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People with phlegm-damp constitution can't make supplements, how should they be recuperated? | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

The Most Complete Guide to Phlegm-Damp Constitution Care
There are often friends who think they are weak, and when they meet me, they ask: "Dr. Luo, we have supplements from others at home. There are ginseng, sea cucumber, cordyceps, and bird's nest. Which supplement do you think I should take?"

Now that autumn is coming, many people are starting to prepare for winter tonic. This is a custom in the south, it is a good thing, and it is very important for the protection of the body.

However, this matter really depends on the physique, first of all, don't make up for it! For example, this ginseng is a good product for health preservation. Sir Run Run Shaw, a Hong Kong billionaire, lived for more than a hundred years. Before his death, he used to take wild ginseng for a long time. He took a ginseng worth 20,000 Hong Kong dollars a day. Later, he learned Qigong and gradually became dissatisfied with so much. However, people are getting healthier and healthier after taking it, and they die at the age of one hundred. And some people have nosebleeds after taking it, why is this? Because ginseng replenishes qi, people with qi deficiency will get better and better after taking it, but if they are yin deficiency or have excess heat, they will become hotter and hotter after taking it. You see, nosebleeds are also an inevitable result La!

Therefore, tonic must consider physical fitness, and don't reverse the direction.

In addition, there are some constitutions that cannot be nourished at all, but need to be cleared, for example, the phlegm-damp constitution we are talking about today.

First, let's take a look at what is "moisture"

Moisture is the water we ingest. For some reason, the body cannot fully transport it and expel it. As a result, it stays in the body and becomes an obstacle that affects the flow of Qi and blood. This is called endogenous dampness.

The weather outside is humid, which is external damp evil. The combination of the two is even more serious.

So, what is the "phlegm" of "phlegm dampness"?
The phlegm mentioned in Chinese medicine has a difference between "visible phlegm" and "intangible phlegm". The so-called tangible phlegm refers to the phlegm that we cough up. The invisible phlegm refers to the viscous pathological liquid in the body, such as the phlegm that is gradually condensed by the condensation of water and moisture, or the phlegm formed by eating fat, sweet and delicious food all day long, and excessive nutrition, which leads to the retention of metabolites .

This heavy moisture will lead to an increase in phlegm, and the appearance of phlegm will lead to more moisture. The combination of phlegm and dampness will make things worse.

So, what does the tongue look like in a phlegm-damp constitution?

Let's take a look at this tongue photo!

So, what kind of symptoms do people with phlegm-damp constitution have?

Let's list them all!

1. Tongue appearance: The tongue is fat and big, the coating is greasy, thick, and the color of the tongue coating is whitish or yellow, and there are often tooth marks on the edge of the tongue.

2. Body shape and complexion: Obese body shape, especially plump and soft abdomen, prone to swollen limbs, more oily facial skin, pale yellow and dark complexion, slightly floating eyes, easy to sleepy, and thunderous snoring while sleeping.

3. Feelings in the mouth and body: sticky in the mouth, pale lips, rarely feel thirsty, do not want to drink water. Sweating easily, sticky sweat, cool skin after sweating, heavy head and body sleepiness, often feeling dizzy, severe joint pain, skin numbness, and tinnitus easily.
4. Feeling and sleep: The body is sore and weak, lazy, and sleepy easily. Chest tightness, phlegm, prone to gastrointestinal discomfort, like to eat fat, sweet and thick.

5. Urinary and feces: frequent defecation, shapeless, easy to stick to the toilet, turbid urine.

6. Pulse condition: pulse wet and slippery.

7. In the physical examination of Western medicine, the cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and blood sugar of those with phlegm-dampness constitution were significantly higher than those without phlegm-dampness constitution.

I guess, at this point, many friends began to feel that they have a tendency to have this phlegm-damp constitution, so they would ask: "Then what should I do?"

What needs to be reminded is that people with this physique should not take supplements lightly. If they take supplements, it will be like adding fuel to the fire, and the more supplements will become more chaotic. I once saw an entrepreneur with a phlegm-damp constitution who was prescribed a tonic by an expert. In that prescription, almost all the traditional Chinese medicines that I have seen have the effect of tonic, qi, blood, yin and yang, tonic together, it is estimated that Is the prescription prescribed according to the catalog of Chinese pharmacy textbooks? In the end, the entrepreneur was so dizzy that he passed out once in public.
So, how should people with phlegm-dampness constitution be recuperated?
It's very simple, just talk about diet and exercise.

For people with this kind of physique, I suggest eating more radishes and cabbage, and eating less fat, sweet and savory. If you can hold back and change the taste, you can hopefully change your physique.

The other is exercise. If people with this physique can persist in exercising, it will be of great benefit to the recovery of the body.

I remember that I have a friend who I met during my lectures at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. His name is Zhu Guofan. He founded a company called Liangzi Fitness, headquartered in Beijing. He was studying at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business at that time. He invited me to visit their company and told me his story, which surprised me.

This Zhu is always from Henan, with a burly body. He is very confident in his health and has never had a physical examination. Later, by accident, he was on a business trip from Beijing to Shanghai, and he was dragged by a friend for a physical examination. As soon as the physical examination results came out , I was terrified. It turned out that the indicators were particularly bad, such as "three highs", fatty liver, etc., so I asked the doctor what medicine to take? The doctor said that there is no need to take medicine, but exercise is enough. He asked again: "How to exercise?" The doctor said: Walk!

When Mr. Zhu heard this, didn't he just walk? good! I'll take a walk and see if it works!

So, he came out of the hospital, went back to the hotel, picked up his bag, and started walking from Shanghai to Beijing!

This road seems to be walking for two months. In short, the body is the first, and the career is the second. I put down my work first and concentrate on walking.

Then, I walked all the way to Beijing, and when I arrived in Beijing, I didn't go home, so I went directly to the hospital for a physical examination.

So, what are the results of the physical examination? I guess everyone guessed it, everything is normal! All indicators, all normal!

This example tells us that exercise can solve many problems. This kind of over-nourished phlegm-damp constitution is very suitable for exercise.

Now I read this Mr. Zhu Guofan’s Weibo and found that he did nothing else but took everyone for a walk and organized an activity called “Extraordinary Footprints”. Then there is the Gobi Desert, and recently it seems to be Shanghai. In short, it is a joy to travel around the world with a large group of people.

So, if you want to use prescriptions to reduce phlegm and dampness, what should you do?
I suggest that you can use the recipe of Wendan soup to soak your feet.

The formula is like this:

Thirty grams of Poria cocos, six grams of Fapinia, nine grams of tangerine peel, six grams of roasted licorice, six grams of Zhuru, and six grams of Citrus aurantium.

If it is cold phlegm, the body always feels very cold, and the tongue coating is white, add five slices of ginger. If it is phlegm heat, such as the tongue is red, the tongue coating is sticky, but slightly yellow, then there is no need to add ginger.

You can use this recipe to boil water, then mix the medicinal juice into warm water to soak your feet. Soak twice a day for 20 minutes each time. Pregnant women should not use it. Generally use about five pairs, you can get the effect.

After getting the effect, if the tongue coating becomes thinner and no longer thick and greasy, you can take one or two boxes of Xiangsha Liujunzi Pills to deal with the aftermath.

However, everyone must remember that this physique is closely related to living habits, so sports and a light diet are the real ways to improve!

I think, if you see that your tongue is phlegm-damp, you should live like a rabbit, eating radishes and cabbage every day, and then jumping up and down. You see, this is not only healthy, but also healthy. It's getting cuter and cuter!
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