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Uncomfortable heart-Resolve with Jingfang Lingguizhugan Decoction

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Uncomfortable heart——Resolve with Jingfang Lingguizhugan Decoction
Many people have asked me how to regulate water dampness. In fact, Zhang Zhongjing, a medical sage, has already given us the answer.

Next, let's talk about a symptom, which is caused by severe water humidity. I call this situation: "Dark clouds cover the sun".

We can imagine such an image: the fog is getting heavier and heavier, and finally it even blocks the sun, causing the sky to be dark.

You can remember this image and compare it with our body.

The sun in our body is the heart. If the sun is covered by severe water humidity, it means that the air of water damp affects the operation of the heart. In traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is the sun in the yang, which resides in the chest and deters the coldness of the lower Jiao. If the yang qi of the heart is injured, there are many reasons for this. It may be that the heart yang has been injured, such as the use of inappropriate medicines. If the heart yang is hurt, it may also be that the water is too cold, covering the heart yang. No matter what the reason is, it is the sun in our body that is covered by dark clouds!
So, what symptoms will appear at this time?
Many people will feel dizzy. Think about it, the upper part of the human body should be full of clear Yang Qi, so the mind will be clear. It is called clear and turbid inverse disorder. Originally, the human body should be "clean qi rises and turbid qi falls". Many people are simply labeled as "vertigo" by Western medicine. I have met many people who suffer from vertigo. When they stand up, they can't tell the difference between north, south, east, and west. The sky is spinning, and the reason is unknown. I can't find the reason, and I have a heavy burden. I always feel that there is something wrong with the cerebral blood vessels. In fact, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the reason is very simple, that is, the dampness of the water blinds the heart yang.

Zhang Zhongjing described it well. He said that this situation is: "When you get up, you will feel dizzy", that is, when you get up together, you will feel dizzy. These four simple words sum up this situation.

Then, Zhang Zhongjing also summed up the possible problems, which are "fullness of the heart" and "fullness of the chest".

This kind of inverse fullness is sometimes the feeling of the spleen and stomach, feeling full of qi in the upper abdomen, but everyone should pay attention, there are many times it is the feeling near the heart, feeling stuffy and uncomfortable near the heart, such as palpitations Wait, many people actually have a heart problem. Western medicine checks that it is a heart attack, but they don’t know how to suffer from it. I have seen many such patients, and no treatment is good, especially many elderly people. Originally, the heart yang is weak and the firepower is insufficient. At this time, if the water floods upwards and blinds the heart yang, various problems will appear in the heart. However, everyone uses the method of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and dilating blood vessels to solve the problem, and the effect will definitely not be good. good.

The "gas rushing to the chest" mentioned here is a feeling of oppression in the heart. People with severe symptoms will feel a puff of qi rising from the abdomen and rushing straight into the chest. More people feel that the chest is stuffy.

At this time, because the moisture is too high and the air movement does not drop, some lung meridian problems will appear, such as coughing, wheezing, and being unable to lie down at night, etc. Generally, the proportion of such problems occurs in the elderly.

At this time, from the perspective of modern medicine, the cardiopulmonary function has been seriously affected, but I think Western medicine has not done enough research on this. If we can learn from the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine, many people will be able to regain their health.
It is estimated that everyone has no concept in this way, so let me use an example.

An aunt told me that she had a bad heart. I remembered that it was a winter. She told me that she had done many checkups. In short, she often went to the hospital for intravenous drips, such as salvia miltiorrhiza and safflower, etc. Sometimes it gets better, sometimes it doesn’t work at all. In short, I have been shrouded in the shadow of heart disease all day long. I feel that I may be in danger at any time. I feel thicker, there are a lot of examination materials in Western medicine, and Western medicine also thinks that there are many problems.

In fact, it is normal for the elderly to age in various organs of the body. It is estimated that everyone will have such and such problems, but once they are put on a hat of heart disease, they will start to live in panic all day long, thinking that their heart is completely damaged. broken.

There is also a man with long-term weak lungs. He suffered from tuberculosis before and was cured by Western medicine, but now his lungs have not been strengthened. Many of them are caused by lung disease and improper conditioning, resulting in weak lung qi and long-term weakness.

What clinical indications do these two have?

That aunt, when I saw the tongue, it was a fat tongue with a large body and tooth marks on the side. This is a manifestation of heavy water and qi deficiency. At the same time, the tongue is full of saliva, which is transparent and full of saliva. Saliva, this is what a wet tongue looks like.

That gentleman's tongue coating was thicker, but his tongue was also full of saliva, which was slippery, just like that aunt.
There are also some indications, which were summarized by Mr. Liu Duzhou, a master of typhoid fever at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are water spots on the face. Mr. Liu Duzhou believes: "Water is evil, and it is above the heart. The flower of the heart is On the face, if the heart yang is weak and the body is condensed, the face will be dark, which is called "water color". What's more, there may be similar pigmentation on the forehead, cheeks, nose column, around the lips, etc., inside and outside the skin. The dark spots are called 'water spots'".

This kind of water spot, I have experienced it carefully later. I took pictures of tongues of many patients in the hospital and analyzed them after I came back. Later, I found that there was indeed a lot of water on the patient’s face in those pictures of tongues with heavy water. Madara, this surprised me, and I almost wrote a paper later, but I put it down because I was busy.

Moreover, I found that this kind of water spot increases with age, and there will be many on the face of the elderly. It is estimated that this is related to the gradual lack of Yang Qi.

In short, I think the tongue image is one of the main aspects to judge this situation, and if it is combined with the face-to-face diagnosis, the effect will be better.
So, how to treat it?

Zhang Zhongjing told us that we have to start from two aspects. On the one hand, we should remove the dampness. The medicine he chose was Poria cocos. At the same time, to stimulate the yang energy, he chose cassia twig.

After the water is removed, who will occupy the vacant positions? Of course we have to send our own troops to guard it, so Baishu was used by Zhang Zhongjing.

At the same time, to cooperate with everyone's actions is a blind medicine, roasted licorice, which has the effect of guarding the middle burner.
This prescription is a total of four herbs: Poria cocos, Guizhi, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Zhigancao. It is called Lingguizhugan Decoction. amazing.

I also use this prescription, basically no flavoring. After taking a few medicines for the aunt’s heart, the feeling of oppression disappeared, and she no longer felt that her breathing was labored. She said that she felt much more relaxed, so she began to add some heart-nourishing medicine. conditioning.

That gentleman also used the same prescription. After the sixth dose, I felt that my cough and shortness of breath were relieved and greatly improved. I felt that the situation had completely changed. Later, I changed the prescription and changed it to nourishing, and gradually recovered a lot. Contacted a few days ago, although the body is still a little weak now, it is not the same as before.

This is the charm of the prescription, after verification, the effect comes very quickly.

Professor Liu Duzhou commented on Linggui Zhugan Decoction: "The medicine has only four flavors, the compatibility is precise, it has the momentum of thousands of troops, and the clinical curative effect is astonishing."

This Lingguishugan Decoction is Zhang Zhongjing's "Pull the Clouds to See the Sun". When the water and damp cover the heart yang, it will cause problems in the heart, lungs, spleen and stomach systems. , so that the sun reappears, and when the sun is shining, the body will naturally return to normal.
Everyone understands these principles. If you encounter similar symptoms, you can consult a doctor, let the doctor analyze it, and then see if similar prescriptions can be used.
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