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The road to healing from postpartum anxiety, depression and insomnia

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

The road to healing from postpartum anxiety, depression and insomnia
The ice and snow have melted and spring has arrived. Looking back on this journey, it feels like a lifetime ago.

In the spring of 2011, the urinary system infection was not treated in time, and hydronephrosis developed after three days. In order to quickly return to work and continue to work hard, and to continue pursuing fame and fortune, I went to a Western doctor, who gave me an infusion. In order to completely cure it, I went to a Chinese medicine doctor. After the Chinese medicine prescribed medicine to relieve vomiting and diarrhea (I doubted the prescription, the doctor confirmed that diarrhea can eliminate fluid accumulation, now thinking about this medical skill, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh), I lost 20 pounds, and finally felt depressed. From then on, I slowly started to walk slowly. Seek medical advice. Traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, psychological consultation cards, psychotherapy, I have seen countless doctors, and I go to the city from the suburbs for medical treatment once a week. Gradually understand that wrong doctor is worse than no doctor. With the help of psychology, the "superstition" of Chinese and Western medicine gradually disintegrates. The "superstition" of authority disintegrated.

In the spring of 2017, at the age of 33, an eight-pound baby girl was born naturally in a non-optimal fetal position. After the birth, she was at a loss. There were family conflicts, and her husband tried to hide away whenever he could. When family members face their children, it evokes the pain of having a son over a daughter and the sorrow of losing a child. Anxiety begins to run in the family. During the confinement period, I became restless and had difficulty falling asleep. Talk about peace of mind and tranquility, and bring your mind back. Getting better gradually. Taking care of the baby every night, I didn't get enough sleep, and I was in a daze during the day. Expect the baby to sleep through the night and go straight to sleep after feeding without playing. Unexpectedly, during the dog days of summer when the baby stayed at his grandparents’ house, no cooling measures were taken. At four months, the baby began to develop eczema and scabies on a large scale. The doctor misdiagnosed him and caused all kinds of troubles. In 20 days, he took the baby to see a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner sixteen times. , Western medicine consultation, the baby was so painful that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and he also experienced the pain of taking the baby to the emergency room in the middle of the night. The baby is sick and worried. Haha, when my baby was six months old, I had complete insomnia, obvious belching, and no desire to eat. I never thought that a person with the name of the God of Sleep would suffer from insomnia. Really, anything is possible.

I started soaking my feet with Bupleurum, Dragon Bone and Oyster Soup recommended by Dr. Luo, but I didn’t feel much because I had to get up in the middle of the night to see if the baby was hot or cold. Anxiety, depression, and insomnia all night long... My aunt shared that she went to the best Western medicine doctor in the province last year for anxiety, depression, and insomnia. She could fall asleep after taking Western medicine, and she could move around like a normal person during the day, but after a while she couldn't do without Western medicine. , she doesn’t believe in traditional Chinese medicine, she believes in authoritative experts and high-end hospitals.

I believe that traditional Chinese medicine can cure it, and I don’t hesitate to seek help from a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. During this period, I also had psychological counseling. Combined with seven years of psychology study and treatment experience, I discovered the limitations of psychological counseling. If you don’t know the cycle of cause and effect and are limited to yourself, how can you be liberated? Thanks to the foundation laid over the past seven years, I no longer have any worries outside my heart. My wisdom roots are not deep, I cannot stay still in the air, and countless worries arise. At the same time, I listened to Dr. Luo's lecture on "Tao Te Ching" to regulate the mind. I reflected on my own mind and found that I couldn't let go of fame and fortune and had many thoughts. What should I do? By chanting the Buddha's name, I can gradually become drowsy at night. For the first time, I truly had faith, without any doubt, and let go of myself.

I went to the doctor with confidence. As a result, I didn’t mention insomnia. But when I mentioned insomnia, the doctor gave me some soothing ideas for treating insomnia: polygala root, fried wild jujube seeds, oysters, etc. As a result, I couldn’t sleep all night. The experience of keeping my eyes open until dawn is really intoxicating. The feeling of envy that others could stay up all night to study and do work is gone. It turns out to be so painful. I wish I could sleep peacefully every night in this life. I changed four doctors, famous doctors, old experts, and people from drugstores all tried it. Some are used to treat stomach problems, some are treated when Qi and blood are deficient, some are treated when there is heat in the liver and gallbladder meridian, and some are treated when the heart and spleen are deficient. There is no direction or hope in life. The most gratifying thing every day is to be alive the next day.

During the treatment period, I read six books by Dr. Luo and looked at several constitutions, and I felt they all looked like mine. I have not systematically studied Chinese medicine and dare not rush to use medicine. Go to the hospital to find a doctor who is really effective in acupuncture and moxibustion, and it has some effect. Gradually, I realized that I had various problems caused by the discomfort of liver qi, but my heart didn't seem to have much feeling yet. Problems with the spleen and stomach existed before pregnancy, but they were not taken seriously.
In the vast Beijing, I don't know where to seek medical treatment. In January of this year, in the office, an idea came to me that I could try Dr. P who gave lectures in 2010. So I found out as soon as I checked, and made an appointment over the phone to meet in two months.

