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Stewed Chicken Leg Bone with Notoginseng Powder Treats Knee Spur Pain

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Stewed Chicken Leg Bone with Notoginseng Powder Treats Knee Spur Pain
Stewed chicken leg bones with Panax notoginseng powder is a commonly used therapeutic prescription in our family. I have introduced it to you before, and I also wrote in my book that when a fracture occurs, if you can stew the chicken leg bone with Panax notoginseng powder, it can promote recovery and relieve pain. Many friends have used this prescription, and everyone reported that the effect is good. A few days ago, we also published a letter from a netizen who used this prescription to fix a fracture. I was very happy to read it. So, let’s talk about other uses of this recipe today!

A friend once reported that he sprained his ankle during sports. There was no fracture, but only a "muscle" injury, which hurt very much. What should I do? Suddenly, I thought of the prescription I had introduced, and felt that Panax notoginseng should be effective in promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, so I took it, and the pain soon disappeared. Then everyone asked me: "Isn't it a broken bone, and this prescription is also effective?"

Yes, today we will introduce this knowledge.

Let me give you an example first, or what happened to my mother these days.

My mother's knee also suffered from pain many years ago, and I used the foot bath formula for promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals to solve it. I have had no problems for many years, but this time I fell ill again. My knees hurt and I staggered. Even sitting up became a problem and I needed someone to help me. This seriously affected my mother's mood, so my mother went to the hospital for an examination and took an X-ray, saying that it was a degenerative disease with bone spurs. Sodium hyaluronate was used directly, but no effect was seen.

At this time, I thought it was cold now, so I should use the prescription I used before to soak my feet, but after soaking my feet, there was no effect, and the pain remained.

At this time, I thought, this is serious blood stasis, let’s stew chicken leg bones with Panax notoginseng powder, so I got up early and went to the vegetable market to buy chicken leg bones. Our place is now called "chicken elbow", which seems to be a barbecue restaurant. The ingredients inside. At that time, I asked the store to smash it, and the proprietress took out a big wooden mallet, and smashed them one by one on the spot.

↓ This is the chicken elbow I bought and the leftover chicken elbow after drinking the soup ↓

Then, when I came back, I used 3 grams of Panax notoginseng powder, put 5 chicken elbows, made soup, and then gave it to my mother. I drank it that night, and when I woke up the next day, the knee pain that had troubled her for many days was gone. Ziroom, my mother was in a good mood, and went to sing with her old friends that day.

So, what is the rationale here? What exactly is a bone spur? Why is it also effective to stew chicken leg bones with Panax notoginseng powder?

Bone spurs are mainly caused by the wear and tear of cartilage in joints due to various reasons, and promote the repair, hardening and hyperplasia of the bone itself. Strictly speaking, this "thorn" is generally not the sharp "thorn" that everyone imagines, but just some hyperplasia. The etiology of bone spurs may include aging, injury, obesity and overweight, endocrine disorders, abnormal metabolism of bone cells, neurotrophic disorders, changes in local blood circulation of joints, etc. Among them, aging is the strongest risk factor, followed by trauma and obesity.

Many people now talk about the discoloration of bone spurs, but it is unnecessary, because with the increase of age and the wear and tear of bones, many people will have similar hyperplasia. That is to say, bone spurs are more or less common, and they are not All such growths cause a pain response. You don't have to be afraid. Many times, we can coexist peacefully with bone spurs.

So, why do bone spurs cause pain when they are severe?

Most experts now believe that the bone spur itself does not cause pain, but the blood vessels and nerve damage around the diseased joint cause poor blood circulation and other reasons to cause pain. That is to say, because of hyperplasia, the structure around the joint changes, which will wear down the surrounding blood vessels, ligaments, nerves and other tissues, resulting in local damage such as edema, blood stasis, inflammation, etc. These local damages lead to Symptoms of pain.

At this time, exposure to cold, heavy loads, long journeys, and deformation of movements are all triggers, which lead to damage around the bones and joints, causing pain.

