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What to do with chapped lips in spring?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

What to do with chapped lips in spring?
This spring, several friends asked me such a question, that is, their lips became dry and chapped, and then they had to lick them. In the end, they were surrounded by red cracks, which felt very itchy, and then the lips became dry and dry. Talk, and even crack. What is the problem? what can we do about it?

As soon as I heard it, I thought to myself: I am familiar with this disease, because I also suffered from this disease when I was young. I remember I couldn’t help but lick at that time, but the more I licked, the worse it became. Finally, there was a ring around my lips. Red, painful and itchy, very uncomfortable.

So, what is this disease called?
This disease is called cheilitis, and in Chinese medicine, it is called lip wind. In addition, the content of cocooned lips or cocooned lips discussed in traditional Chinese medicine is not all related to this disease, but some of them are also related to this disease.
There are two main symptoms of cheilitis, one is dry and desquamated: the red part of the lip is dry, desquamated and chapped. Exudation or bleeding from the tear. Some patients may feel dry lips, burning or itching discomfort.
Another symptom is oozing scab: lip and lip swelling, erosion, inflammatory exudate and bleeding, forming pus or blood scab, tearing off the scab leaves an erosive surface. Due to the pain and crusting, the movement of the lips is inconvenient, the pain is obvious, and there is a burning sensation.

So, how did this disease come about?
The "Huangdi Neijing" says: "The temper passes through the mouth" and "the splendor of the spleen lies in the lips". Therefore, this disease is basically related to the imbalance of the spleen and stomach. Generally speaking, when the blood is deficient, it is easy to become windy due to dryness, and this situation is especially prominent in spring. Therefore, Gong Tingxian, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in the Ming Dynasty, said in "Shou Shi Bao Yuan": "When the cover is dry, it becomes dry, when it is hot, it cracks, when it is wind, it swells, and when it is cold, it exfoliates."
Under normal circumstances, blood deficiency is often systemic, but at this time, the situation of spleen blood deficiency is very prominent. Usually, we have only heard about temper, spleen yang, and few people mention spleen yin, let alone spleen blood. However, any organ has qi, blood, yin and yang. Therefore, the deficiency of spleen and blood deserves our attention, because the symptoms of this disease are prominently reflected on the lips. Therefore, the location of the disease can be located in the spleen, while blood deficiency produces dryness. , the characteristics of dryness in this disease are very obvious, so it can be concluded that in most cases, it is a symptom of spleen blood deficiency.
In spring, all things grow hair, and at this time when Yin and blood are insufficient, hotter conditions will appear. Therefore, in spring, this disease occurs frequently, and most of them are symptoms of deficiency and heat.

So, how to adjust it?
The characteristic of lip wind caused by spleen blood deficiency is that the color around the lips turns red, and the skin feels hot and itchy.

However, the color of the lips itself is pale, and the skin of the lips is dry and white, with dandruff. At the same time, the eyes are dry, the tongue is light red, or pale and bloodless, and there are tooth marks on the edge of the tongue. If accompanied by yin deficiency, the tongue becomes red. weak pulse.

If the symptoms are confirmed, then the conditioning prescription can be added or subtracted from the ancient prescription Siwu Xiaofengyin:
Fifteen grams of raw land, 9 grams of angelica, 9 grams of red peony, 6 grams of Chuanxiong, 9 grams of Chinese yam, 9 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 9 grams of lotus seed meat, 6 grams of Bupleurum, 6 grams of cicada slough, 6 grams of mint, 9 grams of Radix Ophiopogon, Nine grams of dendrobium, six grams of roasted licorice.
Decoction in water, once in the morning and evening. Pregnant women should not use it.
In this prescription, Siwu Decoction is used to nourish the blood, but instead of the rehmannia root of the original Siwu Decoction, raw rehmannia is used. Because at this time, blood is deficient and wind is generated, and there are often heat symptoms, which are often accompanied by deficiency heat, so raw rehmannia is used. Substitute rehmannia.

The Siwu Decoction in the prescription is combined with spleen-tonifying Chinese yam, Atractylodes macrocephala and other drugs, which can nourish the spleen and blood. At the same time, in order to eliminate the deficiency and heat, add yin-nourishing Ophiopogon japonicus and dendrobium.

If a child has this disease, if the tongue coating is thick and greasy, you can reduce the amount as appropriate, for example, use half or one-third of the amount, and add six grams each of Jiao Sanxian and six grams of fried chicken inner gold.
This symptom of insufficient spleen blood is most of the cases I have seen in spring. I provide it to everyone for reference only. You can ask the nearby Chinese medicine practitioners to help with addition and subtraction.

What about other causes of cheilitis?
Usually, there are various reasons for this disease, such as spleen and stomach heat accumulation type, this type of syndrome has red, swollen and hot lips, rapid onset, small blisters, soon ulcerated, eroded, watery, pus and blood scabs, around the lips Dark spots on the skin, thirsty drink, bad breath and constipation, red tongue with yellow greasy coating, slippery and rapid pulse. At this time, you can use the ancient prescription Shuangjie Tongsheng San to add and subtract. This is the prescription in "Yizong Jinjian", which is more classic. If it is caused by liver fire violating the stomach, you can use ancient prescriptions such as Bupleurum Qinggan Powder.

In addition, it is caused by typical yin deficiency. At this time, the Jiyin Dihuang Wan in "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" can be used. There are other prescriptions for nourishing yin, which can also be used as appropriate.
The above mentioned all have fever, so, is there a case of this disease that does not have fever at all?

The answer is, there are, although not many, but there are, most of which are spleen and stomach qi deficiency, for which Gong Tingxian recommends Buzhong Yiqi Decoction to recuperate.

In addition, the most important thing about this disease is not to lick with your tongue. You must remember that the more you lick, the more chapped your lips will be. Especially for children, you must pay attention to this.

two external methods

Then, we will introduce two methods for external use, which can be used by everyone.

method 1

The first method is to use peach kernels, buy them at the pharmacy, buy 30 grams at a time, and then grind them into a very, very fine state. Then, use two or three ounces of fatty pork, heat them in a pot to turn them into oil, and then Turn off the heat, when the oil is warm, put the peach kernel puree into it, mix it evenly, then put it in the refrigerator, let it condense and turn into white grease, apply this lard to the affected area every day, it has a good recovery effect on cheilitis .

Among them, peach kernel promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, improves local blood circulation, while lard has sweet and cool medicinal properties and has the effect of detoxification. An old Chinese doctor once told me that the most effective medicine for bedsores that are difficult to cure is actually the most effective medicine. Unexpectedly, it is lard for external use.

This method of peach kernel lard is also from the book "Shou Shi Bao Yuan".

Method 2
Another method for external use is to boil five or six eggs. After cooking, take out the egg yolk and heat it in a frying spoon. At this time, the egg yolk should be mashed. , and then pour out this oil, and apply this oil to the affected area every day, which can also have a certain effect.
In addition, in the method of diet therapy, the three-bean ebony and white sugar soup that I have introduced also has a certain effect.

Well, as for the lip disease in spring, it is said that many friends, or children of friends, were afflicted by this disease, so I simply cleared it up. I will introduce it here today, I hope it will be helpful to you!
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