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Use Astragalus to make a delicious qi-invigorating soup!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Use Astragalus to make a delicious qi-invigorating soup!
The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow... On such a cold day, in addition to heating and quilts, hot soup is also an indispensable warming artifact. Thinking of winter, everyone is "cat winter" at home. The southern friends who do not have heating are even shivering at home wrapped in a small quilt. It is bound to be a lot less exercise. Opportunities to improve your fitness. Therefore, if exercise is not enough, medicated diet will make up for it! During the "Cat Winter", add a bowl of hot soup to yourself, which not only warms the body, but also helps us regulate our physique, how great!

Everyone should have guessed that today we are still giving benefits to friends with qi deficiency, because the main ingredient of the soup we are going to make today is a good medicine for invigorating qi—astragalus~

Astragalus was first recorded in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", sweet and slightly warm. Return spleen, lung meridian. Efficacy is to invigorate qi and promote yang, benefit health and solidify the surface, diuresis and swelling, promote body fluid and nourish blood, promote stagnation and relieve numbness. It has a very good therapeutic effect on qi deficiency and fatigue, depression of middle qi, weak lung qi, coughing, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating due to surface deficiency, and blood deficiency. Dr. Luo once systematically talked about the medicine of Astragalus in the audio of Zhang Xichun's medical case, especially the few articles about "the subsidence of the atmosphere", which left a deep impression on many friends, and they all left messages saying that they are the atmosphere. Sinking, and feedback that after using the prescription of Astragalus, it has improved a lot. I put links to several articles at the end of the article, so you can review them. Astragalus and ginseng are both good medicines that can invigorate qi and raise qi. The difference is that ginseng has a stronger effect of invigorating qi, and astragalus has a stronger effect of raising qi; It is relatively soft and long-lasting, and it takes a period of time to have a greater effect. Therefore, Astragalus is very suitable for regular use in medicinal meals. In addition to invigorating qi, astragalus itself also has the effect of nourishing blood. Because of the mutual production of qi and blood, astragalus can also invigorate qi to promote blood circulation, and invigorate qi to relieve numbness. It is very friendly to friends with blood deficiency, blood stasis, and deficiency of both qi and blood.

Today I will teach you how to make soup. Another important ingredient used is beef. Beef is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the functions of invigorating the middle and nourishing Qi, nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening muscles and bones, reducing phlegm and wind, quenching thirst and saliva.

So, the name of this soup today is - Astragalus Beef Soup, and it's time for Yun Shao to show his talents, and I'm still a little excited~

Let me take you to do it~

First prepare the ingredients, 250g of beef, 10g of astragalus, 8g of medlar, shredded green onion, coriander, and salt.

After washing the beef, soak it in clean water for about two hours, so that the beef will be soft and rotten more easily when stewed.

Wash the astragalus and medlar.

Cut the marinated beef into small pieces.
Blanch the cut beef in a pan under cold water.

As the water heats up, blood froth will appear and should be skimmed off in time. Remove after blanching.

Take an appropriate amount of water and heat until warm, do not overheat, do not boil.

Add all the beef, astragalus, and medlar into the pot.

Pour just warm water into the pot. Because the beef has just been fished out of boiling water, it cannot be stimulated with cold water, and it is easy to regenerate, so it is best to use warm water.

Select the soup cooking mode and set the time to 2 hours. This soup can also use the water-proof stewing method I introduced when I made the angelica ginger stewed mutton soup, and it takes 2 to 3 hours.

When the time is almost up, add the shredded shallots and continue to simmer.

When the time is up, add a pinch of salt and it's done!

When drinking soup, you can choose to sprinkle some coriander according to your personal taste, the soup tastes more delicious! And coriander is also a traditional Chinese medicine that can appetize and eliminate food blindly, and can disperse wind and cold~
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