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No matter how you lose weight, you can’t lose weight?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

No matter how you lose weight, you can’t lose weight? There is moisture in the body causing trouble!
In summer, people like to dress cooler when they go out, but for people with more flesh, these clothes are not so friendly. At this time, I really want to say goodbye to my flesh, but the real "goodbye" is It’s not that easy. The reason is that the moisture in the body is causing trouble. This is what we often call “puffiness”. Today, let’s talk about the relationship between moisture in the body and puffiness.

In the human body, there are two main organs involved in water and liquid metabolism, namely the kidneys and the spleen. Among them, the characteristic of the spleen is that it "likes dryness and hates dampness". In layman's terms, it means that it likes dryness and hates dampness. The function of the kidneys is to warm and vaporize water, that is, to evaporate and transpire the water upward, and to move the water throughout the body driven by qi. One of the functions of the spleen is to transport and transform, not only the transport and transformation of food and water, but also the transport and transformation of water and dampness in the body. Unnecessary water in the body is excreted from the body in a timely manner under the transportation and transformation of the spleen, so that the normal water metabolism of the human body can be maintained. For healthy people, the strengths of the kidneys and spleen are equal, and there is no excess water in the body.

But what if you have spleen deficiency?

Then the excess water in the human body cannot be excreted in time, that is, the moisture will accumulate in the body in a large amount, and the tongue will be soaked in water and become big and swollen, covered with thick and white tongue coating, and the edge is still wet. Tooth marks, these water-dampness will turn into phlegm over time, and phlegm-dampness will accumulate in the body, usually in the abdomen and legs of the body. They are mixed with fat, making people look fatter. Due to excessive moisture in the body, the stool discharged will also be affected, resulting in loose stools and unformed stools.

For the above situation, choosing diet and exercise to lose weight will not have much effect on the already weak body, and it is difficult to persist. The correct way is to take care of the body and reduce fat together. Only by properly regulating the spleen and stomach and fundamentally enhancing the body's ability to resolve dampness can we truly achieve our goals. In addition to foot soaking and taking medicine, moxibustion is also very effective in removing dampness.

So, which acupoints should be moxibustioned to remove dampness?

Guanyuan point

In the lower abdomen, 3 inches below the middle of the umbilicus, on the anterior midline. This point has a good strengthening effect and is a commonly used point for health care. It has a good yang-tonifying effect and has a good therapeutic effect on yang deficiency and fatigue.

Zhongwan point

It is the Renmai point, 4 inches above the navel. It has the effects of warming the stomach and relieving vomiting, dispersing cold and relieving pain, harmonizing the stomach and strengthening the spleen, and lowering the fu-organ qi. Suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach.

Fenglong point

On the outside of the calf, 8 inches above the tip of the lateral malleolus, the outer edge of the tibialis anterior muscle, and one inch away from the opening of the bar (the opening of the bar: the outside of the calf, 8 inches below the nose of the calf, on the line connecting the nose of the calf and Xiexi). Fenglong is an important point for eliminating phlegm and dampness, and is often used in combination with Yinlingquan.


On the outside of the calf, 3 inches below the calf's nose, 1 finger transversely from the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting the calf's nose and Jiexi. It has the functions of regulating the spleen and stomach, replenishing Qi, strengthening body and dispelling evil, and is an important point for health care.

*Acupuncture point pictures come from "Illustrated Huangdi Neijing" produced by Zitu Books

How to operate:

Moxibustion on each acupoint for 20 minutes once a day. Take a day off after one week of moxibustion.

Zusanli can invigorate the middle and replenish qi, dredge the meridian and activate the collaterals; Zhongwan is the mo point of the stomach, and it is also the intersection point of the Fuhui of the Bahui point, the Ren meridian and the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, and it is the key point for the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases; Yuanyou has the power to replenish the vitality of the body, and long-term moxibustion can strengthen the body; Fenglong is a special point for removing dampness, and the combination of all points can replenish the middle qi and remove dampness.

When applying moxibustion, you should choose acupoints and moxibustion methods reasonably according to your physical condition. The purpose of moxibustion is to regulate the body. If the body does have corresponding symptoms, it is appropriate to apply the corresponding method.

Through the above introduction, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of which acupoints are used for moxibustion to eliminate phlegm and dampness. In daily life, we must do a good job in health care, and pay close attention to changes in the body to prevent disease and dampness from entering our body, giving evil chances and causing various diseases.

In addition to using the moxibustion method mentioned above to help the body recover, it is also necessary to develop a reasonable and scientific lifestyle in daily life. Excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol or raw and cold food is not allowed, especially in summer. Yang Qi is the most vigorous time. At this time, taking raw and cold products is refreshing for a while, which will hurt Yang Qi, and it will appear in autumn and winter, and this will affect the spleen and stomach function, digestion ability and physical health, etc. All have very bad effects.

Okay, that’s all for today. I wish you all to stay away from puffiness and become slim and healthy!
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