This is similar to many cases of herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. In the past, surgical treatment was often advocated. Now it is found that most of the pain of patients is caused by the protrusion and the surrounding damage, which caused the pain. If it can be reset by manipulation, it can be eliminated by various methods Local edema, blood stasis, the patient's pain will disappear.

Therefore, at this time, Panax notoginseng powder can be used to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote blood circulation in the body, and improve blood circulation. Sanqi has always been known as the holy medicine for traumatology. The environment has changed, the edema and blood stasis have disappeared, and the pain will also disappear.

So, why stew chicken leg bones with Panax notoginseng powder? What is the effect of using Panax notoginseng powder alone?

My experience is like this, you can use notoginseng powder alone, but the dosage should be large, but this is not the idea I recommend, for bone injury diseases, and damage to the ligaments and fascia around the bones related to bones , I advocate stewing chicken leg bones with Panax notoginseng powder. The reason behind this needs further research, but the curative effect of using it in this way is obviously better than using Sanqi powder alone for bone diseases.

In fact, my mother has been taking Panax notoginseng powder, 1 gram each morning and evening, the purpose is to protect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, so my mother's blood pressure has always been normal, and the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular is relatively healthy, but this time the knee pain, the oral Panax notoginseng powder No effect was shown, but the obvious effect appeared after taking the stewed chicken leg bone with Panax notoginseng powder.

Let me remind again that when encountering bone injury diseases and problems with bone-related ligaments and fascia, I recommend stewing chicken leg bones with Panax notoginseng powder for conditioning. Among them, there must be substances in the chicken leg bone that have produced a synergistic effect with the Panax notoginseng powder, improving the curative effect.

Then, a friend asked, must it be chicken leg bones? I remember a few Chinese medicine practitioners once said that their teachers also taught them this recipe, but it contained the bones of a whole chicken, smashed and boiled Panax notoginseng powder, I think it is also possible, but everyone uses chicken Bones, so far, I haven't encountered anyone who says to use beef bones and pig bones.

So how to do this recipe? I'll say it again.

1-3 grams of notoginseng powder, 1 gram for light ones, 3 grams for heavier ones, 5-7 chicken leg bones, smashed. Then put it in a casserole, don't use a metal pot, casserole is the best, cook the soup for at least 40 minutes, and then add some seasonings, such as salt, etc., drink soup, drink two bowls a day, you can drink it with your meal, You can also drink it before and after meals. Pregnant women should not take it.

What needs to be reminded is that there are bone stubble after the chicken leg bone is smashed, which is very sharp, so don't drink it.

This recipe is very simple, and it belongs to the category of dietary therapy. In fact, when cooking chicken soup in Yunnan, it is customary to put some notoginseng into it.

Let me repeat again: In the past, I mainly said that this prescription has a good effect on the recovery of fractures. Now I will introduce more applications to you. For bone-related diseases, you can try it. For example, in addition to knee bone spurs, diseases such as herniated lumbar discs can be treated with this prescription on the basis of finding Chinese medicine practitioners and performing correct manipulations.

This prescription does not remove bone spurs, but can improve the damage caused by bone spurs, reduce or eliminate pain, so that we can live in peace with bone spurs.

In fact, this prescription was passed down to me by my mother. Yesterday I asked my mother: Why didn’t I think of using this prescription when I was sick? My mother said that she thought of it, but she was afraid of bothering me to buy chicken leg bones.

Chicken leg bones are really hard to buy. I have gone all over Nuoda Market, and only one has them. It was out of stock at the time. I made an appointment with the store to buy some for me. I went to pick it up the next morning and came back. Make the soup yourself.

So, think about it carefully, every time you adjust, there is a difference between being careful and not being careful. In this matter, you can't be lazy.

Yesterday I further thought about how many problems my parents have encountered in the past few years. I have resolved them one by one with the wisdom of Chinese medicine left by my ancestors. Fortunately, the elderly are very healthy, but I am a Chinese medicine student. , so there are too many convenient conditions. For those friends who do not learn Chinese medicine at home, how many problems should their parents encounter, can they solve them? Therefore, I wrote down all these contents, and I can use them as a reference for friends who have similar situations. Maybe it will come in handy!
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