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One of the ways to adjust yin and yang: warm it when cold | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

One of the ways to adjust yin and yang: warm it when cold
This article is reorganized by me, and I will show it to you.

A few days ago (this was a day many years ago), I was sorting out the materials at home, and suddenly a brother called and said that he had a stomachache, which was serious, "diarrhea", and asked me what should I do?

I am the firefighter of these brothers. Generally, if there is a problem, they will call me and try to solve the problem as quickly as possible.
When it comes to having a stomachache, we usually think about whether we have eaten something bad. This is a habitual thinking. Of course, sometimes we eat bad and we know it. For example, many people feel that the taste is not right when they eat it, but they eat it hard, and they end up with stomach troubles. Sometimes, I don’t know if the food has gone bad. For example, the food is not spoiled, and it’s okay for others to eat it, but I have diarrhea.

My brother is like this. After analyzing it for a long time, he didn't find out the reason. In the end, I decided to take some anti-inflammatory drugs to detoxify and stop diarrhea. The results of it? invalid.

In fact, after he finished speaking, I analyzed where the problem was. Because, this month, the cold currents hit Beijing continuously, and the temperature in Beijing dropped to minus ten degrees at one point, which was rarely seen before. Our body usually has a balance of yin and yang, but changes in the external climate will affect the yin and yang in our body. When it is cold outside, we should wear more clothes to protect the yang qi so that the yang qi will not be hurt by cold and evil. It is called "closed storage" in "Huangdi Neijing". Only by "closing" yang qi and "not leaking out the skin", can our yin and yang be kept in balance and we will not get sick. If we do not protect the yang qi well and the yang qi is harmed, then the imbalance of yin and yang will lead to disease.

When I was analyzing the condition, I paid great attention to the weather at that time. This is an important factor, because human beings are interrelated with the heaven and the earth. How can the changes of yin and yang in the four seasons not affect our human body? This brother, who usually drives, always feels that sitting in the car will not hurt him, and he doesn't wear much. But there is always a time for you to walk. At this time, the cold evil will take advantage of it. I analyzed that he was wearing thin trousers, and the cold evil directly invaded the spleen and kidney, resulting in deficiency of spleen and kidney yang. Insufficient spleen and kidney yang qi cannot warm the body, and diarrhea will occur. I told him to buy a box of Fuzi Lizhong Pills and take one pill first to see how it works.

As a result, he called the next day and said that after taking the pill, he immediately felt a warm current in his stomach, which was very comfortable, and the diarrhea soon stopped.

Now, this brother still calls sometimes, and we have kept in touch. By the way, he looks very much like an actor Wenxuan Zhao, and he is also friends with Wenxuan Zhao.
In traditional Chinese medicine, there are various schools, including those who are good at using honeysuckle, forsythia, and raw gypsum for febrile diseases; Everyone will ask, Dr. Luo, what school do you belong to? In fact, in my heart, there is no school of thought, I only know that there are yin and yang in our body, we must adjust the balance of yin and yang, use yang medicine for yin prosperity, and yin medicine for yang prosperity, this is the way of balance.

For the treatment of cold evil, the principle is to warm it when it is cold. In this field, the Vulcan theory of Chinese medicine has made great achievements, and Fuzi Lizhong Wan is a good example. This Aconite Lizhong Pill can be bought in all pharmacies. It is the most common prescription. Although it is common, we may not understand it or use it.

However, some people say that taking Fuzi Lizhong Pills every day can warm the yang, but I don’t quite agree with this kind of usage. I think this kind of medicine can be used only when there is a state of yang deficiency and cold excess.

So, how is this aconite lizhong pill made?

As the name suggests, the main ingredients of Fuzi Lizhong Pills are aconite and dried ginger. Traditional Chinese medicine says: Aconite is not dried ginger and not warm. One of these two medicines is dry firewood and the other is raging fire. When they meet together, they will burn blazingly immediately. If the spleen and stomach suffer from cold, roast it with the hot fire of Fuzi Lizhong Wan, and the cold evil will disappear soon.

