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Once cold and sick all over the body

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Once cold and sick all over the body | Recipe for life
Cold is the source of all diseases. When the body is in a cold state, various diseases will follow one after another. The mild ones are cold, stomach cold and stomach pain; the severe ones are cold hands and feet, spleen and kidney yang deficiency. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine says, "Once the cold air is sick, the pain lasts for ten years." Let's start with an example.

A few days ago, a friend called suddenly and described his mother's illness. After listening to her call, I was so nervous that I was sweating all over. It’s not that I made a big fuss, the main reason is that this friend is too courageous. She copied a recipe from my book and used it directly for her old mother. Can this not make me nervous? The situation is like this -

Her old mother, who was already eighty-six years old, had a sudden heart attack, especially at night. Many local doctors were invited, including both Chinese and Western medicine, but nothing worked. The doctors all advised her family that at such an advanced age, there is no much therapeutic value, so go back and prepare for the funeral!
The family members were all desperate, but at this time, filial piety played a role. This friend swore not to give up. At that time, she happened to have my book in her hand - "The Miracle Doctor Treats Doctors in This Way", so she did something that made me very nervous. thing. Because she knew that I was very busy, she was afraid of disturbing me, so she took my book and checked her mother's condition repeatedly. Because Zhang Zhongjing's Zhigancao Decoction (also known as Fumai Decoction) was written in the book, this prescription is specially used to treat "palpitations, pulse knots and substitutes" caused by deficiency of both Qi and Yin, which includes various arrhythmias in modern medicine. and so on. She took this prescription at the time, compared it repeatedly, and finally decided that her mother had this problem, so she called her hometown in Hubei in Beijing and asked her family to try it for her mother.
As a result, after taking one dose, a miracle happened, and my mother turned from danger to safety immediately. After taking it for 14 consecutive days, my mother basically recovered.

Then why am I nervous?

It turned out that on the fifteenth day, her mother suddenly fell ill again, and the attack was very severe at night, and everyone was terrified. At this time, she called me and told me what happened earlier.

I criticized her at the time, and it cannot be handled in this way. The prescriptions I wrote in the book are just to provide an idea, which is my experience, but the situation of each patient will be different, so please be sure to use it under the guidance of a local doctor. The luck this time is also thanks to her carefulness and correct judgment. If it were a careless person who made a wrong judgment, it would be terrible. Such a thing must never be done.

She complained that all major local hospitals and Chinese medicine practitioners had been consulted, but there was no effect. The doctors said they gave up the treatment, and there was no other way.

This also left me speechless. In fact, our ancestors left us with so many good recipes, but we didn't master them all.

Her old mother is in her hometown in Hubei, and I can only analyze the situation through her narration. Her old mother was sick, and the biggest feature was that she had severe attacks at night. After hearing this, I roughly understand. Although some diseases are very complicated, we can clearly grasp the crux as long as we grasp them from the two aspects of yin and yang.

The yin and yang qi in our body have different divisions of labor during the day and night. During the day, the yang qi is used for work, and at night, the yin qi is used for work. A person with Yang Qi deficiency will be better during the day, because the Yang Qi in nature is strong during the day. Although the Yang Qi in our body is weak, with the help of external Yang Qi (such as sunlight), it can still compete with the Yin Qi in our body. To achieve a balance of yin and yang. This should be easy to understand. For example, people with insufficient yang energy will feel as if they are not sick when exposed to the sun during the day, because yin and yang are temporarily balanced. But at night, the yang energy in the natural world is stored, and the surroundings become cooler. At this time, people with insufficient yang energy are prone to problems. Because the yang qi in his body can hardly compete with the exuberant yin qi.

After analyzing these situations, I understood that the old lady must have insufficient yang energy, which caused her heart attack at night. This roasted licorice soup is a prescription for nourishing the heart. The medicines in it include: roasted licorice, donkey-hide gelatin, Ophiopogon japonicus, raw land, hemp seed, cassia twig, ginseng, jujube, ginger, and rice wine. Among them, donkey-hide gelatin, Ophiopogon japonicus, Shengdi, etc. are medicines for nourishing yin; cinnamon sticks, ginseng, rice wine, ginger, etc. are medicines for warming yang. The old lady's heart recovered.

So, why is there a problem again on the fifteenth day? What affected the old lady's yang energy? I thought about it, could it be the weather? So I asked a friend to call home and ask, has the weather in Hubei changed suddenly recently? After she made the phone call, she asked me in surprise, "How did you know? It was really cold that day."

When a doctor treats a disease, he must consider not only the patient's own situation, but also other things. In addition to considering major climate changes from the aspects of five lucks and six climatic conditions, he must also pay attention to the current and local climate Condition. It was precisely because the weather in Hubei suddenly became cold at that time, and the cold evil was relatively strong, which invaded the old man's yang energy. In this way, the balance of yin and yang that had just appeared in her body was broken again. Then there was another heart attack.

When the yang qi is deficient, the water in the body begins to flood, just like the water around us on a cloudy day. Our heart belongs to fire, and if the fire is weak, water vapor will easily overflow and blind the heart orifices, and heart problems will naturally occur. How to do it? My method is very simple. Zhigancao Decoction has Yin-nourishing and Yang-warming medicines—just increase the dose of Yang-warming medicines.

I told her to change the cinnamon sticks in the prescription to 12 grams (the original is 6 grams), the ginseng to 12 grams (the original is 9 grams), and add 12 grams of Poria cocos to remove dampness. Take a look, Zhang Zhongjing's prescription is so wonderful, it is like a seesaw, there are medicines for regulating yin and yang, if we want to maintain the balance of the seesaw, it depends on how we use it skillfully - when the yin qi is strong, we increase the temperature and yang The amount of medicine; if the yang energy is strong, we will increase the amount of yin nourishing medicine.

As a result, after taking this prescription, the old lady turned the crisis into safety again immediately.

When writing this article, I specifically called this friend to ask, how is the old man doing now? She said that since that treatment, the old man's condition has been stable.

She said something again, which moved me very much. She said that her old father is also over 80 years old, and this treatment surprised him—it was so accurate and effective at such a distance. The old man said that he was too old to come to Beijing to thank him in person, but he said: "Be sure to tell me Mr. Luo's name, I will always remember this name!"

This is the sentence that moved me the most. I don’t ask for anything in return for helping my friends. I never accept any gifts; For those who give it to me, I will immediately send a corresponding gift for peace of mind. For me, the best reward is the gratitude from the heart when they recover. Just like this old man, he said he would remember my name, which moved me very much, and this is the best reward.

In addition, I feel that it was this friend's filial piety that moved the world, and it was rewarded. In the most critical time, it must be the purest filial piety in our hearts that can turn the tide. There is nothing in the world that can move the world more than this.

As long as a person abandons selfish desires and faces the world with a sincere heart, then there is no difficulty in this world that cannot be overcome. This is true for doing things, and even more so for health preservation. As long as we calm down and seriously understand the state of our body, we will be able to figure out our own yin and yang, cold and heat.
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