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The Definitive Guide to Body Regulation

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

The Definitive Guide to Body Regulation
Learn Chinese medicine to distinguish symptoms, distinguish between heat and cold, and regulate yin and yang

Because there are old people and children in the family, and because I have a deeper understanding of health in middle age, I have been understanding and learning Chinese medicine in the past year, such as health preservation and children's massage.

The initial study was messy and disorganized. After all, I was not a professional medical person, and I still had no clue about my studies. I relied on various Baidu and some popular books on the Internet. One-sided learning didn't get me anywhere initially, and it always backfired. For example, if a child catches a cold, drink some banlangen quickly, and then drink some anti-virus, thinking that it’s all traditional Chinese medicine, so it won’t be ineffective, right? At worst, it can also play a preventive role. Unexpectedly, the more I drank, the worse it became. In the end, I had a fever, coughed, and went for an injection. I couldn't understand why. Later, I began to think about the reason for this. I thought it was because the child's resistance was too weak. It wasn't until I came across Dr. Luo's lecture on parenting that colds should be distinguished from cold and heat and symptoms, and I suddenly realized that colds should be divided into wind and cold, wind and heat. Alas, ignorance is terrible!

There is a more profound example, which I have personally experienced. After giving birth, I guess my body has not fully recovered. One year I went back to my hometown for the New Year. My hometown is in Shaanxi. During the Chinese New Year, the transportation in my hometown in the countryside is not very convenient. I spend all day visiting relatives and friends by motorcycle. , My feet are hard from the cold. Later, when I returned to work in Wuhan, I found something was wrong. My waist felt very uncomfortable, and I often felt very tired. I was tired when I stood up. When I got home, I wanted to lie on the sofa. In summer, when the air conditioner was turned on, my back pain started, and the sweat all over my body was ice-cold. .

Everyone knows that low back pain is caused by kidney deficiency, so I started to take Liuwei Dihuang Wan, but after taking it for a few days, there was no effect, but it got worse. I began to consult various Baidu and various online experts, and finally figured out that my type belongs to kidney yang deficiency. No wonder Liuwei Dihuang Pills are used to treat kidney yin deficiency. So I started to take Jinkuishenqi Pills. It is really not suitable for all kinds of supplements in summer, and I will get angry after taking it, but I still feel some effect. I have been taking it intermittently until the weather is cold. Because I have been taking tonics throughout the winter, I get angry and catch a cold for a while, and my back pain has eased to some extent, but it is still not completely cured. I still insist on taking it. Around spring, all things grow hair, probably because of the effect of Jin Kui Shen Qi Pill, I have a lot of red spots like eczema on my face, which slowly subside after about a week, I feel that the moisture in my body is coming out Yes, the low back pain disappeared miraculously after the eczema disappeared. It was a miraculous process.

It’s been a long time since I read Dr. Luo’s book "Yin-Yang Adjustment and Elimination of All Diseases". I think my kidney deficiency belongs to kidney-yang deficiency, and I need to replenish yang, and the symptoms will disappear naturally. Later, I also took some Liuwei Dihuang Wan, because After a long period of nourishing yang qi, the body’s yin and yang are still a little out of balance. It needs nourishing yin to balance, and the back pain basically did not recur. The physical condition is better than before, which proves once again how important dialectics is.

Finally, I would like to share a small incident. There was a little boy in my neighbor who was coughing. The child’s grandmother bought pears and Chuanbei to boil water for the child. She came to our house to ask how to make it delicious. I decided to ask her to boil the Chuanbei. It was replaced with ginger, because there was a strong wind the day before, and the child must have been caught in the cold and coughed by the wind. Wouldn’t it be more cold to use Chuanbei at this time? Changing to ginger can dispel cold, and pear can nourish the lungs, so it should be symptomatic. Two days later, her grandma told me that after drinking it on the first day, the cough was basically gone, which is great. I felt very happy at that time. My little knowledge not only benefited me, but also helped people around me. The key point is to give correct guidance and not mislead others.

Learning traditional Chinese medicine and learning to distinguish symptoms has given me a lot of benefits, such as health, knowledge, and the joy of helping others!
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