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What should I do if I have cervical discomfort and difficulty turning my head?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

What should I do if I have cervical discomfort and difficulty turning my head?
I wrote before that the back of my mother's neck was tight, and she felt pain when she turned her head. I used Pueraria decoction, and it was basically cured the next day.

At this time last year, we returned to Hainan from the Northeast again, because the temperature in the Northeast dropped before we left, and when we arrived in Hainan, we found that my mother had turned around and had a difficult situation again. I felt like a stiff neck for several days, so I opened kudzu root again. Decoction to remove ephedra, still healed in one day, and I could turn my head easily the next morning, so I then took two aftermaths, and there is no problem so far.

This Pueraria decoction is Zhang Zhongjing's classic prescription in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". It has outstanding effects, especially for neck and shoulder problems. Therefore, this is a magical prescription. Now many people use it to treat cervical spondylosis. . In Japan, this medicine is made into a patented medicine. Once you have a cold, the doctor may prescribe it for you. First of all, this patented medicine Gegentang.

So, what is so magical about this kudzu root soup?
First, let's take a look at the drug composition of this prescription:

12 grams of kudzu root, 6 grams of ephedra, 6 grams of cassia twig, 9 grams of ginger, 6 grams of roasted licorice, 6 grams of peony, 12 pieces of jujube (break apart).
This is what we generally use now. Generally, for people who lack righteousness and sweat frequently, I will remove the medicine of ephedra.

Gegen Decoction is mainly used for the treatment of exogenous wind-cold symptoms, aversion to cold and fever, headache, stiff neck and back, body pain without sweating, slight abdominal pain, or diarrhea, or retching, or slight wheezing, pale tongue with white coating, floating and tense pulse . It is currently used for colds, influenza, measles, dysentery, arthralgia and other diseases where the above symptoms are seen. (Attention everyone, the symptom here is "no sweat".)

The main dialectical point of this soup syndrome is that the shoulders and the back of the neck feel tight, difficult to twist, and there is a feeling of pulling.

Now in addition to the treatment of exogenous pathogenic factors, this prescription is also mostly used in the conditioning of shoulder and neck diseases.

The boiling method of this prescription is also more particular.

First boil 1 liter of water, cook ephedra and kudzu root, reduce to 800 ml, remove the foam, then add the rest of the medicine, boil 300 ml, remove the dregs, and take 150 ml warm each time. Keep warm after taking the medicine. Put on a piece of clothing and take it slightly like sweat.

This prescription is actually used a lot in Japan. Maybe you have a cold. The first thing Japanese think of is this medicine. However, in our country, this side also produces it, but it is very small. It seems to be called Gegentang Granules. You can check online to see if it is sold.

For this prescription, Fang Youzhi, a physician in the Ming Dynasty and the founder of the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" study of the wrong Jane School, believed:

"Those who use ephedra, cinnamon twig, licorice, and kudzu root to think of soup are actually ephedra plus regulations. Those who use ginger, jujube, and peony, Yangming belongs to the stomach, and the stomach is the middle palace. Ginger and jujube are both in harmony. Peony has The meaning of slowing down is also."

"Use non-cure to cure benefit, ephedra disperses the surface of the sun, kudzu root relieves the muscles of yangming, cassia twig governs the harmony of Rongwei, ginger jujube strengthens the weak spleen and stomach, licorice, harmonizes the elderly of the country, and peony, moderates and assists. If this is the case, if the evils in the meridians are scattered, then the normal return in the stomach will be cleared up, and those who are not clear will be cleared up, and those who are not obvious to be cured will be cured in it."

Now this prescription has many opportunities to treat shoulder and neck diseases, such as cervical spondylosis that many of us now have.

Today's cervical spondylosis is actually more complicated, with various causes and classifications, such as cervical spondylitis, hypertrophic cervical spondylitis, and cervical nerve root syndrome. , looking at the mobile phone all day long, improper posture leads to joint problems; weak qi and blood, unable to replenish and nourish the meridian tendons, especially the lack of yang qi, which leads to the loss of nourishment of the governor vessel, etc. Among them, feeling cold evil, leading to poor blood flow, is also an important reason.
And which type of cervical spondylosis does Pueraria decoction have a good effect on?
It is among these causes that there is a factor of "feeling wind and cold". This kind of shoulder and neck meridians are tense, and the effect is very good. In this kudzu root soup, Guizhi soup is used as the base, which has the effect of reconciling nutrition and health, warming and nourishing meridians, and adding ephedra to dispel cold. And kudzu root has the functions of relieving muscle, reducing fever, promoting body fluid and relieving cough, moistening meridian and relieving spasm, because the medicinal property of kudzu root is upward, so this prescription acts on the upper part of the body. I once used it to treat a friend whose face was blown by cold wind and caused facial spasms, and he was cured with a few medicines.

It is worth noting that if it is only treating shoulder and neck problems, not treating exogenous diseases, the medicine must be adjusted. There are many people who are weak in modern people. If you see patients who sweat frequently and sweat when you move a little, this is a lack of righteousness. I usually remove the ephedra medicine in the prescription and use the remaining medicine. Regardless of the actual situation, if people who are physically weak sweat frequently and still use ephedra to sweat, they will make a mistake of "deficiency, deficiency and excess", which will cause adverse reactions in patients.
I learned this method of medicine from the late Professor Jiao Shude of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital. Mr. Jiao has rich experience in the use of traditional Chinese medicine. When he meets people with wind-cold symptoms, he will use ephedra, and he will also add notopterygium, red Flowers, Poria, Aconite and other medicines, but he will remove the ephedra when encountering people with surface deficiency and spontaneous sweating.

Jiao Lao uses this prescription, and kudzu root often uses 30 grams to 60 grams. Guizhi and Baishao will also use about 12 grams to 18 grams.

It is said that Li Ke, an old Chinese doctor, used about 90 grams of kudzu root in the treatment of cervical spondylosis. This is his personal experience, and it seems that it has not been written in the book.

I think people in general cities may not suffer from the cold so badly, so they usually don't use that much.

After the ephedra is removed from this recipe, it is very peaceful. In fact, it is basically the same as Guizhi soup with kudzu root. If you just feel tired and tense in your neck, I think I can also recommend the method of soaking your feet:

15 grams of kudzu root, 9 grams of cinnamon sticks, 6 grams of roasted licorice, 9 grams of peony, 5 slices of ginger, 3 pieces of jujube (break apart). Boil water and soak your feet in this water for 20 minutes at a time, preferably twice a day. Soak for three days. Pregnant women should not use it.

Once, a relative had cervical pain, which had been repeated for several months, so she went to a bone-setter, who was probably not good enough, and gave her a head and neck that she didn't know how to fiddle with. , It is said that it made a rattling sound, and after treatment, it got worse, and she couldn't sleep in bed, and she couldn't turn her head at ordinary times, so she asked me: "I don't want to be cured, but I want to return to the state before the bone setting, okay?" So I suggested to her Using Pueraria decoction to remove ephedra, 9 grams of cassia twig and white peony root were both used. As a result, the five sub-medicines basically recovered. Later, she insisted on using some Sanqi powder every day, and finally recovered completely.
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