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Magical Fever Famous Recipe: Raw Gypsum Japonica Rice Soup

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Magical Fever Famous Recipe: Raw Gypsum Japonica Rice Soup
Two days ago, an old friend who worked at Phoenix Satellite TV came to me anxiously, saying that he needed emergency help. I hurriedly asked what was going on, and it turned out that her mother was sick. In this way, I heard her describe her condition. Her mother has suffered from liver disease for a long time, and her liver function is only 20% left. She has maintained this way for a long time. As a result, a few days ago, she was hospitalized with pneumonia. The pneumonia confirmed by filming and fever When the temperature reached over 38 degrees, because the patient's body was too fragile, the hospital gave the top antibiotics, drugs imported from the United States, and gave 20 injections, and then the high fever did not subside. The results of the tests were: the indicators were even worse. At this time, the hospital said that it could not be given any more. They were worried that the patient's liver would fail, and the best antibiotics were ineffective. Therefore, the drug was stopped and the treatment was given up, so that the patient's family members were prepared.

My friend said on WeChat: "The hospital has nothing to do, and now we must change to traditional Chinese medicine." At the same time, she also wrote her own mentality: "I have become indifferent to life. I thought it was normal for people to come and go at any time. , but now when my family members are facing life and death, I know the horror of death, and I can't sleep for a few days!"

I know the character of this friend, she is a strong woman, she is hot and hot, and what makes her worry so much is indeed that the pressure is not ordinary.

So, I asked her to send a photo of the old man's tongue, which was red and without moss.

At the same time, I saw the blood test results of Western medicine, all the indicators were low, only one neutrophil was slightly high.

At this time, the situation is critical, and the family members of the patient are under great pressure. I can't analyze it on the spot, so I can only analyze the details through the tongue pictures and test sheets. In my opinion, the body resistance of the elderly is already very low, and the righteousness is insufficient. Therefore, strengthening the body should be the main thing, supplemented by clearing away the heat, and there is no need to immediately attack the evil.

Therefore, I first suggested that she give the old man such a strengthening decoction:
Rehmannia glutinosa, cornus and Chinese yam, boil water and drink slowly. The cornus in this recipe is the most important, and it is the key medicine used by Zhang Xichun to nourish the liver. Often use this medicine, this is the emergency method. Rehmannia glutinosa is used to invigorate the essence of the kidney, and Chinese yam can greatly invigorate the qi of the spleen and stomach.

The most problematic of these three herbs is yam. I asked her to go to the pharmacy and buy the best yam in the pharmacy. She said that she had seen my official account, and she had the authentic Chinese yam tablets I recommended. This makes me feel more at ease.

At the same time, reuse up to 90 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, add some yin-nourishing medicines, such as Radix Ophiopogon japonicus, Radix Adenophora, etc., boil water to soak feet, and soak three times a day. Some friends will ask this Shudi foot soak, does it work? In fact, Wu Shiji, a master of foreign governance in the Qing Dynasty, said this idea:

All oral Chinese medicines can be used externally and absorbed through the meridians. Therefore, when the condition is critical, various methods can be used.

In this way, use it at night to make the patient more righteous. Then the next day, I told her that it is time to start to reduce the fever, and use this prescription to reduce the fever.

The prescription is: raw gypsum, Chinese yam, rice, 50 grams each, and Codonopsis 6 grams. Add water to cook porridge. When the rice is cooked, this medicine will be ready. Give the patient to drink this rice soup slowly, little by little, and stop when he sweats slightly. Check whether the body temperature changes. If there is no change, continue. Drink, in this way, the body temperature drops, and there is no need to drink the rest.

After drinking this prescription, the patient began to sweat slightly, and his body temperature began to drop slowly, and gradually fell below 37 degrees. Although it was repeated the next day and rose to a little over 37 degrees, it still dropped quickly. down. Then, I asked them to buy Qianjin Reed Stem Soup and take it frequently at the same time. Another night later, the patient's family sent a WeChat message: "Last night was fine, 36.5 degrees, this morning 36.2 degrees, no cough last night."

Because the crisis is over, it is enough to deal with it step by step. Now the patient's mental state is very good. According to their family members, it is completely impossible to see that they have experienced a crisis.

My friend was very happy and said it was a life-saving grace.

In fact, the most important thing in this conditioning is to use this raw gypsum japonica rice soup. I used this prescription to penetrate the heat and give the body a chance to recover. I did not use other heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines. At this time, it is more important to regulate the patient's body and restore righteousness, and do not rush to attack evil when seeing pneumonia.

This raw gypsum japonica rice soup was made by Zhang Xichun, a famous doctor in the Republic of China. The source of the recipe is Zhang Zhongjing's Baihu soup. Zhang Xichun gave it a brief introduction, and then added Chinese yam.

Zhang Xichun has a lot of pioneering experience in using raw gypsum. The ancients, such as Miao Xiyong in the Ming Dynasty and Wu Jutong in the Qing Dynasty, used raw gypsum to count two, but Zhang Xichun did not have the specific theory of using raw gypsum. so clear. Zhang Xichun believes that Wu Jutong’s understanding of Baihu Decoction is not deep enough. He thinks that Wu Jutong’s clinical practice is good, but the theory was written earlier and is not accurate enough. The four symptoms of pulse and pulse), not all of them need to appear before using Baihu Decoction. The so-called "four major" put Baihu Decoction in a useless state.

