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Weak Spleen and Stomach: Try this Soup!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Weak Spleen and Stomach: Try this Soup!
Today is the fifth day of the frost solar term, which is the last solar term in autumn, which means that we will soon usher in winter. Although the friends in the south may still be wearing unlined clothes, the clouds in the northeast Shaozao has fully felt the approaching cold of winter, and it takes courage to get out of bed every morning.

This season, what I like the most is to have a bowl of fragrant hot soup in my hand when I eat, and it will warm my whole body after a sip. How happy this feeling is! Therefore, in the future, we will often take you to make beautiful soups suitable for tonic in autumn and winter, so that you can enjoy the delicious food while also conditioning your body.
Today, what we are going to introduce is - yam barley lean meat soup.

We know that yam has the effect of "invigorating kidney qi, invigorating spleen and stomach, stopping diarrhea, reducing phlegm and salivation, and moistening fur". Dr. Luo often introduces the magical effects of Chinese yam in articles and audios. You can search for previous articles to learn more.

Barley is also a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, also known as coix seed. It is sweet and mild in nature and slightly cold.

Another important ingredient in this soup is pork. Pork tastes sweet and salty, and has a mild nature. It enters the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians. It has the effects of nourishing kidney and blood, nourishing yin and moistening dryness. Pork soup can replenish body fluid, nourish yin and promote body fluid. So this soup is especially suitable for consumption in dry autumn and winter.

Let's start making it:

First, prepare the ingredients: lean pork, yam, barley, jujube, medlar, ginger, and salt. Just control the amount of ingredients according to the number of people who need to eat.

Wash and soak the barley, jujube and medlar, soak the barley overnight, soak the jujube for 2 hours, and soak the medlar for a short while.

Wash the pork and cut it into small pieces.

Wash and peel the yam, cut into small pieces or slices.

Remove the pits from the soaked jujubes for later use.

Blanch the pork in water to remove the blood foam and fishy smell. Boil the pork in a pot, skim off the foam during the blanching process, and remove it after blanching.

Put the blanched pork, soaked barley, jujube and ginger slices into the pot.

Add appropriate amount of water.

Use the rice cooker to select the soup cooking mode, and set the time to 2 hours. If you use gas to cook the soup, boil it on high heat and then turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours.

After an hour and a half, add the yam, medlar and a pinch of salt.

Stir briefly to even them out, cover and continue to simmer.

After 2 hours, enjoy! Is it particularly easy? You might as well take advantage of the weekend to make this soup for your family, and enjoy the good time of drinking soup together!
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