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Ginger has so many wonderful uses in winter, learn it quickly!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Ginger has so many wonderful uses in winter, learn it quickly!
It's obviously cold these days, and the temperature across the country has dropped suddenly. In this weather, let's talk about ginger.

Ginger, Chinese people used it very early. It is in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", and Zhang Zhongjing also used it in "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases". There are many uses of ginger in Chinese medicine, including dried ginger, fresh ginger, and stewed ginger , Ginger Pi, Pao Jiang, etc., we will introduce them to you separately.

This dried ginger is not dried ginger directly, but dried ginger is dried ginger. This mother ginger is the old ginger of last year. It went down to the ground in spring. The mother ginger germinated underground and grew other new rhizomes. These new stems are called ginger, so ginger is not mother ginger, so ginger The spicy nature of ginger is a little worse than that of dried ginger, but it is mainly divergent.

A few days ago, I visited Wen County in Jiaozuo, Henan Province. I was supposed to see Huai yam, but I was dragged by everyone to see Huai Jiang at the same time. It turned out that in Wen County, there is a treasure that people don’t know very well, called Huai. Ginger, I went to the field and found that it is really good ginger. If this kind of ginger is planted for one year, the land will rest for another three years before it can be planted again. Otherwise, if you plant it in the second year, it will not grow.

And the amazing thing is that Huai yam cannot be grown in the land of Huai Jiang, and Huai Jiang cannot be grown in the loamy soil of Huai Yam, just a short distance away, so magical and interesting.

Ginger is the main ingredient in our cooking. Confucius and his elders liked to eat ginger very much. Many literati in later generations love ginger accordingly. For example, Su Dongpo pointed out that eating ginger for a long time can also prolong life.

According to "Dongpo Miscellaneous Notes": "I used to visit Qiantang, Jianjun County, and visited Jingci Temple. Among the crowd, there was a monk named Cong Yaowang, who was over eighty years old, with a ruddy complexion and very different eyes." Asked the secret of his health and longevity, he replied. : "Take ginger for forty years, so you are not old."

Ginger can not only be eaten raw, but also processed with vinegar, sauce, bad food, salt, and honey. According to research, ginger contains volatile oils such as gingerol, which has a two-way regulating effect on the secretion of gastric acid and gastric juice, can increase appetite, promote intestinal peristalsis, and eliminate flatulence. Therefore, there are folk proverbs that say, "Three slices of ginger in the morning are better than drinking ginseng soup", "Three slices of ginger a day, and the doctor will prescribe it without labor." Of course, strictly speaking, people with hot certificates are still not suitable.

There is an old saying in China, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer". Why do we eat ginger in summer?

It turns out that in summer we tend to eat a lot of cold drinks and cold food, so that the yang energy of the spleen and stomach is easily injured. We can prevent this problem by eating ginger; in winter, we tend to eat a lot of meat, so that the spleen and stomach The transportation and transformation of the liver is also prone to problems, so we eat more radishes to promote digestion.

The medicinal properties of ginger for hair growth can help our body's Qi mechanism to maintain hair growth in summer, which is one of the reasons for eating ginger in summer. [Yun Shao: Attached is Radish's recent article "Why Eat Radish in Winter and Ginger in Summer" to read by clicking the title~]

The role of ginger in Chinese medicine: Ginger is pungent and warm in nature. Return lung, spleen, stomach warp. Efficacy Relieves exterior and disperses cold, warms the middle, invigorates the stomach, relieves vomiting, resolves phlegm and relieves cough.

What does it mean? First, ginger can dispel coldness. If we are blown by a cold wind, cut a few slices of ginger and boil water. After drinking it like this, we will sweat all over, and then our body will warm up immediately, and even sweat. The evil is expelled, which is called expelling the exterior and dispelling the cold.

Another function of ginger is to stop vomiting. If the spleen and stomach disharmony cause vomiting, especially cold vomiting, at this time, squeeze some ginger juice and drink it to stop vomiting. The effect is very good.

Ginger juice is made like this:

Crush the ginger, mix it with a little boiling water, stir, and then drain the juice. This is ginger juice. It is not ginger juice that is crushed in a blender and squeezed for juice.

As for resolving phlegm and relieving cough, it refers to cold cough, caused by cold, or cold phlegm. At this time, ginger is added to the prescription, and the effect is good. In "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", ginger is used 39 times, which is basically used to dispel cold, relieve vomiting, and reduce phlegm.

Here, I would like to introduce to you: in winter, the air is very cold. If we get up to work in the morning and walk in a hurry, sometimes we will breathe in the air-conditioning in our stomachs, and some people even feel uncomfortable in their stomachs. This can be done at this time. When you go out in the morning, take a slice of ginger, hold it in your mouth, let the saliva slowly mix with the ginger juice, and then swallow it. When you are almost there, chew the ginger slices slowly , spit it out or swallow it, so as to keep the chest warm and not be affected by the wind and cold outside. This is not made up by myself. This is the record in "Compendium of Materia Medica". Li Shizhen said: "Go to the mountains early , it is advisable to contain a piece, so as not to cause mist, dew, clear dampness and mountain haze."

Let's talk about dried ginger.

"Shen Nong's Materia Medica" says dried ginger: spicy and warm. Indicates fullness of the chest and coughing against upper qi, warming the middle to stop bleeding, sweating, expelling rheumatism, intestinal congestion, and lower benefit.

We now believe that dried ginger warms the middle and expels cold, restores yang and unblocks the veins. Control confidant's cold pain, vomiting and diarrhea, cold extremities and weak pulse, cold drink and dyspnea and cough, anemofrigid-damp arthralgia, yang deficiency and vomiting of nosebleeds and hemorrhage.

Dried ginger is different from fresh ginger. Ginger has a more diffuse nature and has the effect of sweating. Dried ginger has less effect. Its effect is on the inside, and it is a medicine that only warms the inside. For example, there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine, "Aconite is not dry ginger, not hot". In the famous Yang-warming prescription Sini Decoction in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", we use aconite and dried ginger to restore Yang. Salvation, this prescription is a school of traditional Chinese medicine: the sharp weapon of the Vulcan school, and some masters of the Vulcan school often use this Sini soup to save people in distress. When a person is seriously ill and the yang qi is weak, at this time, the righteous qi cannot dispel the pathogenic factors and go out, and danger symptoms will often appear immediately. Using Sini Decoction at this time will stimulate the yang qi of the person and make the patient appear alive.

In winter, sometimes we wear less clothes, and the wind will hit our stomach directly, especially after a long time outdoors, our stomach will be cold, which often causes stomach pain, some women will be more serious . At this time, if you have dried ginger powder at home, you can drink a little, which can play a warming role. This kind of dried ginger powder is usually sold in supermarkets. It is very convenient to buy at the condiment counter, and it is usually enough to drink it once. At the same time, soaking your feet in hot water will relieve them quickly.

Nowadays, many people have many opportunities to catch cold, such as drinking cold drinks and dressing beautifully and freezing people, so many women suffer from cold uterine pain, cold abdomen, cold limbs, etc., many such problems , if you can take a little dried ginger products in winter, it will be very good for your body's recovery.
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