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Can igniting fire soup regulate the symptoms of getting angry?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Can igniting fire soup regulate the symptoms of getting angry?
This spring, if I use the most medicines, it belongs to Shudi. If I want to use the most prescriptions, it belongs to the prescriptions such as Yinhuo Decoction, Zhenyin Decoction, and Shouhuo Decoction. why? The reason is that there are a lot of modern people with deficiency of kidney essence. Once spring arrives, upper burner fever, various oral ulcers, sore throat, headache, trigeminal neuralgia and so on will appear immediately. Most of this kind of fever is deficiency heat, replenish the kidney essence, turn the fire back to the original, and then heal immediately. Lingering.

I have talked about before, how to use Zhang Jingyue’s Zhenyin Decoction, or Chen Shiduo’s Shouhuo Decoction to treat chronic pharyngitis, and various oral ulcers. Today I will talk about another case, using Yinhuo Decoction to treat eye stye.

medical case

Stye, commonly known as the eye of a needle. The patient was a woman, and she often had pinholes. This time, it was more serious, with red and swollen eyes, and pus spots appeared on the swollen lower eyelid. At this time, I began to instill anti-inflammatory drugs into the eyes, and then took traditional Chinese medicine to clear away heat and detoxify, prick the ear tips to let blood, tighten the fingers and middle fingers with red strings, etc., but there was no effect. So, I had to go to the Western Medicine Ophthalmology Department of the hospital.

Ophthalmology is relatively simple, saying that surgery is necessary. This statement frightened the patient, and he and his family members thought about it for a long time, but there was no other way, so the operation was performed. In fact, the so-called "surgery" turned out to be puncturing the affected area to drain the pus, and then applying medicine.

As a result, it seemed to be getting better at that time, but the next day, "white spots" appeared on the affected area again, and the inside was the same as before.

It's been a week since this toss. Asking me at this time, I also thought it was the fire in spring, but she had taken the heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine before, but it didn't work. I didn't think much about it at the time, and thought it might be that the medicine was not strong enough.

So, I prescribed a heavier prescription for clearing away heat and detoxification, using 60 grams of dandelion.

The patient took it and told me the next day that the other eye, which was not a problem, also began to feel swollen and painful.

I immediately realized that my thinking was wrong, and I was so ashamed that I immediately asked her to send me a tongue map for careful observation. I originally thought, this spring, I should meet someone who really needs to clear away heat and detoxify, right? Otherwise, everyone is deficient in kidney essence, and they are all cultivated land. How can there be such a reason in the world? At first I thought this stye should be a real heat poison, but I found out that this is the case in traditional Chinese medicine. I have to forget the name of the disease and only look at the symptoms of the other person. I always think of "reducing inflammation" when I see "inflammatory".

This patient, after using heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine, immediately got worse, which suggested that I was in the wrong direction. This needle hole is also upper burn fever caused by insufficient kidney essence!

So, I opened the fire soup, the prescription is:
Ninety grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, fifteen grams of Cornus officinalis, nine grams of Morinda officinalis, fifteen grams of Poria cocos, nine grams of asparagus, nine grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, six grams of schisandra, and three grams of cinnamon.

This prescription is in Chen Shiduo's book, and it is also in Fu Qingzhu's book. In Chen Shiduo's discussion, he valued Morinda officinalis more, and thought that it is not necessary to use cinnamon, but Morinda officinalis can be used instead, so there is no cinnamon in the original recipe, but I I feel that the combination of rehmannia and cinnamon is indeed unique, so I have been reducing the amount of Morinda officinalis and using cinnamon. In this recipe, I added cornus to nourish the essence of liver and kidney, and combined with rehmannia glutinosa.

As a result, the patient took it that night and got up the next day, and his eye symptoms improved by half. It took two more days to completely heal.

Yinhuoguiyuan is a very special treatment method in traditional Chinese medicine.

The kidney is an organ combining yin and yang. The kidney water and the fire of the gate of life coexist in one viscera. If the two are in balance, the body will be normal. If they are not balanced, it will easily lead to inflammation of the deficiency fire. Pull it down and return to normal.

This kind of treatment method of bringing fire back to the original is relatively clear in clinical application, that is, a large amount of rehmannia glutinosa, cornus and other medicines, combined with a small amount of cinnamon, aconite and other medicines. This is the basic model of medicine, and then it can be combined with other medicines. In the medical books of Chen Shiduo and Zhang Jingyue in the Ming Dynasty, there are a lot of this usage. This method is mainly tonic, allowing the patient's body to recover by itself. Later generations don't read ancient books, hold their own opinions, and attack dissidents, so they only know to slowly clear away heat and detoxify. They don't know that it can make the patient recover quickly, and the body does improve overall. That kind of heat-clearing and detoxifying method will gradually damage the Yang in many cases. Qi, which eventually leads to a decline in physical fitness.

