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Tinnitus Causes and Treatment Summary

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Tinnitus Causes and Treatment Summary
Many friends have asked me about tinnitus. This is a particularly troublesome disease, and it is really troublesome to treat. Many friends seek medical advice everywhere for the treatment of tinnitus. So, what is going on with this disease? Woolen cloth? I'm here today to talk to you about tinnitus.

The disease of tinnitus can be roughly divided into two types. One is delusion-type tinnitus, which means that there is no such sound at all. It is the patient’s own ear, which illusoryly “fantasizes” the sound due to the change of function. Today we will talk about it. tinnitus, mainly of this type.

The other type is non-hearing tinnitus, which refers to the fact that there are sounds, such as tinnitus caused by organic lesions around the ears. This kind of tinnitus is often consistent with the heartbeat and can be measured by some instruments.

There are many discussions on tinnitus in ancient China, and they are basically this kind of tinnitus. This kind of tinnitus may be like the chirping of cicadas, high-pitched and slender. Many friends described it as if there were many cicadas singing in their ears, and they were restless. .

Some friends described that their ears were buzzing, making them groggy and dizzy.

So, what exactly is causing these tinnitus? How do we identify it?

I think the causes of tinnitus can be roughly as follows:

01 Weakness of the spleen and stomach, loss of ascending and descending

In the classic of traditional Chinese medicine "Huang Di Nei Jing", it is believed that tinnitus is related to the spleen and stomach, and the internal classics believe that the problems of the nine orifices are all caused by the stomach. We may not have paid attention to this point today. In fact, I think weakness of the spleen and stomach is a very important trigger of tinnitus. For example, many people don’t eat at the meal time, and work hungry, which will lead to spleen and stomach injury, and lack of middle qi. The rise and fall of the human body’s qi mechanism depends entirely on the mediation of middle qi. If the spleen and stomach are normal, the light and clear qi will rise. The turbid yin qi must descend, but if the ascending and descending is disordered, the turbid qi will be on top, blinding the clear orifices, and tinnitus will occur. Among my friends suffering from tinnitus, I have observed that many of them eat indiscreetly, eat indiscriminately, and often work on an empty stomach, because they can skip lunch and dinner because of work.

So, what are the characteristics of such a person?

First of all, let’s take a look at the characteristics of this kind of tinnitus. The tinnitus of this kind of people will have a low voice, which will be obvious after fatigue, and accompanied by dizziness and weakness.

Mr. Gan Zuwang, a famous master of Chinese medicine, was especially good at ENT. He himself lived to be more than a hundred years old before he died. , the analysis of the tone and pitch of tinnitus is very important information. This exposition of the old man is very inspiring to us.

This kind of person has mental fatigue, weakness of limbs, weakened spleen and stomach function, less appetite, abdominal distension after eating, stools are easily deformed, complexion is not bright, sweating at the slightest movement, feeling lack of energy, pulse is big and soft, tender and fat tongue Pale white, the most important thing is that there are tooth marks on the edge of the tongue.
I think such friends should let go of quick-acting considerations, take care of their spleen and stomach, eat seriously, and take care of their middle-qi.
At the same time, you can take Chinese patent medicines. I suggest taking Buzhong Yiqi Pills in the morning after meals and Guipi Pills in the evening before going to bed. You can also use the Yiqi Congcong Decoction, which was also created by Li Dongyuan, for conditioning. Today, its Chinese patent medicine is called Yiqi Congcong Wan, which is produced by many manufacturers.

If possible, you can use 6 grams of Shichangpu and 9 grams of Passepartout, boil water, divide the water into two parts, and take two Chinese patent medicines respectively. This Shichangpu and Passepartout are medicine primers.

I have also used Huang Yuanyu's method of raising and lowering the spleen and stomach, and the effect is also good. After recording "Hundred Schools Lecture Forum", a leader of CCTV said that he had tinnitus for many years, and almost all of them were invigorating the kidney, but it didn't work. So I adjusted the spleen and stomach for him. I remember that I used the prescription of Huang Yuanyu in the Qing Dynasty to treat ear diseases - Shenfu Wuwei Shaoyao Decoction. The composition of this prescription is:

Nine grams of Poria cocos, six grams of Fapinia (the original prescription is nine grams), six grams of licorice, nine grams of ginseng, nine grams of orange peel, three grams of schisandra, and nine grams of white peony root.

