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Is berberine actually the nemesis of "three highs"?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Is berberine actually the nemesis of "three highs"?
My parents met a lot of new friends in Hainan, especially the friends who danced square dance with my mother at the seaside at night. They were even closer, so they often exchanged health care experiences together.

One day last year, a friend of my mother and her husband came to our house as guests. During the visit, her husband asked me a question, saying that he came here specially for consultation.

This gentleman used to be an entrepreneur. The couple put aside everything when they were 50 years old and came to Hainan to maintain their health. However, because they used to travel in the business world, they also had some physical problems, such as high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. He said he had taken Lots of medicines, not working well.

As a result, I don’t know where I heard the information that taking berberine can treat these problems, so I started taking it seriously.

As a result, after two months, the indicators were all back to normal!

Then he stopped using it. This time, he came here to ask me why it is so. Can it be used all the time.

Because he came prepared, he took out a list of various inspections before and after he took the medicine, and asked me to see the changes in his indicators. After stopping the medicine, he checked several times, and they were all normal. I took a closer look, examined it in great detail, and the contrast was obvious.

So I asked him, what is the state of the stool during the period of taking it? His answer has always been normal. I asked him again, how did he understand this method? He said that it was spread among the elderly. Later, he went to a big hospital in Beijing and asked a doctor if he could eat it. The Chinese medicine doctor replied: "How did you know this method? This is a very good method and you can eat it." .” So he insisted on taking it. The method of taking is three tablets (0.3 grams) each time, three times a day.

This surprised me. The research results in this scientific research field have been used so widely by ordinary people, which I did not expect.

So, what is going on here? Is it reliable?

Below, I briefly write down the research results of scientific researchers over the years.

Berberine, also known as berberine hydrochloride, is an active ingredient extracted from the traditional Chinese medicine Coptis chinensis, Cortex Phellodendron or Three Needles, and has a significant antibacterial effect. Among them, it has the strongest effect on Shigella, and is often used to treat digestive tract diseases such as bacterial gastroenteritis and dysentery.

However, with the deepening of research, medical personnel found that, in addition to being used for infectious diarrhea, modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that berberine has significant anti-heart failure, anti-arrhythmia, and cholesterol-lowering effects.

Scientific researchers and clinicians have jointly conducted systematic research on the pharmacological effects, efficacy and molecular mechanism of berberine in lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides from the aspects of gene sequence, cells, animal experiments and clinical treatment. The research results were published in the world's authoritative journal "Nature Medicine" (Nature Medicine), which was highly praised, and some people even inferred that the research on berberine hydrochloride may be another drug after artemisinin that can win the international medical field. of a project.

Clinical studies have shown that oral administration of berberine (1 gram per day for three months) can reduce cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride in patients with hyperlipidemia by 20% to 35%. This result has been further confirmed by the hyperlipidemia golden hamster model Confirmed by animal experiments. The results of this study were confirmed by many European and American research institutes and hospitals after publication, making berberine a promising drug for lowering blood lipids.

The "Editor's Note" of "Nature" magazine stated that: Chinese berberine is an ideal supplement for "statin" drugs. Since berberine is dozens of times cheaper than "statins" drugs, the discovery of berberine's blood lipid-lowering effect has an inestimable value in the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

At the same time, studies have shown that berberine hydrochloride also has the effect of lowering blood pressure. This is because berberine can directly act on vascular smooth muscle and has a vasodilation effect.

Studies have also shown that berberine also has the effect of lowering blood sugar and urine sugar. Diabetic patients take it orally 4 times a day, 0.4 grams each time, and after taking it for 1-3 months, blood sugar can be reduced to normal levels.

Arrhythmias in middle-aged and elderly people are mostly related to organic heart disease, such as coronary atherosclerotic heart disease and myocarditis. Oral berberine 4 times a day, 0.4 grams each time, for 7-12 days, can relieve or disappear symptoms such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest tightness, and relieve or correct arrhythmias. Scientific research results show that: berberine can increase coronary blood flow, improve myocardial function, thereby reducing the incidence of arrhythmia caused by coronary infarction.

Berberine also has a good effect on the treatment of frequent atrial and ventricular premature beats, especially for ventricular premature beats.

Berberine, like aspirin, can inhibit platelet aggregation, and has a wider range of effects, making it a more effective drug than aspirin. Because berberine has a wide range of drug sources, has few side effects, and is easily accepted by patients, it can be used for the treatment of transient ischemic attacks. Specific usage: 0.9 grams per day, orally three times, continuous treatment for 30 days is a course of treatment, and 2-3 courses of treatment can be used.

The above content is excerpted from various scientific research reviews. In fact, the research results of scientific researchers should be more specific and detailed, with a lot of content. In this field, we have achieved a lot of results, but we ordinary non-scientific researchers are not clear about it.

Then, the next question comes, since this berberine is so effective, can we take it?

I want to answer a few questions first:
1. Berberine is not compound berberine

What we are referring to is pure berberine, and the main name on the bottle is berberine hydrochloride. The compound berberine, which is added with woody and other traditional Chinese medicines, is a compound formula for treating diarrhea. It is not a drug we are talking about, so we should remind everyone to pay attention.

2 Is this berberine (berberine hydrochloride) still a traditional Chinese medicine?

This is a very difficult question to answer. It is purified from Coptis chinensis and other traditional Chinese medicines. However, its ingredients are very different from Coptis chinensis. There are many kinds of ingredients in Chinese medicine Coptis chinensis, and berberine is only one of them. Strictly It is said that, like artemisinin, it is a chemical preparation purified from traditional Chinese medicine.

3 So can berberine be used in accordance with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine?
This is the most problem that needs to be solved. If berberine is regarded as a simple chemical preparation, it does not need to be used according to the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine. It seems that all people with three high problems can use it. Is it reasonable to do so?

In fact, the chemical composition of the traditional Chinese medicine Coptidis is relatively complex, berberine (accounting for about 7 to 9), coptisine, methyl coptisine, palmate tetrandrine, African tetrandrine and other alkaloids, which also contain phellodendron, phellodendron Esters etc. However, the main ingredient is berberine. Therefore, my point of view is that since Coptis chinensis is a bitter and cold medicine in traditional Chinese medicine theory and has the effect of clearing away heat and purging fire, then berberine, the main component of Coptis chinensis, or More or less, it should also have the attributes of coptis, and should learn from the content of traditional Chinese medicine theory.

Therefore, I suggest that people with yang-deficiency constitutions should use this medicine with caution, which is a relatively safe approach.
4Since there are scientific research results here, does Dr. Luo recommend using this medicine?

I don't think this method is recommended for the elderly and infirm. Because although the scientific research results are so, after all, this has not been applied in clinical practice on a large scale, so we must be cautious about the elderly.

For those who are in fair physical condition, except those with yang-deficiency constitution, I think you can try it. Because after all, clinical trials at home and abroad have been done, and the effect is certain, but whether the three highs can be completely controlled, I think it still varies from person to person, but the effect must be there. Moreover, according to my observation, it is very important to use a sufficient amount, which is generally 0.9 grams per day. If the amount is lower than this, the effect will not be satisfactory.

Writing this article today is not to recommend everyone to use berberine, but to introduce a way of thinking to everyone, which has a lot of research foundation, and I have seen with my own eyes that some patients have taken it with outstanding results. However, this method does not completely belong to the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and it has certain cutting-edge features, so I just introduce it today, hoping that this method will receive more verification support in the future and become a new star in protecting human health.
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