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Sunshine in dog days, drive away the cold and damp for a year

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Sunshine in dog days, drive away the cold and damp for a year
In the winter, if you have been to the countryside, you must have seen such a scene. In the busy morning, children rush to school and study, and middle-aged people rush out to make a living. After the young and middle-aged are all set off, the sun rises warmly, and the hair in twos and threes The gray old man, whose rickety back could no longer bear the burden of years, sat by the wall, basking in the sun and taking a nap while chatting and recalling the past days. A few puppies curled up obediently at their feet, snoozing.

This is a picture that can be seen everywhere in the countryside, and it is a kind of enjoyment for the elderly!

The ancients called this kind of enjoyment "Negative Sunshine", or "Negative Happiness" for short. What is "Xuan"? The so-called "Xuan" refers to the warmth of the sun, and "Negative Xuan" faces the warm sun with its back. The simple understanding is to bask in the back.

There are spines in the back, and the spine is the backbone of the human body, carrying the weight of the body and the burden of a lifetime, but it is also a fragile part that will eventually be bent.

In winter, the corner of the wall is sheltered from the wind, and the warm sun passes through the cotton-padded clothes, rubbing the back and stretching the meridians. No wonder the ancients said, "Taking a cabinet of medicine is worse than drying your back."

Sunshine is the most precious gift of nature, and the sun is priceless!

Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Negative Winter Day": "The sunrise in Gaogao winter shines on the south corner of my house. Negative Xuan sits with his eyes closed, and his skin grows with harmony. At first it looks like drinking alcohol, and then it is like a stinger."

The poem states that basking in the sun in winter is not only an excellent enjoyment, but also has a very subtle effect on the human body, just like drinking fine nectar and jade liquid, warm currents all over the body, moisten the skin, and refresh the mind!

You may be wondering, winter is very good and comfortable, but it is summer now, did you introduce the wrong season?

No, tanning does not distinguish between seasons, but it is cold in winter, so warm tanning is a kind of enjoyment. But now, going to sunbathe in the hot summer is not enjoyable, so everyone will feel that it is out of date.

But in summer we really need to bask in the sun and feel the presence of the sun. Because now we don’t need to live a life facing the loess and back to the sky. We have all moved to the city. We have heating in winter and air-conditioning in summer, but we are getting farther and farther away from the sun. How long have you not been in the sun?

So please bask in the sun in summer, the sun is the greatest treasure bestowed by nature to us human beings!

Seasons change, and nature grows and collects, which is caused by the movement of the sun from north to south. The rise and fall of the human body's yang energy determines the life of a person. Therefore, the "Neijing" says that "the person with yang energy, if the sky and the sun lose their place, their lifespan will be shortened."

Basking in the sun, receiving the yang energy of the sun to supplement the insufficient yang energy of our body. We who stay away from the sun, those who stay in air-conditioned rooms, those who eat cold drinks all the time, those who lack yang, and those who are cold and damp, we should bask in the sun in summer to get rid of the cold in the body and make up for the lost yang. .

The above groups of people are very suitable for basking in the sun in summer or in dog days. So how to sunbathe your back? What time is it?

During the Daoguang period, a mysterious person named "Tianxiuzi" recorded a method of basking in the sun to nourish the sun and cure diseases in "Xiu Kunlun Verification".

"All men and women suffering from headache, brain leak, toothache, ear swelling, beriberi, ecthyma, pain in hands, feet, back, muscles and bones, wind-cold, damp heat, weakness, weakness, etc., should be naked in the scorching sun at the time of the dog days, at noon, and at the end of the day. Exposure to the middle sun, no matter old or new, big or small diseases, can be cured and eradicated. Even women’s menstruation can also be exposed to the sun.

"Someone taught the method of tanning. Putting your body naked in the scorching sun in Futian, the sweat is like water, and the wind is cool, and you don't feel the heat. But the skin will peel off at the beginning of the sun. The thickness depends on the disease, and even blisters. It heals very quickly. , those who have not passed two days are really chemical.”

The above passage probably means that sunbathing can improve many old and new intractable diseases, especially during the dog days, these three hours are the best, Sishi (9-11 am), noon time (11-13 noon), Weishi (13-15 o'clock), naked and exposed to the sun, a bit like sunbathing today. Even women's menstrual cycle can also be exposed to the sun.

At the beginning of the sun, the skin will peel or even blisters. As for the degree of peeling, it depends on one's own disease and constitution, but it will recover quickly. Even if you are sweating profusely in the sun, you don't feel hot, and you feel a cool breeze.

After a long time in the sun, the skin will definitely peel off. When we first started to sun in the sun, we should not spend too long in the sun. We should decide according to our own conditions. After all, everyone’s physical condition is different.

"Lao Lao Heng Yan" also recorded this method, "After eating a little in the morning, if the sun is sunny and the wind is stable, sit under the south window with your back to the sun. The "Lie Zi" calls it a negative day. The spine must be slightly warmed , can make the whole body smooth. The sun is the essence of the sun, and its light strengthens the yang energy, which is extremely beneficial. After noon, the yin energy gradually grows, and the sun reduces the warmth, so sitting for a long time is not suitable."

Modern medicine has also confirmed that sunbathing can help the body obtain vitamin D; the ultraviolet rays in the sun can remove bacteria on the skin, prevent skin diseases, stimulate the bone marrow to produce red blood cells, and improve hematopoietic function; in addition, sunbathing can also increase the vitality of phagocytic cells and strengthen the human body. immunity.

basking method

As for the method, we still follow the ancient method. It is recommended that you sunbathe your back. There are Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian on your back. Shu, Ganshu, Pishu, Feishu, Shenshu, etc., these points are the points where the qi of the viscera is infused on the back. Sunbathing can directly transfer the energy to the corresponding viscera in the body.

People with a cold body will feel the sun when they are exposed to the sun, and the cool air will be discharged from the body, and they will be very comfortable and will not feel very hot. The time should be determined according to your own situation. It is recommended that the infirm people spend less time in the sun. 10 Start at 10 minutes, and then gradually increase the time. If you feel uncomfortable, stop immediately. It is not recommended to spend too long in the sun. Too long time will cause sunburn to the skin.

We still recommend that you bask in the sun between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., do not have an empty stomach, expose your back and waist, wear a hat to cover your head, and do not have a cover on your back. Some people will bask on their backs with a layer of gauze , It is not recommended to do this, the sun should be directly irradiated on the back, and the "energy of the sun" will be transmitted to the body.

As for the location, you can find it yourself. The most convenient place is at your own home, basking in the sun on the balcony. Remind everyone, don't expose your back to the sun at the seaside, the sun at the seaside is too "toxic", and people who have been sitting in the office and haven't been exposed to the sun much are especially prone to sunburn.

After sunbathing, the pores are all open. Do not enter the air-conditioned room immediately, or take a bath and eat cold drinks immediately to prevent catching cold. You can rest for a while in a cool place and drink some warm water are good choices.

Today, I would like to introduce this method of basking in the back. The elderly, people with Yang deficiency, cold vest, easy to catch colds, and people with spleen and stomach deficiency should not miss this excellent method.

This summer, we use this ancient, primitive and most energetic method to tan our backs, dispel the cold, store yang energy, and show a healthy body!
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