We can use it in future generations, and we can also add some medicines such as Shichangpu and Passepartout.

The Poria cocos in the prescription is to dispel dampness and raise the spleen to clear qi, pinellia to reduce stomach qi, tangerine peel to regulate lung qi, ginseng tonify lung qi, schisandra to restrain lung qi, and white peony acid to soften the liver. Huang Yuanyu thought that the spleen and stomach qi would go up and down normally, and the tinnitus would disappear.

As a result, the treatment I gave to the leader of CCTV was very effective. He was very surprised and asked why the spleen and stomach should be adjusted for tinnitus? I explained the truth to him, and he was very impressed. In addition to thanking him, he also gave me a book written by him as a souvenir.

02 Irritated

Our body is closely related to emotions. Many people's tinnitus is caused by lack of righteousness. Of course, that may be the basis, but at the same time, many people are caused by anger.

Therefore, if the patient has abnormal high-pitched ringing and often has a grand feeling of tinnitus, then we need to ask whether he was angry because of something before suffering from tinnitus, which led to discomfort of liver qi.

This kind of tinnitus, there will be paroxysmal outbreaks, but sometimes it is tolerable, and sometimes it is unbearable.

At this time, the symptoms of the patient are: headache, dizziness, dizziness, bitter mouth, dry mouth, flushed eyes, irritability, insomnia and dreaminess, yellow urine, and dry stool. The tongue is red, or a sharp red edge can be observed. The pulse is stringy, hard and powerful.

At this time, Longdan Xiegan Decoction or Zhizi Qinggan Decoction can be used for treatment. Longdan Xiegan Decoction has a Chinese patent medicine called Longdan Xiegan Pills. If such patients can take Longdan Xiegan Pills for a few days, the development can be controlled. There are many prescriptions for Zhizi Qinggan Decoction, which I introduced in the article on the treatment of thyroid nodules, and can be used to soak feet.

If the symptoms are not so serious, just because of bad mood and some tinnitus, you can use Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills.

03 Excited

This kind of situation, in fact, is the same reason as the previous one, which is caused by bad mood and anger, but the heart fire is strong, which often occurs at the same time as the deficiency of kidney yin. Moreover, my experience is that people with high heart fire often have Tinnitus tends to appear on the right side, this is because the heart fire should go down to the right side, but now it is stagnant and does not go down; while for people with exuberant liver fire, tinnitus often appears on the left side, this is because the liver qi rises to the left, but now it is stagnant.

People with high heart fire will have a red tip of the tongue, easily upset, prone to mouth sores, and have yellowish urine.

Exuberance of heart-fire and deficiency of kidney yin will lead to disharmony between heart and kidney. Chen Shiduo in the Ming Dynasty said in "Syndrome Diagnosis: Ear Pain Gate": "When the heart and kidney are intertwined, only the upper and lower levels can be calm, and the vision and hearing are in charge. If the kidneys do not communicate with the heart and the heart does not communicate with the kidneys, both can make listening and hearing disorder. However, the kidney desire Turn it over to the heart, and hand it over to the kidneys with the desire of the heart, and they will be able to accept each other, and they will enjoy each other. If the kidney fire is strong, the heart will be afraid of the kidney fire and dare not hand it down; if the heart fire is too strong, the kidneys will be afraid of the heart flames. Dare to hand it in. Both can make the ears ring. But if the heart does not communicate with the kidney, the tinnitus is light, and if the kidney is not communicated with the heart, the tinnitus is severe."

This kind of tinnitus is high-pitched and sharp.

Generally speaking, if the tinnitus is still severe during the day, the possibility of heart fire is high, and if the tinnitus is loud and sharp at night, the possibility of kidney yin deficiency is high. But I think the two are often combined together. When conditioning, we must consider it comprehensively.

