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The Best Soup for Invigorating Kidney and Spleen

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

The Best Soup for Invigorating Kidney and Spleen
The fifth day of the eleventh lunar month 👢 Today's winter solstice

Today is the winter solstice, which is the first of our twenty-four solar terms. In the hearts of the ancients, "the winter solstice is as big as the year", because from this day onwards, the yang energy between the heaven and the earth begins to grow, marking the beginning of the next natural cycle. After the winter solstice, the long night in our northern hemisphere is gradually shortened, and the time of daylight will become longer and longer. Although there is still quite a while before the arrival of spring, I feel that the dawn of spring has already shone into my heart. In the north, there is a custom of eating dumplings on the winter solstice, which is also a day to commemorate the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing; in the south, there are customs of eating glutinous rice balls and glutinous rice balls.

It's a pity that Yun Shao didn't take everyone to make dumplings and cook glutinous rice balls today. Instead, he brought another soup that is suitable for winter nourishment-Gorgon fruit walnut lean meat soup.

Walnut is a dried fruit that we often eat in our daily life. It has sweet and warm medicinal properties, and it returns to the kidney, lung and large intestine meridian. The effect is to invigorate the kidney, warm the lung and moisten the intestines. It is used to treat deficiency of kidney yang, soreness of the waist and knees caused by kidney deficiency, impotence and nocturnal emission, and frequent urination. The power of walnuts to warm and nourish kidney yang is very gentle, especially suitable for daily consumption, without overheating and getting angry. It can also nourish the lungs and kidneys, relieve cough and asthma, and has a good curative effect on cough and asthma caused by deficiency of the lungs and kidneys and kidney insufficiency. Most importantly, autumn and winter seasons in the north are more dry and evil. Eating some walnuts can effectively moisten the intestines and relieve constipation.

The Gorgon fruit used in the soup is a commonly used medicine for invigorating the spleen and eliminating dampness. It tastes sweet, astringent, and flat in nature. Return spleen, kidney essence. It can invigorate the spleen and relieve diarrhea, nourish the kidney and solidify essence, dehumidify and stop belt. Bendao Decoction, Gorgon fruit and walnuts have a better conditioning effect on symptoms such as soreness and weakness of the waist and knees caused by kidney deficiency. In addition, everyone should have drank yam barley and gorgon porridge on weekdays, which is a famous porridge for invigorating the spleen and eliminating dampness. In today's soup, there are still the classic partners of yam and gorgon fruit, which can not only strengthen the spleen and dehumidify, but also nourish the stomach. Kidney is also very suitable for drinking in the south where the humidity is heavy in winter.

How to make such a mild and warm soup, which is suitable for both north and south?

First, prepare the ingredients: lean pork, yam, walnuts, gorgon, ginger, and salt (because they are all ingredients that are commonly eaten in daily life, so there is no specific dosage, and everyone can master it according to the number of people who eat it).

Rinse the Gorgon and soak in water overnight.

Peel the walnut kernels and break them into pieces for later use.

Wash and peel the yam into slices.

Wash the pork and cut into pieces.

Blanch the meat pieces in boiling water, skim off the foam, and remove after boiling.

Put the processed meat, Gorgon fruit, yam and ginger slices into the pot.

Add appropriate amount of water.

There is no gas in the studio, so we use a rice cooker, select the soup mode, and set the time for 2 hours. For friends who have gas available, it is better to use a casserole to cook the soup. To use a casserole, you must first boil the water with high heat, then turn the water to a low heat and simmer for 2 hours.

The time is coming, before serving out of the pan, add a little salt and stir well.
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