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Introduce some small ways to assist in the treatment of eczema

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Introduce some small ways to assist in the treatment of eczema
This eczema is a very troublesome disease, many children will appear, and it often makes the parents feel broken, because such a terrible problem on the delicate skin really makes the parents worry.

However, adult eczema is more complicated and often lingering, which is sad.

So, what to do about eczema?

In fact, the treatment of eczema is a very complicated process, which needs to be treated according to the patient's constitution and syndrome differentiation. Therefore, it is better to ask a doctor for treatment as much as possible. Today we don't talk about treatment, what I'm going to introduce to you is just some small methods that can assist in conditioning, and you can try it.

Eczema in infants and young children
First, let’s talk about eczema in infants and young children.

The eczema of infants and young children is generally considered by traditional Chinese medicine to be due to the mother's body heat, which affects the child during pregnancy, so after the child is born, it will show on the skin.

Experienced Chinese medicine practitioners will find that children with eczema are more prone to asthma and other diseases in childhood.

In the treatment, in addition to the medicine for external use, I will generally introduce the method of the late famous pediatrician Mr. Dong Tingyao. Use antelope horn powder, 1-2 grams each time, put it in a bowl, add water and steam for half an hour, and then drink it. this water. Antelope horns have the effect of clearing away heat and expelling pathogenic factors.

But today I will not introduce this recipe, but introduce to you a more simple and easy recipe: apple carrot water.
The specific method is as follows: each time you use an apple, don’t use that kind of big apple, but an ordinary smaller apple, that is, the unattractive domestic apple, and then use a carrot with a similar weight. Both are not peeled, cut into slices, put them in a pot, add water to cover the fruit, boil, then simmer on low heat for 8-10 minutes, pour out the juice, don’t eat apples and carrots, just drink the juice, every time Pour out 200ml at a time, let it warm, and give it to the child twice (the specific dosage should also refer to the age of the child). Generally cook it once a day and not put it on the next day. If the children do not want to drink, you can also put a little rock sugar. This method is more suitable for children over half a year old, that is, children can drink cooked fruit juice. Generally, it will be effective after ten to twenty days.

This method has been reported by many parents to be effective, but it does not seem to be a formal treatment method, it belongs to diet therapy, so what is the reason?

It turns out that raw and cooked apples have different effects. Eating raw can nourish the intestines, but eating cooked apples has another effect, which is to detoxify and relieve internal heat. In the past, some people had the experience that eating boiled apples can treat mouth sores. Nutritional research shows that the polyphenols in cooked apples will increase significantly. This substance can resist oxidation and has anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory effect.
The medicinal properties of carrots are less discussed in traditional Chinese medicine. It is generally believed that they are similar to radishes. However, it is said in "Lingnan Herb Collection": "Whenever you have measles, always use this decoction to drink." It is also its skill to go out with evil spirits.

If you cooperate with the doctor's treatment at this time, it will be very beneficial to the child's recovery.

Eczema in adults

However, adult eczema is much more complicated. Many adult eczema is related to emotions. People with high stress and uncomfortable liver qi will have a higher incidence of skin problems, including eczema.
Moreover, eczema does not mean heavy moisture, more precisely, it is the uneven distribution of body fluid in the body, and the root cause of uneven distribution of body fluid is the disorder of Qi in the body.

I have carefully studied the eczema treatment experience of many old Chinese doctors in dermatology. Most of them are clearing heat and cooling blood, detoxifying and dispelling evil. For example, the famous old Chinese doctor Li Ke, although he was later regarded as a member of the Vulcan sect, he also used rehmannia, cork and other medicines to treat this disease, and honeysuckle would use as much as 90 grams. Other famous surgeons in traditional Chinese medicine also use similar medicines, and they use a lot of bitter and cold medicines.

Today we will not talk about treatment, but just introduce a few small methods to you, which can play a helpful role.

External use
First of all, for external use, I will introduce something called black soybean distilled oil.

This black bean distillate is a kind of oil produced by putting black beans in a closed jar and heating them. The specific method is very interesting, so I won’t talk about it. A wire runs through the jar, and then it is filled with black beans, roasted on the fire, and the oil flowing out from one end is black bean distillate.

Now, black bean distillate oil has many proprietary medicines, and you can buy it online. I saw that Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical has this product. You can buy it online and use it externally. This is a very effective method, but for some reason, it may be difficult to make Well, the price is cheap, so this method is rarely seen gradually, I recommend it to everyone, you can try it.

In addition, I will introduce two more ideas for external use. For example, you can use a handful of fresh fig branches each time, cut into small pieces, boil water, and then use this water to wash the affected area. No matter how many times a day, the itching will soon be relieved. , The recovery effect on the affected area is good.