In this way, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, the public accounts of Luo Dalun and Lazy Rabbit, Chinese medicine books, and people's medical records... According to Dr. Luo's method of adjusting the mind, I can gradually sleep for three or four hours, and then I can be confused all night. At least you don't have to keep your eyes open until dawn.

I read the book again and saw the part about liver depression and qi stagnation, and I used Shugan Hewei pills for anxiety. A few sentences, no detailed description. I gave it a try and bought two bottles. After taking two bottles, I found that the tightness in my stomach disappeared and my mood opened up. I am confident that the method Dr. Luo said will work. There are still sleep, qi and blood, etc. that need to be repaired. To fully recover, you still need to seek help from a doctor. In the past two months, others recommended a female doctor. She is good and can talk about medical theory. She said that it is a discord between the liver and spleen that needs to be relieved. Just take it, don't take supplements casually. She prescribed three prescriptions, and her anxiety was greatly reduced, but she still couldn't sleep, even after taking cinnabar, etc., and she couldn't sleep all night after drinking it at night. Now that it has been determined that it is liver qi discomfort, I finally decided to use the method shared by Dr. Luo - Bupleurum Longgu Oyster Soup with flavored feet.

In March of this year, I made an appointment with Dr. P, who prescribed ten flavors of medicine, each in an amount of 10 grams. My body felt relaxed, and I wondered if this would be effective, but my heart was happy. I finally found out that I could prescribe only ten flavors. Medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. P gave each patient a set of books, telling them how to be a human being, how to be benevolent, righteous, courteous, wise, and trustworthy, and how to maintain health.

While taking the medicine, I continued to soak my feet with the prescription prescribed by Dr. Luo, and read Dr. Luo's book again. He said that if you have severe insomnia, you can try boiling schisandra chinensis and cistanche deserticola in water before going to bed and taking stir-fried jujube kernel powder. After a week, I was able to have a deep sleep, and the early awakening and difficulty in falling asleep improved at the same time. So I continued to grab the medicine for foot bath and oral medicine, and cooperate with acupuncture and moxibustion. Gradually, for five or six hours at night, I can forget that I am sleeping and have fewer thoughts. As soon as the thought takes you away, recite the Buddha's name and come back.

Now my anxiety is 90% better, and I can sleep eight hours a night. After taking Dr. P's medicine, my energy improved, and a symptom that had been bothering me for five months (feeling like there was a hole in my head, which was very uncomfortable but hard to describe) was significantly improved after just two doses of medicine (Doctor P said it was due to postpartum wind). . When I got the prescriptions from the hospital, the doctor said none of them were for treating wind. They were all common herbs used to regulate the spleen and stomach. In the end, they added ten grams of gastrodia elata, but I couldn’t figure out why. If you can't forget, there must be echoes, and finally met the doctor in the book - don't be led away by symptoms, focus on the key points, and heal the root of the body and mind.

During this period of insomnia, I had seven years of seeking Chinese medicine for treatment. I carefully read several medical books. When his father took the prescription prescribed by the doctor in the pharmacy and became more ill, he bravely played and healed his father's spring temperature. After the Spring Festival, I had rhinitis for many years, and I took Wuwei Gypsum Decoction and saw immediate results. My colleague Chunwen took the medicine prescribed by the hospital but it didn't work. I took two packs of Chinese patent medicines with me when I went out to do errands, and my colleague recovered in three days. The child had a fever for the first time when he was eleven and a half months old. He used pediatric massage plus Pediatric Chaigui Antipyretic Granules to reduce the fever overnight. After discussing with a medical friend, I used Maren Pills boiled in water to treat the child’s hard, dry, black stool. Combined with the psychotherapy I learned before, when you meet someone, you can look at the way they walk, their face, their tone of voice, their acquaintances, and their tongue. You can probably know the person's health status, and you won't envy anyone. Real freedom and happiness are not about gold, silver, wealth and status; freedom and happiness are about eating when you are hungry and sleeping when you are sleepy.

Listen to Dr. Luo's lectures every day and learn how to think, act, and treat people and things. I regret that I had low self-esteem before, looking down on myself and looking down on others. I regret not learning Chinese medicine and self-care earlier. I regret placing my hopes for happiness and love in the outside world. I regret not taking good care of myself. A kind of sadness, a kind of deep mourning. I want to hug my past self, and I want to say to myself: You did a great job, you worked hard, I saw it, you deserve all the luck and love...

In the most critical and difficult moments, the life wisdom summarized by our ancestors will help every lost life. Those classics are the inheritance of love. I will pass on love to my children and to those who are willing to receive it. Thank you Dr. Luo and the team, thank you to everyone who is predestined, and hope you stay happy.
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