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Huai Yam and Jiao Sanxian saved the critically ill mother

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Huai Yam and Jiao Sanxian saved the critically ill mother
It's good to learn some common sense of Chinese medicine!

I am a medically illiterate child. I basically brought up children based on the experience of my senior professors. As a result, the doll’s body was badly damaged. When I think of it, I feel tears of regret:

In the past, whenever my son had a fever or cough, he would have to take cephalosporins or injections when he went to the pediatric hospital. I also knew that it was not good to use too much antibiotics. Drugs did not achieve the desired results. The son's symptoms at that time were that no matter day or night, he would sweat profusely when he fell asleep, his clothes were wet, he would roll around, and he had repeated colds and coughs. Maybe it was finally cured, but it started again a week later, big almonds, frequent fever, don’t like to eat, there are many Chinese medicine taboos, the baby is getting thinner and thinner... I am really helpless and crazy, making myself tired Unbearable, the whole day feels like Mount Tai is on the top, it really often feels like years, I don't know what to do...

Let me tell you about two personal cases:

The first one: On May 1 Labor Day this year, my son’s father went back to his hometown alone. The next day, he called and said that his grandma’s critical illness notice had been issued. In the intensive care unit, eyes were closed, fluids were infused, a catheter was inserted, and he hadn’t eaten for a few days. At that time, his blood sugar was 37.8 (with a history of diabetes), and his mouth began to fester. The doctor issued two more critical illness notices, and the brothers and sisters all said that this time it might be hopeless. I asked the reason: it turned out that the fresh pork and flour bought by the old lady on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival were taken to the house next door to help her make dumplings. It is said that the dumplings made at that time were as big as an adult man’s fist (we like to do that in my hometown), and she ate four , As a result, I have been sleeping alone at home for a few days. I calmly told them: I will not die! My idea came from teacher Da Lun’s teaching of supplementing righteousness and dissolving accumulation, so I went to several pharmacies, and in this city full of fakes in various industries, I finally bought genuine Chinese yam and boiled water with Jiao Sanxian, and fed it slowly regardless of the number of times , As a result, he was discharged from the hospital within a week. Get back to being able to take care of yourself!

The second one: August 14th, the sun was scorching hot. My son was fine in the morning. After going out for a walk by bike, he didn’t want to eat lunch anymore. He said his stomach was uncomfortable. After eating something like ice cream, his spleen and stomach got cold, but he didn't dare to admit it. I didn’t send him to the hospital this time, so I boiled a bowl of perilla leaf water for my son to drink, then soaked my feet with Huoxiangzhengqi water, and then made a bowl of “Yiwei yam drink”. The fever gradually subsided, but the diarrhea became more and more serious. Dozens of times a day and night, after a little sleep, the feces would flow out. I watched my son and wiped his buttocks. I felt so uncomfortable, thinking about what to do? After suffering until the second day, I still insisted on observing again... I went to the pharmacy to buy pomegranate peels, boiled water, added yam powder to make "porridge", drank it intermittently, and saw improvement in the afternoon of the same day!

I personally really realize that many diseases originate from our ignorance, and even many people die from ignorance. My father was hypertensive, and I boiled a pot of lard for him before leaving and stored it for him to eat slowly , so far I am in great pain and regret...

I sincerely hope that under the dedication and guidance of Dr. Luo and other mentors, the Chinese people will spread the most basic knowledge of Chinese medicine like a square dance, and spread enthusiasm and enthusiasm to every corner of China. I wish everyone good health both physically and mentally! ! !

Dr. Luo commented:

The first case was very exciting. When the old man was in critical condition, the hospital had already issued a notice of critical illness, but this friend did not back down, and seized the opportunity in time. First, he used Jiao Sanxian to dissolve accumulated food. It is indeed easy to cause serious problems when the elderly are weak. Jiao Sanxian is usually used for children, but the effect is also very good for the elderly. What is particularly clever is that Huai Yam is used in it, because when the elderly are in critical condition, the function of the spleen and stomach is weak, and the circulation of Qi and blood in the body will be hindered. The method is very good. It can bring the old man back to life when the hospital issued a critical illness notice. It shows that learning Chinese medicine can really help himself and his family. This case is amazing.

In the second case, we don’t know more details about the child’s illness, such as whether the child caught cold, etc., but at least the pomegranate peel used in the end is not important. The pomegranate peel has the functions of clearing away heat, stopping diarrhea, detoxifying, and astringent , and leave no evil. But if some appropriate prescriptions can be used at that time, the effect will be better, because it is obviously abnormal for a child to have diarrhea dozens of times a night, and parents need to continue to learn more. I wrote a lot about colds, but very little about diarrhea. I will introduce more about children’s diarrhea to parents in the future.
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