Another idea is to use about 50 grams of fresh purslane, boil water, then let it warm, and use this water to wash the affected area, just wash it two or three times a day. This effect is slower, but it is also effective.

There are many similar methods, and I will slowly recommend them to everyone in the future, because there are too many ancient wisdoms among the people, which are all methods tried by the ancestors, and they are worth studying.

oral method

The following is an oral therapeutic prescription.

Use a handful of black beans, a handful of mung beans, a handful of red beans, a handful of soybeans, a handful of barley, five ebony plums, and two spoons of white sugar. It usually takes more than two hours to boil the water. If you have an electric cooker, you can stew it the night before and start drinking it the next day, but you must finish it on the same day and don't leave it for another day.

This kind of soy milk tastes good after being boiled, a bit like the bean paste sold on the street, but inside it has the idea of nourishing the spleen and eliminating dampness, nourishing the kidney and nourishing yin. It can get rid of dampness and heat, restrain the phase fire, and nourish the spleen and kidney.
This bean paste soup, if you insist on drinking a few cups a day, if you can persist for a month or two, it will be very good for the recovery of eczema. Regardless of adults and children, this method is effective. For very young children, you can drink fruit juice, and for older children, if you judge that there is damp heat, you can also use this prescription.
If combined with external application, I believe it will be of great help to clear up your eczema.

However, everyone needs to pay attention to the fact that adult eczema is related to emotions. You must protect your emotions, otherwise, besides eczema, other problems will also cause endless troubles!

The following is a summary of some small methods shared by shredded radish to help treat eczema, I hope it will be helpful to everyone


We live in Sichuan, the weather is hot and humid in summer, and we like to eat spicy food. It is easy to develop eczema on the body and legs. The method is to use a lot of Scutellaria barbata and Houttuynia cordata, fry in a large pot for five minutes, and sometimes use it as tea Boiling water and simmering with a lid, the whole family will drink it, and the whole family will be safe all summer. There are a lot of prescriptions for treating eczema in Sichuan. Another recommendation is to treat dry eczema. The locals call it dry sores, which are prone to outbreaks in winter. My family used to sell medicine when I was young, and I made it myself to sell it. The prescription is: Gansong, Angelica dahurica, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Bezoar, raw lard (raw, not fried lard). I don’t remember the exact amount (call my dad, he said the same handful, less Baizhi and Zanthoxylum bungeanum), the first four are powdered, the raw lard is mashed with a medicine bowl, and the powder is wrapped in the front, and wrapped into a ping-pong size The ball is used to rub the affected area (note that it is not for food). I helped to make this medicine when I was a child, and I knew the process too well, so I didn't like the smell after all. But the effect on dry eczema is very good, one is good, and many high-grade ointments or go to the big hospital for a few years are not optimistic, just apply this for a few days. Later, everyone’s living conditions improved, and the disease became less common. My family hasn’t made it for many years. In the past, adults didn’t even tell me the recipe. I only remember pepper and lard, but now it feels like it’s going extinct. Dr. Luo knows that so many secret recipes are willing to disclose, and my family is embarrassed to hide this little trick, otherwise the folk recipes will disappear like this.

Xu Liping:

There is a method in a book written by the Japanese doctor Ishihara Yuki, which is to use 5g of kudzu root powder and 10g of fresh ginger to grind into a puree, put it in a cup, then add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and drink it with water. I will introduce a person with severe eczema on his face I used it, and the effect is very good. It took only one week for her eczema to disappear completely. Before that, she had been hanging water for a year without any improvement. Now the face is smooth and everything is normal.

Zi Yang:

There is a wet compress decoction for treating eczema, which I learned from Beijing Satellite TV's "Yangshengtang" program. It worked well for my son. At that time, he had a small lump on the back of his hand. He went to the hospital to see that it was eczema. It will be fine after two or three days. 30 grams of dried mugwort leaves, 20 grams of Sophora flavescens, and 20 grams of Smilax tuckahoe, first soak in water and then boil for 15 to 20 minutes, soak it with gauze, pinch it to prevent dripping, and then apply it to the affected area for 15 minutes, once in the morning and at night.

Rhyme of the Sea:

My daughter is 7 years old. She has developed eczema since her confinement. Every winter, her legs recur and she is very itchy. When I first posted it this year, I applied camellia oil on her eczema, and then cooperated with a pediatric massage shop to help her take the canister once. It was no longer serious, and it has disappeared, and it is no longer itchy. Everyone has the same situation. You can give it a try.
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