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those who attain the Tao and those who deviate from the Tao

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   12 minute read

those who attain the Tao and those who deviate from the Tao
Chapter 24 Lecture 2

Hello everyone, today we will continue to talk about "Tao Te Ching".

The content of today's talk is a bit esoteric, let's understand it a little bit, because Lao Tzu's talk is a bit esoteric. Earlier, Lao Tzu said, "He wishes to speak naturally. The wind does not end the court, and the rainstorm does not end the day. What is the reason for this? Heaven and earth, the sky and the earth cannot last forever, let alone people?". It is impossible for heaven and earth to have strong winds and torrential rain every day for 365 days. Therefore, the old man said that artificially doing some kind of strong effect has no effect. Let's be indifferent, lower the part that pursues our own desires, and you will enter that state. The state of "there is no competition with it, so the world cannot compete with it".

Today, Lao Tzu said, "Those who follow the Tao through storytelling are the same as the Tao." "Therefore" continues what I said earlier, "Those who engage in Taoism are the same as Taoism." Lao Tzu said, "engagement" means doing things. When you do everything, if you can follow the rules of the Tao, you will be with the Tao, and your actions will meet the requirements of the Tao, which is called "consistent with the Tao". Lao Tzu here emphasizes that when you do things, the Tao is not empty talk. When you do things according to the laws of the Tao, you are with the Tao. What you do is the same as the "Tao of Heaven", which is called "the same as the Tao". The core of this sentence is "the person who engages in the Tao", which means that we should embody the Tao in our work.

Laozi went on to say, "Virtue is the same as virtue, and loss is the same as loss." What I am talking about is the version A and B of the silk script. There have been various versions in the past dynasties. The "Tao Te Ching" may all be written in the same way. These few sentences are the most messy, and we have unified them according to the silk script A and B. This saying is "Virtue is the same as virtue, and loss is the same as loss." I think many writers say this sentence, but the modern old Mr. Nan Huaijin put it in place. What this means is that if you do things according to the principles of the Tao, if you get the mentality of the Tao, you will be integrated with this kind of people in doing things, which is called "the virtuous are the same as the virtuous";

"Those who lose are the same as lost", those who deviate from the law of Tao are with those who have lost Tao. Let me explain this sentence again. What Lao Tzu means is that there are only two possibilities for doing things or being a person in this world: one possibility is that you do it according to the laws of Tao; the other possibility is to deviate from the laws of Tao. The result is that people can be divided into two categories. Lao Tzu divides people into two categories. One kind of people is "those who are virtuous are the same as virtue", and they all act according to the Tao; the other kind of people are people who have lost the way. Which class you put yourself in depends on whether you do things according to the principle of Dao. Once you act in accordance with the principles of the Tao, you will automatically be placed in that category and be with all noble people. Do not follow the principles of Tao, you are with those people. Lao Tzu is talking about life experience, what do you mean? Let me give you an example.

Before the age of 37, I didn’t understand these principles at all. Before the age of 37, I was selfish and greedy. I would never tell everyone the secret recipe like today. At that time, I had five shelves of ancient Chinese medicine books. After I copied the secret recipes, I put them under my pillow and hid them all. If others want my prescriptions, I’m sorry, but I won’t give them to you, and I won’t tell you the secret recipes passed down in my family. So care about your own interests and think for yourself. As a result, you will find that many of the people around you are this kind of people. I have encountered many things. You use others to do things, ask others to do something on your behalf, and get some money. As a result, after getting it, the person in the middle took the money away and refused to give it to you. He ran away, and this person disappeared. I have encountered such a thing several times. Can you imagine such a thing? I often encounter. It means that I cared about profit at that time, and when I was greedy, I was always with these "unlucky ghosts". At this time, my life will not be smooth. My life has been zero for almost ten years, and often the things I have worked hard to do have been done in vain and gone. This is what Lao Tzu said, "Those who lose are the same as those who lose". If you deviate from the principle of Tao, you will be with those who don't know anything. Please, there are always people like this around you. Why so unlucky? Why one unlucky thing after another, you have to ask yourself, the reason is here.

