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TCM is a treasure of Chinese culture | Feedback from fans

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

TCM is a treasure of Chinese culture | Feedback from fans
TCM is the treasure of Chinese culture

This topic should be written by a teacher with a deep foundation in Chinese medicine, such as Dr. Luo Dalun, who is more scientific. The author is not self-reliant, just want to express what I see and feel, please correct me if it is inappropriate.

The author himself has always been interested in medicine, but unfortunately he studied construction engineering in university. I don't know when it started, Chinese medicine is widely regarded as "slow Chinese medicine" by the society. The origin of this "slowness" should be that there are many patients, and some quack doctors of traditional Chinese medicine come to treat them, but it is still difficult to treat them. In fact, some lucky patients, after being treated by some quack doctors, can recover naturally by their own strength after a period of time, which has deepened the oral transmission of slow Chinese medicine in the society. It seems that it doesn't matter if you take those traditional Chinese medicines or not.

In society, Western doctors with conscience will refer patients to see Chinese medicine for various chronic diseases and even terminal illnesses that cannot be cured by Western medicine. It seems that in the eyes of Western medicine, Chinese medicine is an industry of "medicine slowly". As everyone knows, the method of Chinese medicine is "getting sick like a mountain falling, and curing a disease like spinning silk".

Regardless of Chinese and Western societies, the attitude towards Chinese medicine also depends on the performance of certain mediocre Chinese medicine practitioners. Although the treatment methods of mediocre Chinese medicine are no different from those of masters, they are all based on what they have heard and heard. Some mediocre Chinese medicine defraud foreigners and those who don't understand Chinese medicine, and even patients who cannot be handled by Western medicine come to see Chinese medicine.

The problem is that quack doctors call themselves Chinese medicine doctors, and the more quack doctors there are, the greater the reaction to Chinese medicine. Some people even say that those who kill Chinese medicine will be people in Chinese medicine, because some people who control the fate of Chinese medicine are dismembering Chinese medicine in the way of Western medicine, not to mention those Chinese who openly say that they will destroy the treasures left by their ancestors.

Recently, there have been three anti-Chinese medicine incidents. The most recent one is Mr. Fang Zhouzi, a doctor who studied in the United States and cracked down on fake heroes on the Internet. Information in this regard can be easily found online, so I won’t repeat it here. But it can be seen that Mr. Fang Zhouzi dared to challenge certain remarks of Chinese medicine. He pointed out that the unreasonable or contradictory aspects of Chinese medicine have indeed affected many Chinese people, so that some of them think that Chinese medicine is outdated and should be treated. There are also many people who learn from Japan and abandon medicine and keep medicine.

The author once read the story of Sun Simiao when he was young, and like everyone else, he also knows the story of Hua Tuo, the genius doctor of the Three Kingdoms period, who opened the knife and scraped the bone to cure the poison for Guan Yunchang, especially read the book "Ancient Chinese Medicine" written by Dr. The story deeply attracted me. The story in the book can be said to have completely changed the misconception that Chinese medicine is a "slow cure". I also became a fan of Dr. Luo because of his books and medical cases. In the book, the author can feel the benevolence of the doctors, and at the same time thank Mr. Luo for vigorously promoting Chinese medicine.

I have also come into contact with various so-called Chinese medicine overseas, and their signs always say that they can cure all diseases. For example, in Australia, some people even "study" a good cure for diseases approved by the Australian Medical Administration, and use this as a publicity to promote it to the world. Even some who claim to be national doctors (sent by the country to work overseas via a listed company), when they prescribe medicine, they treat it like western medicine. They ask questions as soon as they come, and then pretend to feel the pulse, and then according to the patients' problems, Prescribed a lot of medicine. It is probably the same as domestic Western hospitals needing drips for colds, which is no different from generating more income for the hospital.

In fact, Chinese medicine is the crystallization treasure of Chinese culture. Modern manufacturers include an instruction manual with any product, but the "product" of "human beings" is not yet scientifically known. Which country has a "human instruction manual"? In China, the "Huangdi Neijing" is one of them, as is the "Tao Te Ching" that Dr. Luo talks to the audience every day. The theories of Lao Tzu, Confucius, and even foreign Buddhist scriptures that have become part of Chinese culture are all "manuals for human beings" teaching people how to live a good life. Who knows which country's ancient books teach people to keep healthy at the beginning? Based on this alone, isn't it worthy of tears in the eyes of future generations to worship and thank our Chinese ancestors?

After reading Dr. Luo's "Ancient Chinese Medicine", I know that many famous doctors in ancient Chinese medicine learned medicine because they failed in scientific examinations and hated them. Of course, there are also ancestral traditions. Why did the ancient literati learn Chinese medicine by themselves? They say that learning medicine for literati is like finding something out of a bag, because Chinese medicine is the essence of these Chinese cultures, and as long as scholars are willing to spend time, they will naturally master it one day. In other words, Chinese medicine is the essence extracted from Chinese culture. The essence of which country's national culture can be used as medicine to cure diseases and save lives? I am afraid that there is only one family of Chinese culture.

