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What exactly is the Cordyceps flower in the restaurant?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

What exactly is the Cordyceps flower in the restaurant?
Today is the first time in 2018 that Yun Shao brings everyone to make soup. It is the first show in the new year. I hope everyone will applaud! thank you image

Today's soup is a bit powerful, because we use a relatively new Chinese herbal medicine, maybe you have seen it on the restaurant menu or on the table - Cordyceps flower. Huh? Cordyceps flower? Does it have anything to do with Cordyceps sinensis? Does it work? In fact, Cordyceps flower is really a highly recommended medicinal material, because its efficacy is completely comparable to that of Cordyceps sinensis, and some of its active ingredients are even higher than those of Cordyceps sinensis!

We all know that Cordyceps sinensis is a precious Chinese herbal medicine with high medicinal value. It is a good product for nourishing the lungs and kidneys. , It has a good therapeutic effect on labor cough and phlegm blood, and can be used to stew soup with meat. However, high-quality Cordyceps sinensis is gradually becoming rare and expensive, and counterfeit and inferior products are flooding the market, and consumers do not know how to choose. Fortunately, now we have artificially cultivated a Chinese herbal medicine with the same effect as Cordyceps sinensis - Cordyceps flower.

Cordyceps flower scientific name Cordyceps mycelium, also known as Cordyceps militaris. Shenyang is the earliest place in the country to study Cordyceps flowers, and it belongs to the National Spark Program in the 1980s-the research project on the artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis. The National Spark Program of the year brought together a large number of elite biotechnology talents. After years of research, without changing the characteristics of Cordyceps sinensis, high-quality wheat, rice, milk, soybeans, glucose, etc. were used as nutritional bases, and high-tech facilities were used to build The growth environment of the larvae of the Tibetan bat moth is used to cultivate the fruiting bodies of Cordyceps sinensis, which can replace wild Cordyceps sinensis in the fields of tonics, health food and medicine. In 2009, it was approved as a new resource food by the Ministry of Health.

The medicinal value, nutritional content and clinical effect of Cordyceps flower are comparable to that of Cordyceps sinensis, even better than that of Cordyceps sinensis. It is self-perspiring and stomach-cold, and has a mellow taste. It is very suitable for stewing soup with meat. It has the functions of nourishing the kidney and strengthening the body, nourishing the lungs and health, and balancing yin and yang. In the dry season of autumn and winter, making soup with Cordyceps flowers can relieve cough and asthma, moisturize and beautify the skin. In short, as good as Cordyceps sinensis is, Cordyceps flowers are as good. The most important thing is that the price of Cordyceps flowers is affordable, and we can all afford them!

Today, we will take you to make a soup with Cordyceps flower. The name is Cordyceps flower lotus root ribs soup. This is also a very classic Cordyceps flower soup.

First prepare the ingredients: Cordyceps flower, pork ribs, lotus root, organic corn, ginger, green onion, salt, sesame oil. The amount of ingredients can be adjusted according to the number of people serving.

After washing the Cordyceps flowers, soak them in water for half an hour.

Wash the lotus root and slice.

After the ribs are washed, blanch them in a pot of cold water.

While boiling, skim off foam with a strainer.

Remove after blanching.

Take clear water and boil until warm, set aside.

Pour water into the steamer and put the steaming rack in place.

Put the casserole on the steaming rack, add the just-boiled warm water, put in the pork ribs, and use warm water to prevent the blanched and uncooled meat from returning to life. Since there is no gas in the studio, we can only use the casserole steaming method here. For those who have gas, just put the casserole on the fire.

Then pour the green onions, ginger, corn, lotus root slices, and Cordyceps flowers into the pot. Note that the water for soaking the Cordyceps flowers must also be poured into the casserole to avoid waste~ Corn Yunshao really didn't cut it, only broke it into two halves.

Cover the casserole and simmer for 2-3 hours.

When stewing in water, pay attention to the water in the steamer. When the water is low, add water in time.

When the time is up, add an appropriate amount of salt and stir well before eating. You can also add sesame oil according to your personal taste.

The aroma is strong, the soup color is bright, and the taste is very delicious. This is probably the legendary color, fragrance and taste~ Coupled with rich nutrition, um, a perfect picture

In fact, in addition to making soup, we can also use Cordyceps flower cold okra, cold vermicelli, cold fungus, etc. You can search the Internet for more edible patterns, and look forward to the effect of your tonic!
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