"Virtue is the same as virtue" means that after understanding the principles of Tao, do things for everyone. Immediately there will be changes and life will be smooth. My life went smoothly after I went to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine to study for a Ph. Do you have any experience?" Talk about these contents. The students didn’t go out to drink much in the past three years. No one asked me to drink. It’s not that I’m not popular. Everyone is studying hard and serving food in the cafeteria. The content of the chat is to talk about cases, how to see which disease, etc. . Many students seek Buddhism and Taoism, pay attention to physical and mental cultivation, and read books on Chinese studies. I was influenced by them, slowly changed, and finally understood this truth, and my life began to change.

From there, life goes smoothly, and the people you meet are kind and willing to help you. I do things for you, and you come to help me. Isn't this state very good? Many friends told me that since entering your study circle, why do you think the people in the circle are so nice? People who study Chinese culture are particularly kind and helpful. Before, because my heart deviated from the Tao, the people I met were all people who didn't know the Tao, and they were the kind of people who fought with you, so there were many difficulties in life. After you understand the principles of Tao, do things for everyone and try to let go of yourself. Although I am also working hard, as a result, most of the people you meet are kind people, and your life will be much smoother and very happy. Just like our circle, more than 3,000 of us study the Tao Te Ching together, and we will find that many people have changed a lot. Many people commented that people who used to get angry more than a dozen times a day, but now they can't get angry once a day. The reason for this change is that our more than 3,000 people have also formed an aura, and everyone seeks each other with the same aura. This is called "virtuous people share virtue". You understand the Tao, those who like the Tao, and those who are willing to do it, form a field with these people, and everyone promotes each other together, and the result is that life is much smoother. Slowly changing like this, in fact, our lives will change a lot. This is called "The virtue is the same as the virtue, and the loser is the same as the loss." Why is this so? Because people flock together and things form groups, people like to be with people who are roughly the same as themselves and have the same thoughts. When you get close to the Tao, you see many people slowly approaching you, which is seeking sympathy. People look at you, he does things like me, we are the same kind of people, so we are close to you. The people who approach are those who are willing to do things and do things according to the law of the Tao. If you don't know the Tao, you will fight against each other if you deviate from the Tao, and you will elevate yourself very high. The guy you see is he's like me, we both talk the same way, I have to get closer to you, that kind of get closer to you. That's why it's called "those who are virtuous are the same as those who are virtuous, and those who lose are the same as those who lose."

Later, Lao Tzu said, "Those who are the same as virtue, the Tao also has virtue. Those who are the same as those who lose, the Tao also loses." This means that if you do things according to the laws of Tao, Tao will be willing to help you . "The same as the lost", if you are with the group of people who deviate from the Tao, the Tao will also deviate from you and leave you. I think I have been saying this all the time, preaching to everyone is the law of the world, and there are psychological laws in it, but I must say something more. On top of this, there are likely to be other theories. That is to say, what power? What does Lao Tzu say about power? The power of Tao designed these laws, let us do it in the world, that is "the way of heaven", let us walk in the way of the world. But keep in mind that the "Tao of Heaven" is still there. If you act according to the Tao, the "Tao of Heaven" may have other powers to help you go smoothly in addition to making you smooth in the world according to the laws of psychology. . This is called "Those who are the same as virtue, the Tao is also virtuous. Those who are the same as those who are lost, the Tao is also lost." Does this thing exist? I can't say much about this, but tell everyone that I think it exists.

