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Discover the wonders of traditional Chinese medicine under Luo Bo’s guidance

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Discover the wonders of traditional Chinese medicine under Luo Bo’s guidance
I have been following Luo Bo’s platform and attending Luo Bo’s various lectures for a long time, and I have always wanted to write something.

I used to like Chinese medicine very much. I always wanted to study Chinese medicine systematically. I used to hold ancient medical books and gnawed non-stop, but most of them couldn’t learn it. I couldn't understand the argument that "what's cold is hot, and what's hot is cold", so I ended up failing the exam.

Until one day, I saw the newly established column of Beijing Television Station—"Yangshengtang", which was very caring. At that time, Luo Bo appeared on the scene as a typical traditional Chinese intellectual, explaining and narrating in the most popular and simple language, vivid and vivid. It was down-to-earth, and at that time, well-known Chinese medicine doctors from famous Chinese medicine hospitals were giving lectures and seminars, and they were all experienced methods with high gold content, which immediately attracted me, and since then I have developed the habit of watching Yangshengtang until today. .

Afterwards, I watched Luo Bo’s "Hundred Schools Lecture Forum" one after another, followed Luo Bo's WeChat official account, and listened to Luo Bo's "Tao Te Ching", "Disciple Rules" and "Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes". I liked Luo Bo very much. Bo's humorous and popular explanations and conversational style sometimes make you laugh out loud while listening.

Although I have always liked and appreciated it, and I am used to listening to various lectures given by Luo Bo, and I have tried to use Luo Bo’s prescriptions to treat various discomforts, but I always feel that I have not achieved a leap-like change, and it is not enough to write a pen. , until this spring:

1. Yinhuo Decoction cured my tinnitus

Every spring I have a problem of tinnitus, and it always starts around 5-7 o’clock in the evening. I dare not take medicine again. One year, I suffered from sudden deafness, which really frightened me. I rushed to the hospital and received an IV infusion, and took drugs to dredge blood vessels. I even took hormones. Fortunately, I recovered later. This spring, after reading Luo Bo’s introduction of Yinhuo soup and the feedback from many netizens, I decided to try to eat Yinhuo soup. so that every year roxithromycin and mucosolvan are standing medicines at home), unexpectedly cured tinnitus, which really gave me a big windfall!

2. Three-bean ebony soup cures colds

The surprises are not over yet! It is said that this year's winter flu is raging. I am very glad that I have not caught a cold this year, but I haven't been complacent for a long time before the cold symptoms appear. One morning after the Spring Festival, I was blown by the wind without a hat (I felt it afterwards, because it was not too cold at that time), my nose was stuffy, my throat was itchy, I always wanted to cough and sneeze, I wanted to cover myself with a big quilt to keep warm , It will be fine after a good night's sleep, but it still doesn't work. Seeing that a cold is about to start, it is a serious trend. I often read the experience of a netizen on the official account who cured a child's illness with Luo Bo's three-bean ebony soup. I always didn’t take it seriously before. Three kinds of ordinary beans + black plums are like cooking porridge. Can they cure diseases?

This time I was really afraid of getting a cold, so I tried to boil it and drink it. After drinking it, I couldn’t believe it. It was a miracle, and the effect was immediate. I felt that my throat was not so itchy, and I didn’t cough much. , and after a good sleep, other symptoms of sneezing and nasal congestion disappeared. This time it gave me another big surprise!

3. Panax notoginseng cured my 20-year back pain.

I always see Luo Bo extolling the benefits of Panax notoginseng, so this year I plan to try Panax notoginseng powder (because I have spots on my face). Since giving birth for more than 20 years, my waist has always felt like a stick, stiff and painful, and it feels like it will break when I move a little bit. Moreover, after sitting for a long time, the pain in the waist and sacroiliac joints is so painful that I can’t support it. , reading books, watching TV, and watching computers, I can only stand or lie on the bed. I have seen a lot of Chinese and Western medicine, but I can’t explain why. I have also taken a lot of Chinese and Western medicine, but it didn’t help.

Just by chance, someone gave me 2 cans of panax notoginseng powder. I didn’t dare to eat it every day, but only ate it twice a week for half a month (about 5 or 6 times). The back pain is much better, at least I can move freely, and it turns out that my lower back, especially the knee joints, always feel cold pain, which cannot be relieved by various methods, such as hot water, moxibustion, electric heating Baby, knee pads... they couldn't keep me warm, but now I don't feel any pain, and I'm not so afraid of the cold anymore. This gave me another surprise and gain.

It was precisely these kinds of gains and surprises that prompted me to finally decide to write a book and tell everyone about my personal experiences and experiences - Chinese medicine is really effective! Luo Bo is our Chinese medicine guide! It is precisely because of the disseminator of traditional Chinese medicine like Luo Bo that those of us who have never been able to understand the essentials of traditional Chinese medicine, suffer from illnesses, and are at a loss can be relieved of illnesses, and thus have personally experienced the greatness of Chinese medicine for thousands of years With its exquisiteness, we also learned about the medical ethics and medical principles.

In short, I sincerely thank Luo Bo and thank the great medical treasures of the great motherland for thousands of years to save us and the common people. I also hope that my experiences and experiences will enable more people to appreciate the beauty of Chinese medicine, relieve pain, and follow Luo Bo learn more Chinese medicine knowledge! ! !
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