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I get so angry that my stomach hurts, what should I do?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

I get so angry that my stomach hurts, what should I do?
In the human body, the functions of viscera are largely affected by emotions, and the most obvious influence should be the spleen and stomach. In other words, the function of the digestive system is closely related to emotions, even the function of the intestines. This phenomenon that emotions affect the function of the spleen and stomach is called "liver wood counteracts spleen soil" in traditional Chinese medicine. The results of Western medicine research are also the same. Some Western medicine even say that the abdomen is a person's second brain.

In modern society, we have a lot of psychological pressure, so there will be a situation of uncomfortable liver qi, and there will be situations of liver anger attacking the stomach.

So, if a person is in a bad mood and has a lot of anger, what problems will cause stomach problems? Which aspect of the stomach will be hurt?

Ye Tianshi, a well-known doctor in the Qing Dynasty, put forward the theory of "stomach yin". He believed: "When the Taiyin is wet and the soil is yang, it will move; The spleen likes rigidity and dryness, and the stomach likes softness and moistness." To treat the spleen, it can be used to treat the spleen with sweetness and temperature, and to treat the stomach, it should be sweet and cool. Therefore, it is emphasized that "avoid rigidity and use softness" in medication, and it is advisable to choose "Ganping or Ganliang moistening products" to nourish the stomach and promote body fluid.

This theory put forward by Ye Tianshi is very important to us, because people with a lot of anger will often cause anger to hurt the stomach and yin.

Therefore, once we see that the patient is in a bad mood, very angry, and has stomach pain and bloating, we have to consider whether it has hurt the stomach yin.

The specific symptoms of this kind of anger are:

Hypochondriac pain, nausea, retching, nausea, heartache and palpitations, dizziness, bitter mouth, constipation, red eyes, numbness of limbs, upset and irritable, dry throat and red lips, crimson or stripped tongue, stringy pulse left .

The most important of these is red tongue, which is an indication of heat.

In this case, what should we do?

Ye Tianshi thought more carefully about this. He believed that if the conventional method of soothing the liver and regulating qi is used, it will be worried about its pungent dryness and hurting yin; Therefore, Yeh proposed "don't use hard medicine and use soft medicine". It is advocated that while maintaining the middle burner, the liver must be controlled first, that is, the method of nourishing the stomach and calming the liver. He also thinks that Atractylodes macrocephala and licorice are kept, Cimicifuga and Bupleurum are promoted, "actually they are spleen medicines". If it is used for patients with liver and stomach yin injuries, it will rarely be effective. Because "the liver is a visceral body, so it should be soft and gentle. The stomach is a yang soil, so it should be cool and moist." Acid can control the liver, astringe yin to produce body fluid, and sweetness can make body fluid return.

Therefore, Ye Tianshi skillfully selects donkey-hide gelatin, raw land, white peony, etc. to nourish the liver and soften the liver. Use papaya, ebony, schisandra, etc. to make liver wood.

In this way, by softening the liver with sourness, the wood qi can be restrained by itself.

Liver fire can damage the stomach yin, so it is very important to regulate the stomach yin at this time.

For people with stomach yin injury, the symptoms summarized by Ye Tianshi are:

No hunger and no appetite, or knowing that you are hungry and less appetite, or eating bad taste, low voice and discouraged, not thirsty, or thirsty and wanting cold drinks, bitter mouth and difficulty in eating, tender tongue with little fluid, thready and rapid pulse, etc.

These are all searched from Ye Tianshi's medical records. In fact, my judgment standard is that the tongue is red, the tongue coating is very thin, or even has no tongue coating. Stomach bloating, like to eat cool food, dare not eat hard food, people are getting thinner and thinner. If you have these symptoms, you should highly suspect whether you have insufficient stomach yin.

So, this stomach yin, how to take care of it?

Ye Tianshi believes that at this time, the treatment should be the method of moistening with sweetness and coolness. Ganliang can relieve dryness and heat, and moisten can nourish stomach yin, so as to achieve the purpose of clearing and nourishing stomach yin. Ye Tianshi's mental method was inspired by Zhang Zhongjing's "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" Maimendong Decoction. Therefore, the masters of traditional Chinese medicine in the past, regardless of sect, became masters only after they read a lot of books.

So, what kind of medicine does Ye Tianshi use to nourish the stomach yin? Ye Tianshi often uses Radix Ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, Dendrobium, Polygonatum Polygonatum, Raw Glycyrrhizae, Sugarcane Juice and other products that are sweet, cool, moisturizing, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, so as to make stomach yin descend smoothly. It is combined with japonica rice, glutinous rice, southern jujube and other sweet and flat stomach to reconcile stomach qi.
Therefore, these two ideas, one nourishes stomach yin, and the other softens liver wood, the combination of the two is a good idea to regulate liver fire and suppress stomach yin!
Below, I recommend the tea recipe that I often use to soothe the liver and nourish the stomach.

Six grams of Radix Pseudostellariae, 9 grams of Chinese Yam, 6 grams of Rehmannia, 6 grams of Beisha Ginseng, 6 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 6 grams of Dendrobium, 6 grams of Polygonatum odoratum, 6 grams of Rhizoma Cyperus, 6 grams of Turmeric, 6 grams of Bergamot, woody fragrance Six grams, nine grams of white peony root, six grams of papaya, six grams of licorice, and a handful of japonica rice.

This recipe, boiled water, is used as a substitute for tea, all of which are calming products. As long as the liver anger invades the stomach, causing bloating and stomach pain, and people who are confirmed to have a red tongue, they can basically recover after drinking it for two or three days. Pregnant women should not use it.

medical case
A few days ago, a friend was in a bad mood and then had stomach pains and hiccups, which were unbearable. Taking stomach medicine by himself didn't work, and the massage only temporarily relieved the pain, and then the pain returned. When I went to the hospital, Western medicine prescribed medicines to control gastric acid and regulate gastric motility. According to the treatment of ulcer disease, it was slightly effective after taking it, but it did not heal. Because the tongue is indeed dark red, not a pale tongue, so I judged that the anger hurt the stomach yin, so I recommended this prescription. The pain relieved on the day of drinking, and the pain was no longer the next day.

Before, I introduced the stomach pain caused by cold, and even stomach ulcers and other diseases. I used Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction to treat it. In that case, the tongue must be pale, not red. What I will introduce today is another kind of stomach disease, which is the situation where the stomach yin is injured because of bad mood and great anger. At this time, the tongue must be red, which is the difference between the two.

Sometimes, if you ask patients about their symptoms, they may provide vague information. However, the tongue image is very intuitive. If we understand the tongue image, we can better distinguish the general direction!

Therefore, friends, you must learn more about tongue diagnosis. Among the diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, tongue diagnosis may be the most intuitive and easy to learn!
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