People are easy to catch cold, playing in cold water, the legs catch cold, the lower limbs are easy to catch cold; drinking a lot of cold drinks, pouring cold evil into the body, the stomach will catch cold pain; wearing too little clothes Blown by the cold wind, the stomach cavity is prone to cold.

After a person is injured by cold pathogens and the spleen and stomach, he usually suffers from stomach pain or stomach pain, and at the same time, he will also experience vomiting and diarrhea. Everyone should pay attention to this diarrhea. It is easy to confuse it with heat diarrhea. Traditional Chinese medicine textbooks generally say that the stool of heat diarrhea is yellowish brown, and that of cold diarrhea is blue and white. However, this is not absolute in clinical practice. Many patients with cold diarrhea have diarrhea It is also yellowish brown, it must be seen what the cause of the disease is.

For this kind of spleen and stomach cold, I often take Fuzi Lizhong Pills. Usually, I only take one pill, and the symptoms will be relieved immediately, up to two pills. If it doesn't work, then it's not the problem, and you don't need to eat it later. If it is caused by cold evil, generally two pills will definitely be effective.
Then, someone will definitely ask, what kind of medicine is aconite?
Aconite is the most hot medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. When I mention aconite, I always think of a story told by Mr. Hao Wanshan, who taught typhoid fever in school. He said that when he was a student, he went to the mountains with his teacher to collect herbs, and found a plant in the most shady valley. He thought, what kind of plant is this that grows in such a cold environment? When I asked, it turned out to be aconite. Although it is very hot, it always grows in the coldest and shady side. Teacher Hao Wanshan praised very lyrically: "Aconite, aconite, it is in such a cold environment that you have exercised the best ability." The ability to resist the cold!
Because aconite is hot, it is one of the most important weapons of the Vulcan School. It can not only dispel the coldness of the spleen and stomach, but also has a very strong ability to warm and nourish the kidney yang. But one thing worth noting - Fuzi contains aconitine, which is poisonous and cardiotoxic, but after an hour of decoction, aconitine will be destroyed. Therefore, if there is aconite in the prescription, it needs to be fried for an hour before adding other medicines, which is safe.
The aconite in the Chinese patent medicine Aconite Lizhong Wan has been processed, and you can take it with confidence, but pregnant women must take it under the guidance of a doctor.

Finally, I will introduce a story about a great doctor Li Dongyuan treating a servant of Bai Shupan's family:
That happened after Li Dongyuan returned to his hometown Zhending in his later years.

It was October in the lunar calendar, and it must have been "little snow and thin ice". This servant of Bai Shupan's family usually looks bad, "the dust on his face is discolored, and his expression is very weak". A lot of medicines have no effect, it is "prolapse of the anus for a long time, and the medicine has not been tested".

As a result, the weather was unlucky again, and I started to have diarrhea. The diarrhea was very serious. It was "red and white, pus and dysentery", and there was also the symptom of "tenesmus". According to the description in the textbook, this symptom is a fever. Diarrhea, there must be heat and poison, but the details are: "more white and less red", but this is also easy to make people not easy to notice.

This servant was in so much pain that Bai Shu decided to invite Master Li Dongyuan. The master saw that this man was still wearing single clothes on a very cold day, and then looked at the quilt he covered, which was also single (clothes Gai Youbo), the master understood it in his heart, and he said: "This is not a disease caused by eating meat or oatmeal, it must be injured by cold air."

So, a prescription was prescribed, using astringent medicines such as myrobalan, and dried ginger for warming yang.

As a result, after taking it twice, this difficult disease was cured.

Here, what Li Dongyuan sees at a glance is the clothes and quilt that this person is wearing. This is where he has a unique vision as a master. Every time I read this medical case, I am amazed and yearn for it.
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