Therefore, it is not too much to say that Chinese medicine is the treasure of Chinese culture.

Seeking the source, it is not difficult to understand that Dr. Luo published his "Talking about the Tao Te Ching" (to be discussed in another article) with his hard work on the Himalayan radio station, because although Mr. Luo talked about the "Tao Te Ching 》, but in fact he is trying to explain to us the "Manual of Human Use", and warns everyone that as long as you understand and follow Lao Tzu's Tao, your life and body will be healthy and happy.

In fact, the author even thinks that the continuous preaching of classics such as "Tao Te Ching" and "Huang Di Nei Jing", as well as the study of traditional culture and the promotion of Chinese medicine, will be more powerful than simply teaching Chinese at the "Confucius Institute", but the premise is that you want to Thoroughly study the things left by these ancestors.

It is said that Germans are one of the countries with the most private collections of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching in the world, and almost every family may have a copy. Dr. Luo's experience is also to carry "Tao Te Ching" with him. Some people say that Americans bought the Tao Te Ching after President Reagan quoted Lao Tzu's famous saying "Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish" in his speech.

It's a pity that others read our classics as if they were the Bible, but what about us? A few years ago, I saw a report that there was a TV station interviewing young people on the street. I remember that they were still college students. A considerable number of them did not know what the "Huangdi Neijing" was, let alone whether they had read it.

Think about it again, in the eyes of others, the ancient Chinese country is a state of propriety and righteousness, what is the current social situation? Elderly people have to videotape them when they fall, and then they may not dare to help them; some high-ranking people with considerable status and knowledge in society are only willing to do anything for money; famous stars go abroad; some corrupt officials have been dismissed, looking at their academic qualifications, I really don’t know how to talk about it...

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are people in Chinese society who do not want their own cultural treasures, such as Mr. Fang Zhouzi.

Although some Chinese people may not want their own culture, or personal behavior, the irony is that neighboring South Korea is doing everything possible to appropriate certain Chinese culture. You don't want to, don't you see that Koreans do everything possible to register good things in my culture? Even Confucius and Qu Yuan said it belonged to them. Also, their acupuncture points insist on being different from my traditional Chinese meridian points to show their status as Korean medicine. Human life is at stake. Are Koreans stupid?

On the contrary, look at some of our citizens who make the world laugh out loud, spend a lot of money to Japan to buy back toilet seats produced in Hangzhou, and there are many vulgar people who show off their wealth everywhere and marry their daughters with gold. Isn't it very shameless?
Whether it is in the field of Chinese medicine or in the society, there are many unexpected phenomena, even when we learn Western medicine. For example, there are news reports about the abuse of antibiotics in domestic hospitals. Even a cold requires drips. The abuse of antibiotics or medicines can be said They are all out of the norms of the benevolence of doctors. Although China's economy is making great strides forward and the lives of ordinary people are getting better and better, is the moral concept getting worse and worse?

Of course, it is undeniable that, as the old Bo Yang said, there are many "pot cultures" in Chinese culture. The reason is just like what Taiwanese scholar Professor Fu Peirong once said. "It distorts the way of governing the country in Confucius and Mencius and Laozi's theory, because the emperor wants to use Confucianism to rule the people.
The author proposes to classify all kinds of problems and phenomena in the current society, such as waste oil, corruption, worshiping foreign countries, touching porcelain, hating the poor and showing off wealth, etc., into the "gutter oil culture". Then, how to clean up, or save the essence to get rid of the "waste oil culture" in Chinese culture?

Taking this opportunity, the author would like to express a suggestion to the Ministry of Education that Chinese classes should not stop in high schools. On the contrary, all Chinese universities and even colleges and universities, regardless of arts and sciences, should offer advanced Chinese, Chinese studies, and ancient Chinese classics, so that Millions of students across the country master ancient classics to a certain extent every year. How many of them will involve the education of moral education and benevolence? I believe that friends who are familiar with traditional Chinese culture will understand the author's suggestion and its far-reaching implications. As long as you persevere... I won't say much. Personally, I think this matter should be included in one of the Chinese Dreams.

The TV and movie network is also a sharp sword. If possible, directors and screenwriters, like the TV series "Ya Ya Bang", add elements of Chinese medicine from time to time, and promote Chinese medicine, a national treasure of the Chinese nation, will have unexpected effects. Don’t you see how Hollywood blockbusters in the United States earn your money and promote their so-called violent heroes and personal supremacy?

Chinese people have come from behind on the Internet. Dr. Luo and his team are using advanced Internet media to promote Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese culture. Let us do our best to support it. I believe that traditional Chinese medicine, the treasure of Chinese culture, will show its power more and more in its influence on the Chinese nation and even the world.
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