Let me give you an example. When I didn't understand these things before, my life was in a mess. Let me tell you this, actually when I was 37 years old, I was still asking my parents for living expenses, and my career was in a mess. I pray to God to bless me. I have made countless vows. I go to temples and churches. I will go to the great gods and immortals. I will take out all the money in my pocket and burn incense to donate to you. Bless me to get rich. I prayed to bless me to get rich about hundreds of times, and I told everyone that it didn't work once, and I was often deceived. I only had 200 yuan in my pocket to light incense, but you didn't even return the 2000 yuan to me, so I didn't believe him. I almost became an atheist at that time, I didn't believe in anything. Later, I realized this truth. I was studying for a doctorate at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. If I hadn’t done this doctorate, I don’t know what my life would be like. After studying for a Ph.D., I was gradually changed by these students and the school atmosphere and teacher education. After understanding the principles of Tao, I began to vow to do things for everyone.

After graduating with a Ph.D., I went to Lama Temple in Beijing to make a wish. I put a stick of incense in front of each Buddha and Bodhisattva statue, and then knelt on the ground and kowtowed three hairs. I am willing to dedicate myself to the happiness of all living beings and work hard to relieve the diseases of all living beings. I kowtowed constantly. There were too many Buddha statues in Lama Temple. In the end, because I kowtowed too much and didn't have this exercise, my legs trembled and I couldn't stand up. Go to the front of the last big Buddha statue that looks like sandalwood, at the end of Lama Temple. Going to pray earnestly means that the whole vow is over, and finally finished praying, and just about to go out, my mobile phone rang. I quickly came out to answer the phone, I stepped outside the threshold with one foot, and quickly came out to answer the phone under the eaves. Beijing TV Station called me and said, "Are you Dr. Luo? We want to host a program called "Yang Sheng Tang", and we would like to ask you to help us create this program." I vowed to spread the knowledge of Chinese medicine to all beings, and the call came right away Yes, I was shocked at the time.
This is not over yet, I took the bus back home, I opened the door, and my habit of opening the door put the key on the table. I had just put the keys on the table when the phone rang again. The first answer was from CCTV's "Hundreds of Lectures" column team, "Dr. Luo, we have read your information. We have studied it all and think you are a suitable candidate. Can you try to record "Hundreds of Lectures" At that time, all the hairs on my body stood up, and I still have this feeling when I talk about it today. I don't think it works that well, does it? All my previous vows were for me to get rich, without a spirit. This time, as soon as I said that I would dedicate myself to working hard for sentient beings, within two hours, I would be contacted for two important matters. It's not that it's done, at least I've been contacted. So I think, I've since been there and I really think that there's a power above us looking at you. When you get close to the Tao, it will come to bless you. If you do anything, if you deviate from the Tao, it will leave you. I really think there is this power.

Everyone must remember what Lao Tzu said today. Lao Tzu said, "Those who follow the Tao are the same as the Tao." When you do everything, if you conform to the principles of the Tao and follow the guidance of the Tao, you will follow the Tao. The way of heaven is close, and it is the same as the way with it, forming a fusion with it. "Virtue is the same as virtue", you have obtained Tao, and those who understand Tao and act according to Tao are in the same category as all people who act according to Tao. "The lost is the same as the lost", the person who has lost the Tao, you and all the people who have lost the Tao are in the same category, you choose by yourself, these two categories. "Those who are the same as the Tao, the Tao also has virtue", you are a person in that category, and those who do things according to the Tao, the Tao will bless you. If you are in a circle with those who have lost the Tao, and those who have deviated from the Tao, the Tao may leave you. This is called "the same as the lost, the Tao is also lost." This is the meaning of these words. It may feel a little mysterious in it, but it is not mysterious at all. I think that when people get older, you will believe that these words are true, and such things really exist. Japanese entrepreneur Kazuo Inamori writes "Respect God and Love People" in front of every book. He must put "Respect Heaven" first, and after "Respect Heaven", he should love people according to the law of Heaven. "Respect God and Love People" is Inamori Everyone must understand the content that Kazuo must talk about at the beginning of each book.

Friends, that's all for today, let's talk again at this time tomorrow, and see what kind of inspiration the "Tao Te Ching" gives us? See you tomorrow, thank you all.
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