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what to do with oral ulcers? | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

what to do with oral ulcers? | life recipe
Friends often ask me: What should I do if I have oral ulcers? This disease is so painful!
Today I will talk to you about this disease.

There are many names for this oral ulcer. In the past, "mouth sores" are actually mostly ulcers, not real sores. So, inside the mouth, on the surface of the tongue, these ulcers are all oral ulcers. This oral ulcer is not only uncomfortable, but also causes various infections, such as infections in the mouth and throat, so we must pay attention.

So, what is the cause of this disease?

Western medicine believes that the occurrence of oral ulcers is the result of a combination of various factors, including local trauma, mental stress, food, drugs, malnutrition, changes in hormone levels, and vitamin or trace element deficiency, such as lack of trace elements zinc, iron, lack of Folic acid, vitamin B12, and malnutrition can reduce immune function and increase the possibility of oral ulcers.

In addition, oral ulcers are related to gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, hepatitis, female menstruation, vitamin B complex absorption disorders, and autonomic dysfunction.

So, how does Chinese medicine treat this disease?
Chinese medicine believes that there are two reasons, internal and external.
Exogenous causes: Exogenous six evils, mainly dryness and fire, dryness is dry and astringent, easily injures body fluid, fire is yang evil, its sexual inflammation, fluid injury and fire burning, aphthous sores. Therefore, aphtha is easy to recur in autumn and when the climate changes suddenly.

From the perspective of internal factors, there are the following possibilities:
1. Excessive emotion means that the patient is over-thinking, disturbed and insomnia, and the five aspirations turn into fire, especially the excessive fire in the heart, burning the mouth and tongue with inflammation, leading to ulcers. Or usually have depression and anger, stagnation of liver qi, stagnation of liver qi, stagnation and fire, dark consumption of yin and blood, heart and liver fire, burning tongue.

2. Internal injury due to fatigue, or prolonged illness injuring the spleen, deficiency of the spleen and stomach, poor circulation of water and dampness, stains on the tongue, resulting in aphthous ulcers;

3. Insufficient congenital medicine, or long-term use of cold and cold, damages the spleen and kidney, deficiency of spleen and kidney yang, excess of yin and cold, cold and damp stains on the tongue, cold coagulation and blood stasis, and long-term sores of the mouth and tongue.

Therefore, in general, the disease of oral ulcers is mostly caused by heat, and there are also people who are caused by deficiency and cold. Zhang Jingyue in the Ming Dynasty even discussed that the disease caused by the lack of Qi in the middle should be paid attention to.

Then we ordinary people, how should we recuperate this disease?
Under normal circumstances, we analyze ourselves, whether we have eaten too much fat, sweet and thick food recently? Accumulation of spleen and stomach dampness and heat? If it is, you should eat a light diet, eat some Dashanzha pills, or Baohe pills, etc., to eliminate food stagnation.
If you confirm that you have troubles recently, you must be angry, and you can also take some Niuhuang Shangqing pills, usually one or two pills are enough, and you don’t need to use more.

However, even so, some people still have oral ulcers that are lingering and painful. What should we do?

Now I will teach you two small methods, use them together, the effect is amazing!

method one

External method.
This must be used. Among the external medicines for the treatment of oral ulcers, I think the effect of Tongrentang's Baweixileisan is the most respected by me. This medicine is very cheap. Maybe ordinary pharmacies don’t want to sell it. You can buy it online. You can buy one box at a time. It’s not much money. It’s about 20 yuan. There are ten small bottles in it. I guess it won’t last a year. . This kind of medicine is very troublesome to make, but the price of Chinese patent medicines stipulated by the state is so high, so even if it loses money, it has to be done. For a time-honored brand like Tongrentang, Chinese patent medicines hardly make money and rely on other products to support them. However, the responsibility lies here, and it must be delivered for everyone. This is a life-saving thing. Medicine is a benevolent technique, and it must be persisted.

This tin powder can be used at night. Use a cotton swab, dipped in tin powder, and apply it to the affected area. It hurts a lot at that time, so you have to endure it. Generally, the recovery effect is best at night, and that is the time for real healing. It should be applied frequently during the day to maintain the efficacy of the medicine.

Method Two
Oral therapeutic prescription.

This is the most important thing. Even if you don't have tin bulk, using this method alone will have a good effect.

The method is this: use a handful of soybeans, a handful of mung beans, a handful of black beans, five ebony plums, and two spoons of white sugar. Add an appropriate amount of water (submerge the three knuckles of the beans), boil the water for more than two hours, then let it warm, drink the bean paste water as a drink, and boil it again the next day, it is best not to drink the previous day.
You can also use an electric cooker to simmer overnight and drink it the next day.
There are two types of black beans, one with black skin and yellow flesh, and the other with black skin and green flesh. It is best to choose green flesh.

Ume, everyone can go to the pharmacy to buy it. If you don’t have ebony, you can just use three kinds of beans and boil water to drink, but if you want to have a better effect, you can add ume sugar.

In the prescription, black beans tonify the kidneys, restrain the floating fire, soybeans tonify the spleen, transport and transform the middle qi, and mung beans clear away heat, which can remove the relative fire. Dark plum and white sugar, sour and sweet to transform yin and nourish body fluid.

I have used this recipe many times and it works reliably. Let me give you an example from my side. A few days ago, when I went home, I found that my mother had oral ulcers. It seemed that she had gotten angry because of some trivial matter. It has been half a month. , no effect, eat B vitamins, no fulfillment. Every time I eat, I am in pain.

I said to my mother, I don't know about other people's situations, and I may need to analyze a little bit more about the treatment. I understand your situation, and I can solve this problem in a day.

Then, I went to buy these three kinds of beans, boiled water for my mother to drink, and used tin powder at the same time, because I have this medicine at home. I drank it that night, and the reaction began to lighten the next day. I went to buy ebony plums, added sugar, started to boil a new soup, and drank it again. Then, after another night, when I was having breakfast, I asked how I felt, and my mother said: I don’t feel any pain anymore.

It is best if the above two methods can be used at the same time. Under normal circumstances, I believe that everyone's oral ulcers can basically be solved with this method.

If you encounter ulcers caused by deficiency and cold, although this situation is rare, it does happen. You can boil black beans and soybeans separately, and drink the soup of these two beans, which is also effective.

In fact, our kitchen is also our pharmacy. If we can grasp the characteristics of each food, it can really regulate our body!

I believe that by your side, there must be friends who are suffering from this oral ulcer. I hope everyone will introduce this method to your friends, so that the wisdom of Chinese medicine can enter our lives!
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