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These 6 types of people are more likely to suffer from diabetes complications

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

These 6 types of people are more likely to suffer from diabetes complications
American social psychologist Festinger has a very famous judgment, known as the "Festinger's Law": 10% of things in life are beyond our control, while the other 90% are It's something we can control.

The same goes for diabetic patients controlling blood sugar. The incidence of diabetes is 10% to 12%. You cannot choose to develop diabetes, but the remaining 90% depends on how you understand diabetes and how you control and manage blood sugar.

People with the following six emotions will definitely have worse and worse control of diabetes.

1. Low mood, depression and complaints

When many people with diabetes are first diagnosed with diabetes, they find it difficult to accept it, complain that fate is unfair to them, and complain about this negative emotion.

It is likely to lead to depression, and patients will have the following symptoms:

Depressed mood, low emotion, depression and pessimism; slow thinking, reduced active speech, and significantly slowed down speech speed; decreased volitional activity, passive and lazy life, not wanting to do things, not wanting to interact with people around, and avoiding social interactions.

The emotional center that regulates emotions is in the hypothalamus of the brain, and the nerve center that regulates endocrine is also in the hypothalamus. Therefore, excessive and long-term negative emotional changes can cause endocrine dysfunction, lead to large blood sugar fluctuations, and make it difficult to control diabetes.


After suffering from diabetes, no matter how depressed and complaining it is, it will not help. On the contrary, these negative emotions will affect the disease, work and life, and finally make work and life a mess, making the condition more serious.

Only by holding a normal heart, greeting and dealing with diabetes with a smile, actively cooperating with doctors' treatment, conscientiously learning the relevant knowledge about diabetes prevention and treatment, doing a good job with a positive attitude and arranging your own life can you control it well. blood sugar.

If your depression is severe and you cannot adjust it yourself, you should seek psychological counseling from a psychiatrist as soon as possible. If necessary, you can use antidepressant medication.

2. Pessimistic and disappointed, broken can and broken

This is a manifestation of pessimism and disappointment, which mainly manifests as despair about the disease and a laissez-faire mentality in work, life and disease treatment. It manifests itself as being undisciplined and lazy at work, and in life as uncontrolled squandering and wasting one's own life, such as smoking and drinking without restraint, staying up late at night, clubbing or playing cards, etc.

People with diabetes often say that they will get better after eating, drinking, and playing, and they will die because they are full. This is a typical behavior of this kind of people. Such emotions and behaviors also affect diabetes treatment. Due to poor blood sugar control and uncontrolled work and life, complications of diabetes come earlier, which will seriously affect the patient's quality of life and eventually form a vicious cycle.


First of all, diabetes lovers should know that diabetes can be controlled. As long as blood sugar is controlled well for a long time, complications do not occur or are delayed, and the life span and quality of life are the same as normal people. With this belief, if you correct your bad living habits and lifestyle, actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, take medicine on time, control your blood sugar, and see a psychologist for psychological counseling when necessary, you will be able to control the disease.

3. Eager for success

As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Eagerness for success is a kind of anxiety and impatience about diabetes, which manifests itself in the desire to get things done overnight when it comes to diabetes treatment. In addition to causing blood sugar to fluctuate like a roller coaster, people seeking medical attention due to a sudden illness may also become anxious and seek medical treatment everywhere, leading to confusion in medication, irregular diet, and inconsistent exercise methods, making it difficult to control blood sugar.


Study more popular science articles in regular magazines and fully understand that diabetes is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. Patients should change their impatience, maintain a good attitude, and treat diabetes treatment with a normal mind. Adhere to the correct treatment methods, make sure to keep in touch with a senior diabetes doctor, insist on regular review, and maintain blood sugar stability.

4. Give up halfway and achieve nothing.

As the ancients said, one can make a great effort, then it will fade away, and three times it will be exhausted. The same is true for diabetes treatment, which requires persistence.

Giving up halfway is a lazy and degenerate emotion. After several years of treatment with lifestyle and hypoglycemic drugs, diabetic patients have good blood sugar control, feel good about themselves, and have no complications. They gradually become lazy and slack, relax the standard treatment of diabetes, and do not insist on regular review. , eventually leading to elevated blood sugar and complications.


Adjust your mood, be hospitalized regularly to adjust your blood sugar, and check whether there are complications. During the hospitalization, you can see those patients with diabetes who have complications, understand the dangers of complications, and stimulate the fighting spirit to treat diabetes.

Adhere to taking medicine on time, adhere to a correct lifestyle, keep blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, blood viscosity and other indicators stable to prevent or delay the occurrence and development of complications.

5. Too entangled and cares too much

This is a kind of obsessive and suspicious mentality, doubting others and life, and pursuing perfection too much, insisting on distinguishing right from wrong, black and white, for everything in the world. This is reflected in the choice of diabetes treatment options. This group of people are often confused and hesitant about drug selection. Care too much about the efficacy and adverse reactions of drugs, worry about gains and losses, and ultimately miss the opportunity for treatment.


People with this kind of personality characteristics are more common in menopausal women. It is often difficult for patients to adjust their mentality. It is recommended to seek medical advice from a doctor.

Consult with a senior diabetes doctor, preferably a doctor who has a limited number of appointments every day, to slowly help guide you and adjust your mentality. Go to a hospital with a diabetes professional nurse clinic and listen to the patient and detailed teachings of the professional nurses. If you still cannot adjust your mentality, you should see a psychiatrist in time and treat yourself with antipsychotic drugs if necessary.

6. Blindly following the trend and lacking independent opinions

This type of diabetic patients are indecisive, lack their own opinions, and are easily influenced by others. Blindly follow the trend in diabetes treatment. If you see other people taking good blood sugar-lowering drugs, you will follow them, regardless of whether these drugs are suitable for your body and condition; or you may listen to other people's recommendations and take some health products or products that have no hypoglycemic effect. The so-called secret recipe for lowering blood sugar, in the end, failed to control blood sugar, but caused damage to liver and kidney function and the occurrence of diabetic complications.

Countermeasures: Avoid participating in various health product sales meetings, and actively participate in health education activities organized by medical staff and community health service center personnel. In addition, diabetes patients with this kind of personality and mentality must follow the doctor's guidance when it comes to diabetes treatment, go to the hospital for regular review, and adjust the treatment plan in a timely manner.

Diabetic patients all know the impact of diet, exercise, and drugs on blood sugar. In addition, everyone is reminded not to forget the impact of mood, emotions, mentality and other psychological problems on diabetes. A good mood is also the key to determining the effectiveness of diabetes treatment. Being in a good mood every day is a good medicine for treating diabetes.
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