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When facing challenges, the best way is to attack them head-on

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

When facing challenges, the best way is to attack them head-on
Yao Wei, who was born in 1986, is a big boy, but he feels younger than his actual age. This may be related to the child-like smile that is always on his face, or maybe sports fighting makes people feel strong and powerful. At the same time, the mental outlook is also better.

Yao Wei is the only son in his family. His father was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in his 20s. Yao Wei's grandfather loves traditional martial arts and has been exposed to it since he was a child. In addition, as a boy, he likes sports. Yao Wei started his martial arts career when he was 5 years old. He has been practicing for 20 years. Traditional martial arts, Sanda, and competitions are all about joy and sorrow. It’s hard to describe the sweetness and sourness in just one word. In Yao Wei's words, there are times when you defeat your opponent, and there are times when you are mercilessly KO (meaning to take down, knock down) by your opponent.

Just like life, not long ago he was smiling at you, but in the next moment he showed a ferocious face. What can you do? Only when you punch your opponent hard and knock down your opponent can you stand proudly.

The doctor said: “Strenuous exercise must be stopped”

Yao Wei doesn't remember exactly when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 6 years ago. He only remembers that he suddenly lost weight during that period, losing 30 kilograms in 4 months. At the beginning, he was quite happy, which was something he could only dream of. But soon, he felt something was wrong, including nausea, palpitation, hunger, fatigue, and sweating all the time. When he went to the hospital for a check, his blood sugar was 29.2mmol/L.

After he was discharged from the hospital, although the doctor told him: "In the future, strenuous exercise must be stopped," Yao Wei did not take it seriously. The martial arts hobby that I have persisted for 20 years has become an important part of my life. How can I give up so easily? But when he returned home and saw that his practice clothes had been collected by his family, his boxing gloves had been given away, and the sandbag that had been with him for several years had been cut to pieces and had empty holes, he cried.

"There is nothing else. I can inject insulin, control my diet, and exercise, but how can I give up the hobby that I like and have worked hard for 20 years?" This thought tortured Yao Wei. During that period, he was depressed, anxious, and lost. direction.

He began to stay at home, play on his mobile phone, and play various games. He spent all the money he earned on purchasing electronic equipment and digital products, trying to find happiness and spiritual sustenance in the virtual world.

Seeing Yao Wei's depressed condition, his family members were worried, but they didn't know what to do. That year, Yao Wei was 25 years old, young and in his prime, but the disease came.

"When faced with difficulties, what can we do if we don't face them?"

Until one day Yao Wei saw the legendary experience of a type 1 patient abroad and was completely alert. Jay Maryniak started drinking alcohol at the age of 11 and started taking drugs at the age of 12. Eight years later, on her 20th birthday, JayMaryniak woke up in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and suddenly realized that she needed to change. The soul woke up, and the boy who was stumbling when he walked was completely gone. After hard training, the once weak boy became a big name in the fitness world, and every movement was a benchmark for fitness.

"If you don't be hard on yourself, you will never know how awesome you are." The power of role models is infinite. Yao Wei suddenly realized that a strong heart can reverse the trough of life. In the face of diabetes, only courage can defeat it.

"People who practice fighting have a strong desire to win. It can't be seen on the surface, but the fighting spirit and will are deep in the bones. I thought at that time, what can I do if I don't fight against the difficulties?" Looking back on his resistance Yao Wei said this on Tangxin Road. He put aside the online games he was addicted to before and started learning from various channels. After a while, he gained a certain understanding of diabetes.

In Yao Wei's own words, he is a "foodie" and likes to study recipes. After getting sick, he began to learn how to cook sugar-free dishes, such as sweet and sour chicken fillet, fish-flavored eggplant, and kung pao chicken. When sugar was needed, he used sugar substitutes. The dishes he made were full of flavor and flavor, and his family was full of praise.

Yao Wei loves to play and laugh, and he feels very sunny. During the interview, the reporter could always feel his good attitude. "Diabetes is not a terminal disease, but it can encourage you to pay attention to health now, eat properly, work regularly, and exercise scientifically. I think if you persist in this way for a long time, your body will be healthier. Type 1 diabetes is not easy for ordinary people to get, haha... Deal with the disease every day Challenge, I feel life is very fulfilling.”

"You can't lose to yourself"

Yao Wei, who has practiced fighting since childhood, has participated in many fighting competitions and won rankings, such as the 2010 National Wushu League Sanda Champion, the 2011 Muay Thai League Champion, etc. After getting diabetes, he continued to train while strengthening management and controlling blood sugar. He even opened a boxing gym between competitions. Unlike other boxing gyms, in addition to other team members, there are also several special children: type 1 sugar babies like him. Some are four or five years old, and some are in their teens. This is because Yao Wei often communicates with patients on various forums. He is experienced, cheerful and helpful. Therefore, he quickly became famous in the Shijiazhuang sugar circle. He himself is an example of successful sugar control. Parents of type 1 sugar babies feel safe to leave their children in his hands, train with him, and learn to fight against sugar together. At his request, even 4-year-old children had to participate in cleaning, mopping, and washing after training... Some parents felt sorry for their children and did not understand his actions, so he did not give in.

"Many parents feel that their children are sick and should take more care of them. Some even dote on their children. My opinion is that type 1 sugar babies need to be stronger and braver. Children always have to grow up, and they need to know early on that they and their health are People are no different. In the future, no one will take special care of you just because you are a patient. So don’t feel sorry for yourself. Being a person is just like boxing. You have to have a bit of wolf nature. In fact, it is not unfair to lose to others. There is no victorious general in the world, but You can't lose to yourself." Yao Wei rarely said seriously during the interview.

"The big sugar baby takes the little sugar baby to fight sugar together"

The reporter was surprised to learn that all these Type 1 sugar babies receive free training here at Yao Wei.

"The parents of these children trust me and leave them to me. I am willing to take them to practice together. Not only is it free, I also often give them various equipment. I hope to bring them to grow up healthily and happily. What a sugar baby, haha! The children have made great progress. When they first came to me, some children didn’t even know how to inject insulin, so their parents had to take care of it. Now they can inject insulin by themselves.”

Having said this, Yao Wei had a bright smile on his face.

When a reporter asked him what his future plans and goals were, Yao Wei replied seriously: "Now I just want to run my own boxing gym, and I want to make it a model that combines traditional Chinese culture and martial arts Sanda. I also want to organize a boxing gym." It is a sports club that often organizes patients to ride and jog together, and everyone exchanges anti-sugar knowledge and health-preserving methods during exercise. I also need to work out and build muscles, and participate in competitions. In short, there are many things I want to do. Baby, I can Work hard!”

Looking at this playful, laughing, optimistic Type 1 sugar baby in front of me, the reporter felt warm in his heart. It’s great to be young, and a life with hope really has unlimited possibilities. Blessings to our sugar babies!
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