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Traditional Chinese Medicine—Worth a lifetime of practice

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Traditional Chinese Medicine—Worth a lifetime of practice
In fact, I have wanted to write some stories about me and Chinese medicine for a long time. Maybe I think that the treatment of some difficult and miscellaneous diseases is a big gain, so I am always embarrassed to write my own small gains. Everyone shared it, so I wrote this letter without hesitation this time. I hope that I can use my own little experience as a reference for others. Even if there is a little help, I am very happy. First of all, I want to thank my dear Luo Doctor, your great love makes us feel very at ease, and we are also very grateful to the team members of Mr. Da Lun, who updated our knowledge in a timely manner every day. It is normal for a person to do three to five days with his heart. We who don’t know each other donate knowledge of Chinese medicine without expecting anything in return, and only you. Thousands of words can’t express my inner gratitude and admiration.

Ephedra Decoction——My Relationship with Traditional Chinese Medicine

My Dabao was born in 2006. When he was a child, he often accumulated food (now I think it was food accumulation, and I didn’t know such a word at the time). When my parents didn’t know medical knowledge, I went to the hospital to get water. There were no major sequelae at that time. But just after entering the kindergarten, the baby’s symptoms became obvious, coughing, and he went to the hospital to report it almost every month, and was given antibiotics. Every time I go out, my memory is that there are only two eyes left on the head, and she coughs just because of the wind. Now I know that it is the lack of righteousness and the righteousness of the spleen and stomach. When I was 7 years old, I had a cough in the early summer, and the cough continued day and night. I went to three local hospitals, took antibiotics, and took medicine, but it became more and more serious. More than 100 yuan of medicine and asked to clean up the sanitation at home thoroughly, and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every corner of the house after returning home. It took three days to fully heal. It can be seen how important it is for us ordinary people to meet a careful doctor. This incident has given me a great inspiration. I have to learn some medical knowledge by myself. I can't go to the provincial capital every time I get sick. So I searched for related content on the Internet, and added some QQ groups to study. It didn’t take long for the child to be recruited again. This time, he had a high fever of 40 degrees. Afraid of cold, body pain, no sweating, a little cough, and feeling fluttering when walking, I hesitated to go to the pharmacy to prescribe a pair of ephedra soup. Although the medicine was boiled, I dare not drink it. I continued to drink Merrill Lynch at night. Be bolder, warm up one-fifth of the decoction for the child at 8 o'clock, and the fever will be completely reduced at 12 o'clock at night. When we wake up in the morning, we will talk and laugh like a different person. There is still some coughing. I drank a piece of Maxing Shigan Soup, and it miraculously healed in two days, I dare not even think about it. Others said that I was too courageous, how dare I give my child soup and medicine. In fact, I also carefully asked the child's symptoms again and again, and each of them was consistent with the typhoid syndrome before giving it to the child. In this way, I changed the concept that Chinese medicine is just a slow doctor, and the effect is like a drum if it is symptomatic. In this way, my interest in learning Chinese medicine became stronger.

A Reposted Article—Let Me Befriend Dr. Luo

Gradually, I learned that there is another method called children's massage. The group leader of the Chinese medicine group also taught you children's massage and other techniques. I know the benefits of giving children chiropractic. Although I have learned some knowledge, I can find the right medicine for the disease. , it’s still out of reach for me, but massage is harmless, as long as you persist. From then on, I gave my child chiropractic almost every day before going to bed, and the effect came out within a month. The cold could be controlled by taking some cold medicine, and the child's resistance gradually improved. One day, the group owner reposted an article Luo Bo's article on children's colds, so I was very lucky to read Teacher Luo Dalun's article. It was like teaching kindergarten children. The patient and simple language fascinated me all of a sudden. We made it clear that no doctor has ever analyzed it like this after taking the child to see it for so many years with colds and coughs. Then I followed the vines and found the official account. This addition is incredible. The official account is simply a treasure house, and the knowledge inside is a real treasure. I bought Dr. Luo's book and carefully read, memorized, and realized it. The most direct effect is that my eldest is almost 13 years old now. He hasn’t had any water problems in the past few years. He can count the number of western medicine tablets he has taken on one hand. The second baby is 15 months old, and he has had several colds. The method can be adjusted at home completely. I think chiropractic for children also plays a big role. My eldest, I persisted until before pregnancy and delivery. She enjoyed the process very much. Now my second child is free to pinch 3 to 5 times a day, and the time is only one or two minutes.

Let me talk about a few examples of treating family members in the past two years:

1. Last summer, the boss woke up early in the morning and said that he didn't want to eat breakfast. He had a stomachache, lack of energy, and felt like vomiting. I asked the teacher for leave. I saw the white and greasy coating on my tongue. I thought it should be caused by summer-dampness and cold. Accumulation of food is also a major cause. I immediately bought Huoxiang Zhengqi water from the pharmacy. When I drank it, she still thought it tasted bad. Feeling sick, I coaxed me to drink half of it, and half an hour later, I said I wanted to vomit? Reply I don't want to vomit anymore, I'm a little hungry. Surprise! Then let eat half a bowl of porridge, soak your feet with Huoxiangzhengqi water and water, then boil the Jiaosanxian water to drink the chicken gold powder, and go to school the next day with nothing to worry about, pay attention to light diet for the next two days, and continue to drink for two more days Jiao Sanxian would be fine if he boiled water.

