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Double the benefits of soaking your feet in summer

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Double the benefits of soaking your feet in summer
As the saying goes, "If you don't sweat in the hot weather, you will turn white when you get sick", so it is best to let the body perspire in summer.

Why do you say this way?

Because human beings have to conform to nature, such as accepting the stimulus of cold in winter and experiencing the feeling of heat in summer. But now we use air conditioners everywhere in summer, and stay in warm rooms in winter. Technology has changed our lives. We live too comfortably. Comfort is not a bad thing, but we can’t be so comfortable all the time.

Cold in winter and hot in summer are the laws of nature. The most important thing for health preservation is to comply with the four seasons, but we modern people live like vegetables out of season, warm in winter and cool in summer.

Northerners need to wear short sleeves and eat ice cream to cool down in well-heated houses in winter, and wear long clothes and trousers to keep warm in air-conditioned rooms in summer.

Everyone knows that out-of-season fruits and vegetables are not good. They are not as delicious and healthy as those in season. So the same "off-season" lifestyle cannot shape a healthy body!

In summer, at a temperature that is comfortable for you, you still have to sweat your body.

In addition, there is another reason. Summer is hot and muggy, with a lot of rain and humid air, so this leads to relatively heavy humidity in summer, and our human body is also prone to accumulate moisture. Once the moisture in the body is heavy, it will make people uncomfortable.

Among our five internal organs, the spleen dislikes moisture the least, but moisture especially likes to entangle the spleen, dampness traps the spleen, appears lack of energy, loves to feel sleepy, sleepy limbs, heavy and weak, sticky mouth, thirsty and unwilling to drink, poor appetite, Heavy head, sticky stool, these symptoms of high humidity.

So what about humidity? We can soak our feet.

Soaking feet is suitable for the vast majority of people, regardless of their physique, and foot soaking is very simple, boil some warm water, put it in a basin, and soak your feet before going to bed at night, it is very comfortable!

As the saying goes, "Soak your feet in spring to get rid of the sun; soak your feet in summer to remove dampness and heat; soak your feet in autumn to moisten your lungs and intestines; soak your feet in winter to warm your dantian."

Soaking feet in any season is good for the body, especially in summer, which can help us get rid of summer dampness.

Some people have heavy humidity and want moxibustion, but they don’t have time for moxibustion, or they don’t like the smell of moxa smoke, or it’s easy to get angry by moxibustion by themselves; it’s not so convenient to dry their backs, or they don’t have time to do it. Back; some people have a constitution of yin deficiency and fire, and moxibustion and back drying are really not suitable, so I think foot bathing can satisfy most people.

Soaking feet belongs to the foot therapy of external therapy in traditional Chinese medicine. It can warm the yang and remove dampness. People with yang deficiency and heavy dampness can soak their feet. It is recommended to soak your feet.

Foot bathing belongs to the foot bath of the external treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine. There are many acupuncture points and reflection areas on the feet.

The three yin meridians of the human body and the three yang meridians of the foot intersect in the feet, so the feet are one of the most densely populated parts of the human body, and there are also reflection areas corresponding to various viscera. Important viscera such as the spleen, stomach, liver, and kidney The meridians of the human body all pass through the feet, and are conducted through the meridians when soaking the feet, thereby adjusting the yin and yang of the viscera and achieving the purpose of curing diseases and health care.

In summer, it is hot, and the water for soaking our feet is also warm. We will sweat a little when soaking our feet, and the cold and damp air in the body will be excreted together with the sweat. Sweating also gives the moisture a way out.

At the same time, summer is the season with the strongest yang energy in the human body. Soaking feet in warm water (foot bath) can better stimulate the meridians, promote the circulation of qi and blood, and invigorate the functions of the human viscera. , increase appetite, promote sleep.

The spleen and stomach are weak, the spleen and stomach are weak, and people with weak spleen and stomach are more suitable for foot soaking. Both the spleen meridian and the stomach meridian pass through the feet. Get rid of the moisture trapped in the spleen.

Soaking your feet is a good way, so what should you pay attention to?

Be careful when soaking your feet

It is best to use a deep basin with a large bottom area to soak your feet, so that your feet can be comfortably placed in it. If there is no foot bathtub, a large basin for washing clothes at home can also be used, so that the feet can be flattened comfortably. It is best to let the water soak all the time To the upper part of the ankle, or the position of the calf is also fine. The water temperature is more suitable at about 40 degrees Celsius. It should not be too hot or too cold. Hot water should be added at any time to keep the water at this temperature.

