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Talk about Fuzi Lizhong Pills for Warming Yang and Dispelling Cold

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Talk about Fuzi Lizhong Pills for Warming Yang and Dispelling Cold | Life Remedies
The weather is cold in winter, and if you are a little careless, you will catch cold, so today we will talk about Fuzi Lizhong Pills.

Let's start with two examples.

One belonged to my mother. Many years ago, once, I forgot whether it was spring or autumn. In short, it was spring and autumn. I called home and heard that my mother was weak. It's just a dull pain, and I don't have an appetite to eat anything.

I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, so I didn't think too much about it. I will pay more attention to this matter now, but it really didn't attract attention at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

As a result, this disease has been lingering for a long time. During this period, my mother took a lot of medicines to soothe the liver and stomach. My mother was afraid that it might be stomach cancer. The Western medicine hospital checked many times, and there was no sign of stomach cancer, so I continued to treat the stomach disease. It didn’t work, and I felt uncomfortable every day, and even started to mail-order medicinal materials in the end. Some relatives said that there is a clinic in Jilin that can treat all stomach problems, so they sent money and sent some self-made capsules to the mail. Taking it, the effect is general.

This matter has been tossing about for about a month, until I went home and saw my mother, and I was still suffering from this disease. In fact, I didn’t even check the pulse, and I didn’t even look at the tongue. I just felt Shenyang when I got off the car. The freezing temperature, and seeing the way my mother dresses, you know what's going on.

It turned out that it was already very cold in Shenyang at that time, and my mother and old lady loved beauty, and she wore a double-breasted dress with unbuttoned buttons, so the clothes on the arms were double-layered, but the chest was single-layered.

So, I immediately went out and bought a Chinese patent medicine - Fuzi Lizhong Wan.

Then I told my mother, just take one pill and you will be fine.
My mother thinks I'm too reckless. For such a serious illness, you say that one pill will be enough. Isn't that too unreliable? At that time, I took this medicine with a completely disbelieving expression. Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that I didn’t want to take it at the time, but in order to save face for my son who is studying medicine, I reluctantly took a pill.
However, for me, it is sure, I have seen such a situation many times.
As a result, the Fuzi Lizhong Pill was taken one by one, and what my mother didn't expect was that the stomach pain that had been tossing for a month disappeared, and I basically didn't make any mistakes, and I didn't take the second pill.

The mother's disease was that the cold evil hurt the stomach, causing the cold to congeal in the epigastric cavity. Everyone thought about soothing the liver and stomach in the treatment of stomach problems, and forgot about the cold evil.

Note: It has been many years since this happened. I only remembered it after reading the articles I wrote in the past. When I saw this paragraph again, I felt very ashamed. I was young at that time and could not treat my mother in time. At the same time, I also remind myself that for some diseases, it is necessary to see the patient himself and the surrounding environment in person in order to analyze the ins and outs.

Another example.
Yesterday afternoon (this is also the article I wrote that year), I had just returned home from out of town, and a friend who has been with me for many years called me. She wanted to come to my house to see me immediately, saying that she was not feeling well recently.

I was so sleepy at the time that I was about to fall asleep, so I answered the phone, so I had to cheer up. My friend is an actress. After she came, she described her situation. It turned out that she went to the beach a few days ago and went to play in the sea. After a while, I vomited once when I came back, and then I stopped vomiting, but I started to feel bloated. The bloating lasted for about a week. I couldn’t eat anything, and I still felt hungry. Inside, you can't breathe, you can't eat, and your body will fail if you continue like this.

Except for abdominal distension, there is nothing abnormal, and there are no symptoms.

But when I checked the pulse, I knew her hands were cold.

She was tall, a model figure, but she wore only those fashion shorts that left her long legs exposed. I remember she was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, and I thought, I’m already wearing thick jeans, so you’re not afraid of the cold?

Girls are fashionable, beautiful is beautiful, but it depends on the climate change.

At that time, because her tongue coating was thin and white, I analyzed that she had moisture, so I prescribed Bai Kou Ren and Dianjiao Sanxian (all six grams).
Then I told her to buy a box of Fuzi Lizhong Wan and take one pill at the same time.
In the evening, she called and said that after taking one pill, she felt that the gas in her stomach had cleared and she was no longer full.
It seems that the effect is very fast.

In fact, I will encounter many such things. When the weather changes in spring and autumn, the characteristics of this season are: it is very hot during the day, making people eat ice cream and fan their fans, but it is very cold in the morning and evening, with the cool wind swishing, and the body There is no problem for strong people, but if some weak people are not careful, they will be hurt by the cold.