2. My husband works in the electric power department. There was a line failure in the mountains in the cold winter. He directed the emergency repair of the line in the mountain. He was a very responsible employee. If the line was not repaired and the electricity was not sent to the people, he stayed on the spot and made arrangements. I came back after 12 o’clock in the middle of the night and said that it was too late. I had a headache and was afraid of the cold. After I came back, I lay down on the bed and had a rest. Thinking that Dr. Luo said never to go to sleep with the cold, I got up to find Su Ye and asked my mother-in-law to boil a pot of water, dragged him out of bed to drink a bowl, and then soaked his feet, haha, wake up in the morning As a normal person, I can boast that this really works. In fact, I rushed to the first stage and took measures to dissipate the cold evil.

3. When the second baby was 20 days old, he caught a cold in the bath, sneezing, clear water and runny nose. Teacher Luo said that the baby’s internal organs are delicate, and it is necessary to catch the first stage of the baby’s cold. The baby has little resistance at such a young age, because he dare not give medicine at such a young age , Rub your hands together and cover the fontanel until your hands are cooler than the fontanel, repeat this. Don't worry, I boiled some perilla leaf water and fed about five or six spoonfuls, and the next day I was safe and sound. Followed Dr. Luo to learn how to read the ingredient list of Chinese patent medicines. The fever of the second child at 6 months and 11 months was solved with Xiaoer Chai Gui Antipyretic Granules and did not repeat. During the illness, pay attention to reducing the amount of milk, and it will be stable in a day or two. Pass. Children can't express, so mothers should carefully recall the process before and after the baby's illness, and it is very important to judge clearly which type it belongs to.

4. Let’s talk about this powerful flu. In late December, the eldest daughter came back from school and said that several people in the next class had a fever. She said it casually, but I paid attention to it. When I got home, I boiled yam water, focusing on prevention. Maybe this time The flu virus is too strong, and I was caught. I coughed and then had a fever. I analyzed that there was a fever syndrome, and then there was a cold. Xiaoer Xiaoji Cough Oral Solution, afraid of sweating at night and wet clothes, I specially put a towel on the back, and the fever subsided when I woke up in the morning, and I still had some coughs. I asked for a day off and took a day off. I drank a pack of Xiaoer Chaigui and Shuanghuanglian oral solution today. , Chinese yam water bluntly takes chicken gold powder, Dr. Luo said that the dosage of cold-dispelling and heat-clearing drugs should be adjusted according to the degree of cold and heat of the symptoms. This time, the flu was basically healed after two days of medication, and the next two days of drinking yam water can be regarded as a safe passage. When the child catches a cold, parents need to stand up and ask for leave for the child to rest. They should not let the child go to class or complete homework with illness because of too much homework in the course. I don’t think it will be detrimental to learning to relax occasionally.

5. The boss was busy with the second child, and a few days later, the second child was unwilling to walk on the ground after taking a nap. She was clingy, her palms were hot to the touch, her forehead was alright, but she was uncomfortable anyway, because she was too young to use it. Where is the problem with the language expression? Let me see if the tongue coating is not serious, because this time there is no external infection, the heat is not obvious, and the nose is not runny. I can’t figure out what medicine to use for a while. When the symptoms are obvious at night, I will be surprised when I sleep. Suddenly, I fell asleep and suddenly woke up. My whole body was very hot at night. My husband quarreled and said he was worried about taking medicine. I don’t think children’s Chaigui, Xiaobuihu, and Fenghanmao granules are suitable. It’s too hot to touch at three o’clock at night. I took the one stuffed in my buttocks and used it. I put a paper towel on my back to prevent sweating. I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and felt that the fever was gone, but my palms were hot. I knew that the disease had not gone away. The next day The child is not in good spirits, has a normal appetite, and has a low-grade fever. When I got off work in the evening, I thought that the formula of Qixing tea granules for children should be symptomatic, reduce fever, calm down, and digest food. I tried to take half a pack of it. It is a miracle. It only takes half an hour. No way, this guy went down to the ground and wandered around, yelling, dad, mom, sister. Children are the least deceptive, comfortable and uncomfortable are all in her movements and expressions. At the moment, I am still thinking that I should prepare all the medicines that I think I may need in the pharmacy, so that I can know which Chinese patent medicine is right for the baby when he is sick.

It’s been a long time, but I still want to thank everyone in Dr. Luo’s team for teaching us some knowledge of Chinese medicine and how to raise children. It was useless. I also tried moxibustion for him, but it didn’t work. The pain was so painful that he couldn’t sleep. As a daughter, there was nothing I could do except take him for a checkup, buy painkillers, and apply plaster. When the book is ready to use, I hate it. I have spent a lot of energy on learning traditional Chinese medicine for parenting and children's massage. If you don't know medicine, it is not filial. I will continue to learn Chinese medicine from Dr. Luo, and I will also enroll in the class of Angelica Academy. I hope that through my own efforts, I can help my parents and in-laws alleviate the problems caused by aging. At the same time, as a middle-aged person, I also need to learn more, adjust my body well, be a good backbone, and support a family.
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