As for the conditioning, I especially admire Mr. Qian Zuwang's "Xie Li filling method", which is to relieve the heart fire and nourish the kidney water. He once used such a prescription in his medical records. I think it can be slightly modified, and I recommend it. :

Coptidis 1.5g, Bamboo Leaf 3g, Rush 6g, Semen jujubae, Rehmannia glutinosa, Rehmannia glutinosa, Ophiopogon japonicus, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Fushen, Cuscuta, and raspberry 10g each.

You can ask a nearby doctor to add or subtract this prescription. The idea is always to clear the heart fire and nourish the kidney water. The effect is very good. I have benefited a lot from this method.

04 Simple deficiency of kidney yin

Mr. Qian Zuwang thinks that when it comes to tinnitus, Liuwei Dihuang Pills or Deaf Zuoci Pills are used. Yin deficiency is caused by deficiency of kidney essence, he said, but it is mostly concentrated in the age group of the elderly. For the elderly, there are more deficiency syndromes, and it can even reach 70 to 80%.

But I think it is not uncommon for modern people to consume too much, age early, and have kidney essence deficiency, so this situation should also be considered.

This kind of tinnitus is very sharp, especially at night, or when the ears are covered. Such people have red tongues with thin tongue coatings, or even no tongue coatings. Hot hands and feet, irritability, night sweats, rapid pulse, all in all a manifestation of yin deficiency.

Only such people can take Liuwei Dihuang Pills or Erling Zuoci Pills. I think if night sweats are obvious, you can take Zhibai Dihuang Pills for two days first, then Liuwei Dihuang Pills, and stick to it. This kind of situation is mostly formed for a long time, so there is no need to expect quick results, just a little bit of improvement. But as long as the direction is right, it will definitely improve.

05 Phlegm and dampness

Phlegm-dampness is also more common. This kind of tinnitus has a deep voice, unless there is phlegm-fire, and when there is phlegm-fire, it will also be high-pitched. Generally, phlegm-damp tinnitus is mostly low-pitched.

For this kind of people, the root cause of the disease is poor Qi movement, which blocks the circulation of Qi and blood, and thus condenses into phlegm. Therefore, it is the fundamental conditioning method to regulate the Qi machine and supplement the righteous Qi.

The tongue coating of this kind of person will be relatively thick and greasy, the tongue coating will be covered, and the tongue body will also be fat.

At the same time, the accompanying symptoms are dizziness, the head seems to be wrapped in a towel, the body is prone to obesity, the skin is greasy, the body is sleepy, and the stool is easy to be sticky.

At this time, if the tongue is white, you can use Xiangsha Liujun Wan. It would be better if you ask a Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe some prescriptions with aromas such as Huoxiang and Peilan.

If the tongue is very red and the tongue coating is yellow and greasy, you can use Wendan Decoction, remove the jujube, and soak your feet in boiled water, which can also dissolve phlegm and clear away heat.

This phlegm-dampness is actually a result of spleen and stomach injury. Therefore, in the end, it is still necessary to regulate the righteousness of the spleen and stomach.

There are many types of tinnitus, such as blood stasis, yang deficiency, blood deficiency, etc. In short, any disorder in our body will lead to tinnitus, so the most fundamental thing is to adjust according to the physical condition. To adjust the body, so tinnitus will disappear.

But what we are talking about today is the most important cause of tinnitus. Let me summarize it, it is spleen and stomach injury, getting angry, and insufficient kidney essence. These three, in fact, do not appear individually according to the textbook. Often, they appear mixed together, causing each other to cause and effect.

Therefore, it depends on the skill of the doctor to treat the disease after it has formed. At present, there are not many TCM experts in the treatment of ear, nose and throat in China. If you seek medical treatment everywhere, you may not be able to find a master who can solve the problem.

And if you can understand the truth, adjust your living habits, protect your spleen and stomach, protect your kidney essence, don't get angry when things happen, and prevent them in advance, this is the real way to prevent diseases!
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