In winter, there are more chances of being injured by cold evil, so we must take precautions.
So, what is cold evil?
The definition of our Chinese medicine course is: all exogenous pathogens with the characteristics of cold, condensation, and attraction that cause disease.
In fact, needless to say, people on earth know the meaning of cold, and Martians also feel deeply about it in winter.

This cold evil is originally the main qi of winter, but it must not be dogmatic, there are many other seasons, even any season, especially in summer now, because of the existence of air conditioners.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a difference between typhoid fever and moderate cold when being injured by cold evil. Generally, if the body surface is injured by cold evil, it is called typhoid fever. If we pour a few bottles of cold beer and directly freeze the viscera, it is called moderate cold. cold.

So, what are the ways to feel the cold evil?

There are many ways, needless to say, everyone knows, such as: rain, cold in the water, clothes, sleeping in the open, air conditioning, cold food.

Cold evil has the following characteristics:

The first cold is Yin evil, which can easily damage Yang Qi. This statement should also be understood as follows. People with weak yang energy should avoid cold evil. Generally speaking, typhoid fever felt on the body surface is the most uncomfortable one. The one that goes directly inside is generally more harmful. The main reason is that it is concealed, and it will be mixed with other miscellaneous internal diseases. For example, my mother went directly to soothe the liver and stomach according to the general idea.

The second cold stagnation. Qi and blood stagnation, blockage leads to pain, which always causes gastrointestinal and abdominal pain, which is very painful. Then there are symptoms such as guest lung, intestines and stomach, heart veins, and cold uterus. If the elderly do not pay attention in this season, they will freeze the heart and cause heart problems. Therefore, it is not suitable for the elderly to cover in spring and freeze in autumn. It is necessary to add or remove clothes at any time.

The third is coldness. This refers to the problem that cold pathogens can easily cause convulsions.

For the treatment of cold evil, it is cold and warm. In this field, the Vulcan theory of Chinese medicine has made great achievements.

I just briefly introduce Fuzi Lizhong Pills that ordinary people can use. This Fuzi Lizhong Wan can be bought in all pharmacies in China, and it is the most common prescription.

However, we may not understand or use the most common prescriptions.

This prescription is actually Zhang Zhongjing’s Lizhong Pills flavored with aconite added. The main ingredients of the medicine are dried ginger and aconite. Traditional Chinese medicine says: Aconite is not dry ginger and not warm. The effect of these two medicines together is particularly good. There are also Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala and licorice.

This prescription is mainly to warm the spleen and stomach. Generally, if you catch a cold this day, it is mostly the spleen and stomach. For example, playing in cold water, for example, the legs catch cold, which can easily cause the lower limbs to catch cold, and some people drink a lot This is also the problem. I have poured in the cold evil, so I also need this medicine.

There are also those who are blown by the cold wind, just like my mother, the stomach cavity was blown by the cold wind, so pay attention to the front of the clothes.

Specifically, after the spleen and stomach are injured by cold pathogens, you will usually have stomach pain, or stomach pain, and at the same time, there will be vomiting and diarrhea. Everyone should pay attention to this diarrhea. It is easy to confuse it with heat diarrhea. Traditional Chinese medicine courses generally say that heat diarrhea is diarrhea. Diarrhea is yellow-brown, and cold diarrhea is blue-white. However, it is not absolute in clinical practice. Many patients with cold diarrhea also have yellow-brown diarrhea. It must be determined what the cause of the disease is.

However, I think the main thing depends on the cause of the disease. Generally, patients know it well in their hearts, and they have experienced the experience of catching cold, so we need to ask more questions and think about it ourselves.

For this kind of spleen and stomach cold, my general usage of Fuzi Lizhong pills is to take only one pill, and it will usually relieve immediately, and at most two pills.

If it is caused by cold evil, then generally two pills will definitely work. I haven't seen one that doesn't work until today. You can take a few more pills, usually a few pills are enough, and you don’t need to take too many pills, just pay attention to protecting your Yang Qi in the future.

As for the manufacturer of Fuzi Lizhong Pills, I recommend Tong Ren Tang. I have tasted many manufacturers. I don’t know why, but this should be the amount stipulated in the Pharmacopoeia, right? They should all be the same, but I just think Tongrentang's big pills are very powerful, with a spicy taste in the mouth, and the others don't seem to be so spicy, so if you encounter them, you can buy a box and keep them at home When you need to warm the sun, this can be used!
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