask him to soak his feet with this formula for three days first, and then start nourishing while soaking his feet. Two weeks later, remove the prescription for soaking your feet and nourish them alone.

But everyone should remember that my prescriptions are only auxiliary for sorting out the liver qi. The real method is that everyone should let go of each other and adjust their emotions. If you have time, listen to the "Tao Te Ching" on my official account "Da Lun Academy" The explanation is also good, it is also a medicine for nourishing the heart.

2 What should I do if the phlegm is heavy? How to nourish?
There are many reasons for heavy phlegm dampness. For example, discomfort of liver qi will lead to stagnation of qi, resulting in condensed phlegm dampness. Therefore, if you encounter a person with a pointed tongue, thick and greasy tongue coating, and heavy phlegm dampness, you should sort out liver qi first. When the machine is in circulation, the phlegm dampness will dissolve by itself.

There are other reasons for heavy phlegm and dampness, so it is necessary to distinguish between phlegm and dampness, use different methods to regulate it, and then nourish it, the effect will be better.

For people with heavy humidity, the tongue is covered with coating, but it is not thick and greasy. There are many tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, and the tongue is fat.

To remove moisture, you can change yourself by increasing exercise, getting more sun, and not eating cold.

Six grams of Huoxiang (the next part), six grams of Peilan (the next part), nine grams of almonds (pounded, then the next part), six grams of white coix seed (pounded, the next part), 30 grams of coix seed, thirty grams of Poria cocos, Polyporus cocos Nine grams, six grams of Guizhi, three grams of Alisma, nine grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, and six grams of Fapinia.

First boil the water that is not marked "Houxia" for half an hour, then add the medicine marked "Houxia", and turn off the fire after five minutes. The medicinal juice is mixed with warm water to soak the feet.

This method can be used consistently for about a week. When the tongue coating starts to thin, it means that the moisture is being removed, and then start nourishing, and you should not get angry because of the wetness problem.

So, what should a person with heavy phlegm do?

People with such a constitution can refer to the article sent by my official account: "People with phlegm-dampness constitution must not take supplements", which contains specific conditioning methods.

Now let me introduce the order of conditioning. If there is discomfort of liver qi, first regulate the discomfort of liver qi, and then if there is phlegm dampness, then regulate phlegm dampness.

Of course, if a doctor treats you, the doctor may use a more flexible rhythm and order to regulate. If you are nourishing your own health, you can follow this order.

3 What should I do if there is congestion?
Blood stasis is present in many people's bodies, and it is also the product of various physical disorders. For example, qi deficiency, yang deficiency and cold, stagnation of liver qi, and phlegm dampness obstructing qi movement will all cause blood stasis. Therefore, Generally, when Chinese medicine prescribes prescriptions for patients, if they find that the patient has blood stasis, they will add blood-activating and stasis-removing medicines to the prescription, so that while other problems are being treated, blood stasis will also be treated at the same time. up.

Therefore, the treatment of blood stasis is not in the order I mentioned above. If you find blood stasis, you can use it together with the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis while nourishing. In this way, the effect of nourishing is better if the meridians are dredged. , and with the help of nourishing power, the power of removing blood stasis has also increased a lot.
For example, I give a lot of lectures, and sometimes I need to replenish Qi. When I take some Buzhongyiqi pills, I also add a little Sanqi powder. My experience is that the effect of tonifying is better.

How about this, everyone will understand a lot, right? I saw a friend leave a message yesterday, saying that I was dizzy after reading it. Why are there so many complicated factors?

Do you really feel messed up? In fact, how simple Chinese medicine is. There are so many diseases in Western medicine, and there are thousands of names of skin diseases alone. The conditioning of internal medicine in Chinese medicine is Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, and yang deficiency, these four deficiencies, Then, obstacles to the operation of meridians are generally only three types: blood stasis, phlegm dampness, and qi stagnation. We roughly use these seven types (some teachers separate phlegm dampness) types. Just these few problems correspond to tens of thousands of Western medicine. Do you think Chinese medicine is complicated? This is called using simplicity to control complexity.

Some friends will say: "It's still too complicated, I can't remember seven."

I think, then you have to study hard. In fact, when we get sick, you don’t find it troublesome to do so much "making", so many "doing", and all kinds of reckless actions that go against the laws of nature. Letting you learn just a few physiques will make you feel troublesome, which is irresponsible to yourself. sweat! Don't say you are my fan when you go out!

In fact, the methods I have mentioned are all helping you to remove the obstacles to nourishing. If you understand the truth inside and then nourish, you can make a complete improvement in your body and embark on the road to health. What a happy thing it is!
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