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The weather is cold, do you know how to take a shower?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

The weather is cold, do you know how to take a shower?
Winter is coming soon, and snow has fallen in many areas in the north, and the temperature has dropped significantly. However, during this period of time, the north has not heated up, so the room is also very cold. So, at this time, how should you take a bath? Woolen cloth? What are the problems to pay attention to in the bath?

Students in the south, although it is hot in the south now, the weather will cool down sooner or later. It is beneficial for you to know this knowledge.
Some people say, is there anything else to learn here? Who can't take a bath?

I think, don’t be careless. One of my relatives just turned 70 years old, just a month ago, while taking a bath, he suddenly fell to the ground and died of sudden cardiac death, which is very sad. I've heard of several such things this fall. According to a report in a Japanese magazine, the number of deaths caused by improper bathing in Japan is as high as 14,000 every year, and winter is the time when accidents happen most. Therefore, although this knowledge is the details of life, it is very important.

Some friends think that this is only something that the elderly need to pay attention to. This is wrong. Nowadays, many middle-aged people have many physical problems, and the age of accidents is getting earlier and earlier. In addition, children are also easily injured in the bath, which requires our attention.

So, the weather is cold, what should we pay attention to when taking a bath?

First of all, what is the condition of your body.

People of each physique have completely different states when facing the cold. For example, people with yin deficiency and heat, or people with phlegm-heat, or people with strong yang qi may not feel so obvious, but for people with yang deficiency, people with blood stasis, people with qi deficiency, and people with blood deficiency, Pay attention at this time.

🔸 People with yang deficiency are most afraid of the cold at this time. People with insufficient heart yang will have heart paralysis and even heartache when they are blown by the cold wind this season. Therefore, if the room is cold at this time, problems are likely to occur, and even is a big problem.

🔸 People with qi deficiency have poor defense function. If they catch cold at this time, they are prone to attack by external evils and catch a cold, especially sweating after taking a bath, but the room is cooler. Such problems are most likely to occur at this time. But compared with those with yang deficiency, the degree of risk is not so high. But qi deficiency often leads to heavy dampness. If you catch cold, you are prone to cold-damp symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and diarrhea, and some people even have abdominal distension and shapeless stools in autumn.

🔸 People with blood stasis, the meridian circulation is not smooth, if the room is cold at this time, it is prone to the situation that Qi and blood cannot warm and nourish the limbs, if it is combined with yang deficiency, it is prone to dangerous situations, generally Most of the sudden cardiac death is related to this.

🔸 People with blood deficiency will feel especially cold at this time. If they catch cold, it will cause blood stasis and cold dampness will invade the body.

The above-mentioned situations are mutually causal, definitely not as I wrote, appearing alone, they are often combined together, it's just that some are light and some are heavy.

Therefore, people with the above physical characteristics need to pay attention to bathing in this season.

So, which part of the bath will have problems?

1. Adjustment of room temperature.

When the weather is cold, most people wear thick clothes when they go out and keep warm. However, they ignore the temperature in the room, which is also relatively low. Injured by the cold. Therefore, people with susceptible constitutions should pay attention at this time, first adjust the temperature of the room to a higher level, such as turning on the air conditioner to raise the temperature, so as to ensure that they do not get cold, which is especially important for the elderly and children of. Many elderly people like to save money, but don't do it because they are worried about the electricity consumption. In fact, you must know that life comes first.

2. Drink two small cups of warm water before and after bathing.

We suggest that before taking a bath, it is best to drink a cup of hot water to keep the body warm. This cup of water is very important for people who take a bath. Because when taking a bath, sweat is usually lost, so many people feel thirsty after taking a bath. If the body fluid is insufficient at this time and sweat is lost, then the meridian is empty, and the cold air is more likely to enter after coming out. in vivo. If you have space in your body, drinking a small cup of warm water after bathing will keep your body warm and sweat will not be lacking, which is also a good way to keep your body in shape.

3. The temperature in the bathroom.

It is recommended that in the bathroom, turn on the Yuba before taking a bath, so that the temperature can be kept warm, or you can put the hot water first, so that the hot steam will fill the whole bathroom, and the temperature will be more suitable. When you enter again, it will not Feeling very cold.

4. Which part should be washed first in the bath?

There have been a lot of discussions about this issue. Articles circulated on the Internet say that doctors in Japan and Taiwan recommend washing the face first, then the limbs, then the body, and finally the hair. The reason is this, after people take off their clothes in winter, due to the cold, the body will constrict the blood to the internal organs and the brain. If the brain is washed with hot water at this time, the blood in the brain will suddenly flow, which will increase the blood circulation in the brain. pressure, causing problems.

I think this makes sense, but it's worth pointing out: Even if you wash your extremities first, I recommend gradually increasing the temperature, for example, by starting to rub your body with water to allow the body to gradually adapt.

What should be opposed most is the kind that is sprayed directly with hot water. Some people have weak blood, and the body suddenly heats up, and the capillaries expand at once, which requires a large amount of blood to pour in. At this time, the brain will be ischemic. , I have seen people who fainted in the bathroom because of this reason, which is also worthy of vigilance. Therefore, step by step is very important.

5. Don't take a bath for too long.

In summer, the general bathing space is mostly open, for example, there are windows that can be opened for ventilation. In winter, even your room is closed, not to mention the bathroom. Therefore, after a long time, people with insufficient oxygen, hot and humid transpiration, and weak constitution, especially those with Qi deficiency, will be in danger. Therefore, it is generally better to control it within 20 minutes.

6. Is it good to take a cold bath?

This is an old topic. Some people support cold water baths in winter. For example, Fan Jianchuan, the famous curator of folk museums, has insisted on cold water baths for many years. His body is very healthy and he has undertaken very heavy work. I have seen some Chinese medicine enthusiasts question his actions, and he is also very helpless, saying that I have been like this for a long time, and my health is indeed better than before?

In addition, there are some Chinese medicine practitioners who oppose cold water baths, believing that it will injure Yang Qi and lead to major problems.

My point of view is this, if your body’s yang energy is still good, it is also possible to take a cold water bath step by step according to a certain method, for example, starting from summer to make the body gradually adapt, and then until winter, at this time, the body will be due to There is an external cold, which increases the ability to resist. Therefore, people who generally insist on cold water baths, one of the biggest reactions is that their physical fitness is stronger than before, and their ability to resist colds has increased.

I am opposed to the kind of people who keep warm blindly, become more and more afraid of the cold, and eventually become weak. It is also possible to enhance the body's resistance in the same way.

However, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, some people should not try this way, such as people with heart problems, you are licking blood with a knife head, which is very dangerous. For example, people with blood deficiency and blood stasis, especially those with insufficient yang qi, their physical condition is very deficient at this time. At this time, if you use your deficient body to try to resist cold, it is like holding a The moth-eaten stick is the same as Wu Song fighting a tiger, you know the consequences yourself, it's not good!

Therefore, for these people, adjusting the physique is the most important thing. What you need is to make up for the leak, not to challenge the deficient body fearlessly.

I think it's not that difficult to look at it this way.

For the elderly, I think it is absolutely dangerous to try this kind of cold water bath.

Well, dear friends, we will stop here for the knowledge about how we should take a bath when the weather is cold. These knowledge are details that are easily overlooked. I hope you can forward them to your children. Old people take a look and understand, I believe this will help many people.
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