There is also time to soak your feet. It doesn’t take long. If you soak your feet for too long in summer, you will sweat a lot. The more the better, just sweat a little, soak your feet within 20 minutes before going to bed every day.

It is not recommended to soak your feet when you are too full or too hungry. When you soak your feet, it promotes the flow of Qi and blood. If you are too hungry, you will be more hungry and dizzy. If you are too full, it will affect the function of the spleen and stomach, so we try to soak our feet an hour after a meal.

Also, people with diabetes must pay attention to the temperature of the foot bath water, because the peripheral nerves of diabetic patients cannot normally sense the external temperature, and some even have peripheral nerve necrosis. This can lead to very serious consequences, which must be paid attention to.

Adding some "materials" to the foot bath will have different benefits

Warm Gall Soup Soaking Feet

Wendan Decoction for soaking feet is suitable for people with phlegm-heat physique. Apart from the above-mentioned lack of energy, sleepiness, heavy limbs and fatigue, sticky mouth, thirsty and unwilling to drink, poor appetite, heavy head, sticky stool In addition, the tongue coating is yellow.

The composition of Wendan Decoction is as follows: 30 grams of Poria cocos, 6 grams of Pinellia fragrans, 9 grams of tangerine peel, 6 grams of roasted licorice, 6 grams of Zhuru, and 6 grams of Citrus aurantium.

We first soak the Wendan soup recipe for half an hour, then boil the water, boil it for 30 minutes on low heat, then divide the medicine into two parts, mix it with warm water, and soak it twice a day for 20 minutes each time. It is not recommended for pregnant women use. People who don't have time can soak for 20 minutes before going to bed.

In the prescription, Pinellia dries dampness and resolves phlegm, harmonizes the stomach and relieves vomiting, Zhuru clears away heat and resolves phlegm, tangerine peel regulates qi, dries dampness and resolves phlegm, Citrus aurantium lowers qi and guides stagnation, resolves phlegm and eliminates swelling, Poria cocos invigorates the spleen and eliminates dampness, and prevents the occurrence of phlegm in the spleen. Source, licorice to reconcile the properties of the medicine, these medicines together achieve the purpose of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, regulating qi and resolving phlegm.

Soaking feet in Erchen soup

Erchen Decoction foot bath is suitable for people with phlegm-dampness constitution, such as lack of energy, sleepiness, heavy limbs and fatigue, sticky mouth, thirsty and unwilling to drink, poor appetite, heavy head, sticky stool, white and greasy tongue coating.

The composition of Erchen Decoction is 15 grams of Pinellia chinensis, 15 grams of orange red, 9 grams of poria cocos, 4.5 grams of roasted licorice, 7 slices of ginger, 1 cm thick.

For the method, refer to Wendan Decoction. Pinellia dries dampness and resolves phlegm, harmonizes the stomach and relieves vomiting, orange red promotes qi and resolves phlegm, regulates qi and invigorates the spleen, Poria cocos invigorates the spleen and eliminates dampness, makes water dampness go from below, ginger warms the stomach and resolves phlegm, licorice adjusts herbs, and works together to dry dampness Reduces phlegm, regulates qi and neutralizes the effect.

Artemisia foot soak

Soaking mugwort feet is suitable for people with cold and damp physique, such as joint pain and old cold legs, and mugwort also has the effect of warming the meridians, so if women have dysmenorrhea due to cold palace, they can use mugwort to warm the uterus, warm the meridians and dispel cold, but menstruation is not It is recommended to soak your feet with mugwort leaves by yourself.

Add 20 grams of mugwort leaves, add water, bring to a boil, cook on low heat for another 10 minutes, soak your feet after the water temperature drops to an appropriate temperature, and use steam to fumigate your feet while waiting for the water temperature to drop, be careful not to burn yourself.

Everyone pay attention, the water for soaking feet does not reach the ankles, and the water surface should preferably cover the Sanyinjiao point. Sanyinjiao is 3 inches above the tip of the inner malleolus, and we can know the approximate location by measuring it with our hands.

pepper soaked feet

Zanthoxylum bungeanum can dispel cold and relieve pain, antibacterial and insecticidal. Zanthoxylum bungeanum itself is pungent and warm, and can dispel cold, so it is suitable for people with cold constitutions to soak their feet. In addition, Zanthoxylum bungeanum can kill fungi on the feet and relieve itching caused by beriberi.

20 grams of pepper, add appropriate amount of water, boil, cool to about 40 degrees, soak feet for 20 minutes.

So, are you ready to start soaking your feet tonight? Faxne invites you to soak your feet every night this summer to create a healthy body!
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