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Autumn is dry, can't you use warm medicine?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Autumn is dry, can't you use warm medicine?
Now there are more friends who love Chinese medicine. After learning Chinese medicine, many friends feel that they have many taboos. For example, a friend caught cold in the afternoon and felt that he should warm his body, so he stayed up at night. Ginger soup was stopped by our friends, because according to the "theory of traditional Chinese medicine", ginger cannot be eaten at night. The so-called "eat ginger late, match arsenic".

What's more, it's autumn, and a friend was blown by the cold wind, so he wanted to make some ginger soup, so our friends who know Chinese medicine began to persuade: Chinese medicine believes that you can't eat ginger in autumn!
A few days ago, I asked these friends, where did they hear that ginger cannot be eaten in autumn? A friend said it was said by a famous Chinese medicine expert.

I think: the root of this argument is that the body’s qi mechanism changes during the day, the yang qi rises in the morning, and the yang qi converges and hides in the evening, so the food you eat should be corresponding, for example, eat a little in the morning Foods that warm the sun, try to restrain the qi at night, so it is not suitable to eat some warm and radiant foods.

This statement is correct, and we can generally guide eating according to this principle. However, this thing can't be absolute, and if it is absolute, it will make people flustered. For example, in the future, there will be such a saying: "Eat ginger early, match ginseng, eat ginger late, match arsenic".

Can we make it possible to bring the recipes for morning and evening every day, and then all the food in the morning is warm? Are they all promoted? If not, is it worse than eating arsenic? For all the food at night, the medicinal properties are not warm, and if there is warmth and divergence, is it better than arsenic?

We humans are omnivores and eat a variety of things. I think it’s enough to grasp the overall situation. Some special ones don’t need to eat too much, such as popsicles. Eat it in winter, don't eat it right after you wake up. This is an absolute example. Under normal circumstances, I think it is enough to grasp the overall situation. There is always a balance between foods. When the overall amount of food you eat is enough, then most of the cold and heat are in balance.

It’s just that we have an overall grasp of the concept in our hearts. When we see foods with special cold or heat, we just need to pay attention to them.

However, if it rises to the level of arsenic competition, I think all chefs will be useless. Dinner is the busiest time for chefs. Don’t you let him try to cook with ginger?
In addition, there are special circumstances. What I mentioned above is for normal people. However, there are still many people who need to recuperate their bodies. It is not feasible to follow this principle.

For example, if you catch cold at night, of course you need to use medicines that dissipate heat, so not to mention ginger, even ephedra, you must use it when you use it.

We have never heard of it: when treating a disease, the medicine that warms the yang is only allowed to be used in the morning, and it cannot be used in the afternoon, because the qi mechanism has declined and the yang qi is about to hide. The medicines for nourishing yin and clearing away heat can only be used at night, and the yang energy will rise in the morning, so the medicines for detoxification cannot be used. These are very dogmatic statements. I think Chinese medicine lovers will get dizzy if they learn the mechanics.
When treating chronic diseases, when the patient’s body is very delicate, sometimes these factors will be taken into consideration when taking medicine, but most of the time, if there is a symptom, then the medicine will be used. If you stick to everything, you will not be able to prescribe the prescription.

Similarly, in autumn, people are more likely to catch cold. At this time, of course, warm medicine should be used to disperse the cold. If you stick to autumn and can't eat ginger and use ginger, then such a prescription will not come out.

Some people say that autumn is autumn dryness, so you can't use warm medicine, but moisturize it!

I think this is only knowing one, not knowing the other.

In autumn, when the weather turns cold just now, the human body’s qi mechanism will converge, and the liquid on the body surface will converge inward, and you will feel dry at this time, which is called cool dryness. Although it is dry at this time, it is not possible to use cooling and moisturizing methods, but to use Xin Wen to diverge, use warm medicines such as Su Ye and Ginger, to send out the Qi machine, let the body fluids return to the body surface, and then you will not feel dry Yes, this is the cure for cool dryness.

Then, when autumn is high and the air is cool, it is cool in the morning and evening, but it is exposed to the sun at noon. At this time, the body fluid will be greatly lost at noon, so it will be attacked by heat, resulting in fever. This is warm dryness, which requires nourishing yin to nourish way.

In late autumn, the weather is close to winter, and the coolness and dryness will be more obvious. When treating a disease, warming methods are indispensable. Su leaves, ephedra, and ginger should be used.

So you see, this autumn, why not use ginger?
Now that I’ve said this, everyone will understand that everything needs to be grasped flexibly. There are certain principles in Chinese medicine that must be grasped in a flexible way. If you take it out separately as a constant ruler, I’m sorry, you It is better not to learn.
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