Therefore, I have always believed that many doctors in the Qing Dynasty attacked Zhang Jingyue because of their own lack of insight. It is a pity that some beginners in modern times have not read both books, and they just followed suit.

But I also think that part of the reason why people don't know much about this method is that the ancients described it somewhat vaguely. Some say that the cold water does not hide the dragon and so on.

In fact, the root cause of this disease is insufficient kidney essence. Once the kidney essence is insufficient, the essence of each viscera will be deficient. Essence transforms yin and yang, and deficiency of kidney essense will lead to deficiency of both kidney yin and kidney yang. Both are in a low-level balance stage. At this time, once any factor interferes, it will cause a loss of balance.

These factors, such as spring, when yin and yang alternate, yang qi rises, yin is insufficient, it is difficult to maintain the only emptiness of yang, so emptiness of yang rises.

Kidney essence is the foundation of the whole body. With kidney essence, the body can have the movement of qi to ascend and descend. The next cold, intensified.

This is not pure yin deficiency or yang deficiency, otherwise, if it is only yin deficiency, why not use a lot of raw land? If it is yang deficiency, why not use a lot of dried ginger and aconite?

This is essence deficiency, so let’s look at any of these prescriptions. The medicine used in it is a large amount of rehmannia glutinosa, cornus, and yam, and then a small amount of cinnamon and aconite.

Most of the other medicines are coordinated according to the syndrome and added or subtracted according to the imbalance of yin and yang.

Recipes such as Shouhuo Decoction and Zhenyin Decoction are all based on this idea.

Then, what are the symptoms of the fire not returning to the original source (original) caused by the deficiency of kidney essence?

Li Ke, a well-known old Chinese doctor, believes that this disease is often seen with various symptoms of upper fever, such as headache, dizziness, ear pain, floating teeth, bleeding teeth, red eyes like doves, red face like drunk, palpitations and shortness of breath, tinnitus like tides, and tongue Sores, sore throat such as burning.

Each of the above symptoms may be a difficult disease if it appears alone, such as sore throat, mouth ulcers, or the stye I saw.

Of course, there are other reasons for these diseases, some need to clear away heat and detoxify, even oral ulcers and insufficient spleen yang, etc. However, if other treatment methods are ineffective, I think kidney essence deficiency should be considered.
The tongue appearance of this patient is that the tongue coating is very thin or without coating, and the tongue is red. The redness may not be bright red, but may be a dull red color. Li Ke, an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, described a "red tongue like Persimmon", I think it is a kind of dull red.

This kind of patient will feel a little cold in the lower limbs, especially the feet and knees. If you take cold medicine, the symptoms will not improve, or even worsen. This is because the coldness in the lower Jiao is aggravated, and taking hot medicine will make the upper Jiao hotter.

For this disease, some patients don't feel how cool the lower Jiao is, and they don't even notice it, so when they ask about it, it may not be as typical as Li Ke's conclusion. I just judged it based on the fever on the upper burner and the red color of the tongue.

Li Ke, an old Chinese doctor, also concluded that this kind of head and face fever often appears suddenly, and it will appear suddenly when the solar terms meet.

Among modern people, I think Li Ke, an old Chinese doctor, is the most clear about this syndrome. However, most of the cases he summed up are relatively serious and typical. According to my experience, this kind of fever on the head and face caused by the deficiency of kidney essence is widely present in our life, and even chronic pharyngitis that can be seen everywhere is a large proportion of this syndrome. And common sore throat, oral ulcers, etc., the frequency of occurrence of this syndrome is also a lot.

Therefore, let go of the idea of "clearing heat and detoxifying as soon as you see a fever", carefully observe our physical problems, find the root cause, and check and recuperate. This is a truly responsible attitude for our body.

I also appeal to colleagues in Chinese medicine to pay more attention to this issue, abandon prejudice, be open-minded, study ancient literature, and actively explore in clinical practice. All purposes are to better relieve patients' pain.

Let me say it again, my point of view is: not all head-and-face fever can be solved by a fire soup, but in the same way, not all head-and-face fever can be cleared away heat and detoxification, symptomatic treatment, That's the key.

However, in our era, there are many people who consume too much, so we should pay attention to the deficiency of kidney essence.
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