In the past, it was often believed that raw gypsum was a medicine for severe cold, but according to the records of "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", Zhang Xichun believed that raw gypsum was only "slightly cold", so the dosage should be large, and the so-called great cold is incorrect.

Zhang Xichun believes: "The raw gypsum is cool and can dissipate, and it has the power to clear the surface and relieve the muscles. If there is excess heat due to exogenous symptoms, use it boldly and directly surpass Jindan."

In addition, in addition to febrile diseases, Zhang Xichun believes that after two or three days of feeling typhoid, the cold evil enters the body and turns into heat, and you can use raw gypsum to penetrate the heat and sweat.

Zhang Xichun himself said that he has used raw gypsum clinically for more than 50 years, and he has carefully realized that the ancients have no experience in using raw gypsum to sweat, so the discussion is not thorough. This kind of sweating is to dissipate the heat in the body through sweat, not the sweating just after catching cold. In this regard, he explained the reasons in great detail, and we will have a chance to talk in detail later.

In Baihu Tang, Zhang Zhongjing used raw gypsum and rice (that is, rice) together. This is a very clever way. On the one hand, rice can assist stomach qi and help to vent evil spirits. On the other hand, after the rice is boiled, the juice will be thick. , can stay medicine gas. From here, Zhang Xichun selected raw gypsum and japonica rice, and created raw gypsum japonica rice soup.

For example, he has a medical case, and he uses this prescription to treat diseases.

"Ms. Yin Zhu Aiting of Shenyang County, over fifty years old, suffered from febrile illness in Wuwu Jiqiu. First, I asked a doctor of Eastern Medicine (Japanese doctor) for treatment. I didn't know what medicine I took, and I used ice packs externally to relieve the fever. After a few days, the heat improved. Sheng, drowsy and sleepy, and unconscious when shouting loudly, the pulse is strong and palpitating. Yu asked him to remove the ice bag, use raw gypsum powder 4 liang, japonica rice 8 qian, decoct 4 teacups of clear juice, about 10 o'clock in the calendar Zhong, the patient took all the medicine and suddenly woke up. Aiting was very happy and ordered his young master Liang Zuo to learn medicine from Yu."

This kind of medical case is full of joy and applause. It is also his original creation to add Chinese yam to the recipe. Zhang Xichun believes that Huai Yam has the effect of invigorating the Qi of the spleen and lungs. Therefore, Huai Yam can be used instead of Japonica rice. Therefore, when he uses Baihu Decoction, he often uses Huai Yam instead of Japonica rice. However, I think japonica rice, that is, rice, in addition to supplementing stomach qi, also has the effect of thickening the juice and retaining the medicinal properties in the upper coke. Slices and rice, each with the same amount, I think the effect is better if it is combined in this way.

Adding Codonopsis ginseng to the prescription is also learned from Zhang Xichun. The source of the matter is this:

When Zhang Xichun was young, he once suffered from a febrile disease, which was very serious. "He was dizzy, his tongue coating was white and thick to yellow, with many prickles, and his stool was dry." He knew it was a febrile disease, so he used several taels of it Drinking raw gypsum with boiled water has no effect, and drinking it again, until drinking twelve taels a day, still has no effect, why? He likes to ponder, and finally he figured it out, it's his own lack of righteousness! So, he added Codonopsis pilosula and dried yam tablets to it. He crushed the yam tablets and added them, and the disease was cured quickly. From then on, he said that in his life, when he used raw gypsum, he mostly used it with Codonopsis pilosula.

My evaluation is: Zhang Xichun is right to do this. For people with weak health, especially the elderly, I am afraid that they may not be able to tolerate the use of raw gypsum alone. Record. I am a person who likes to look through the literature, looking for the effective places of various traditional Chinese medicines, and also the places that are prone to problems. The use of raw gypsum has such a problem.

Therefore, as you can see, the reason why some prescriptions are effective is that in the past, from Zhang Zhongjing in the Han Dynasty to Zhang Xichun in the Republic of China, doctors like Zhang Xichun have carefully thought about it countless times. When we are refined, we can learn from this kind of experience, and it is true that we can set up a serious illness. If you don't study it seriously, you will be helpless in the face of illness, isn't it a pity?

This prescription of raw gypsum combined with Chinese yam, Codonopsis pilosula, and rice, I have used it many times, and the fever is relieved immediately, and this prescription is not like some cold and cold medicine. After clearing away heat, the yang energy is often injured. After using this prescription, the patient They are all in very good condition, just as Zhang Xichun described: meals are provided. Moreover, the medicines in it are relatively mild, without any complicated ingredients, so they are indeed worth studying. However, you must pay attention when using this prescription. There must be heat in the body, and you will see immediate results. If there is no heat, you do not need to use it.

This time, Western medicine has exhausted its methods and gave up treatment. With the idea of traditional Chinese medicine, although the method is simple, it only takes two or three days to change the situation. I often think how wonderful it would be if Chinese and Western medicine could seriously combine to face serious diseases and save lives.

Looking at Zhang Xichun's medical records in the past, it often happened that the patient was critically ill and dying. When everyone thought it was irreversible, Zhang Xichun only used one or two decoctions to make the patient basically recover. We think this is not bragging, right? Is it so amazing? In fact, Zhang Xichun's experience is summed up from decades of clinical practice.
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