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Some ways to make your "heartbeat" more steady

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Some ways to make your "heartbeat" more steady
I believe everyone has experienced what kind of feeling palpitations are.

When we are young, we are excited and nervous, have rapid breathing and heartbeat, and it is difficult to control the heartbeat after excessive coffee and strong tea. As we grow older, diagnoses such as "premature beats" and "rapid arrhythmia" gradually appear on the electrocardiogram. , Chest tightness, upset, losing temper, flustered, cranky, affecting sleep. In particular, after the new crown in recent years, more and more people have reported that there are varying degrees of "palpitation, upset, fatigue" problems, which can also belong to the word "palpitations".

"Huangdi Neijing" said: "Shocked, the heart has nothing to rely on, the spirit has nowhere to go, and the worry has no place to settle, so the qi is disordered." The factors that lead to this disease, so, in the next period of time, I will spend a few articles to chat with you, what are the different conditioning ideas for different palpitation problems.

Quick tips to relieve anxiety

If at this time you are pressing your chest with your forehand and want to lose your temper, please close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds, and then slowly exhale the air, and at the same time forget the things that upset you just now, and repeat two more times. Take a deep breath for a second time. At this time, some people with fair physique will feel full of body fluid in their mouths, and then swallow their saliva vigorously; repeat the action of taking a deep breath and swallowing saliva for 3~4 cycles, and then drink some electrolyte or sugary drinks, especially People with heart palpitations caused by coffee, strong tea, high temperature and excessive sweating should slowly replenish fluids. At this time, the flustered feeling in the heart will gradually be relieved.

Sharpening the knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood. Next, we will sort out some methods for palpitation and pulse recovery according to different constitutions and causes.

palpitation of yang-deficiency constitution

There are generally three types of people who are prone to palpitations: people who usually have phlegm, drinking water and dampness inside, and their hearts always seem to be wrapped in a "layer of water vapor", and they need to beat harder and more frequently to supply blood to the whole body. People with Gan Decoction and "Zhenwu Decoction"; blood deficiency and blood stasis cause and effect each other, if they often stay up late, consume effort secretly, and those who do not adjust in time are prone to chest tightness, palpitation, and heart palpitations, this is "Danggui Shaoyao Powder"" "Wenxin Granule" people; during the period after the new crown, many people showed the physical characteristics of "deficiency of both Qi and Yin", and showed obvious symptoms of "fatigue and panic". This is what Dr. "man of.

These are some of the methods of "stabilizing palpitations and rejuvenating the pulse" introduced before. In addition, there is another group of people whose body is yang deficient, especially when the temperature is high in summer. Mixed with "excessive sweating and fatigue", I don't know how to start to recuperate. Today we will first talk about what to do about these "palpitations of people with Yang deficiency"?

1 Sweat is the fluid of the heart

It is said that sweat is the fluid of the heart, and excessive sweating makes you sad. So, what are the specific manifestations of "sadness" after sweating profusely?

Article 64 of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases": "If you sweat too much, you cross your hands and feel palpitations, and you want to press it, Guizhi Gancao Decoction is the main remedy."

Guizhi Gancao Decoction: 12 grams of Guizhi, 6 grams of Zhigancao.

——Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"

The medical sage said that one of them is "the person crossed his hands and pretended to be self-conscious, his heart was palpitating, and he wanted to be pressed." People who sweat too much will have palpitations and precordial distress. In order to relieve this kind of chest discomfort, they will unconsciously press their hands on their chests to try to relieve this palpitation. people.

Although this prescription is only composed of two herbs, "Guizhi" and "Steamed Licorice", it is the "foundation" for invigorating the heart and yang.
False and real

It is often said that classic prescriptions are difficult, and the difficulty lies in "diagnosis", and the difficulty of syndrome differentiation, I think, lies in "truth and falsehood". The big reality has a weak shape, and the most empty has a prosperous appearance. Baihu Decoction reduces fever quickly, but it should also be used for people with "large and powerful pulse". So, how to judge the true and false of palpitations? What kind of panic is "false evidence" and what kind of "real evidence"?

Zhang Jiebin said: "Those who can be pressed are false, and those who refuse to be pressed are real." Heart palpitations seem to be a state of excitement with a rapid heartbeat, but the palpitations here are due to profuse sweating and damage to the yang, and the "false excitement" appears due to the floating of the virtual yang. The essence of restraining Qi.


The palpitations in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" can be roughly divided into "heart palpitations", "heart palpitations", "heart palpitations" and "heart palpitations without the name of palpitations". The palpitations treated by Guizhi Gancao Decoction, When it is called "palpitations", it also shows the scope of treatment of this prescription from another angle.

"Treating Febrile Diseases" says: "The so-called palpitations under the heart are under the heart, above the stomach, between the tails of the doves, and in the sea of qi. "Lingshu" says that the middle of the mutton is the sea of qi." It is said that the "palpitations" caused by "sinus speed" and "tachyarrhythmia" are mostly at the "sinus node" in the right atrium, which does not belong to the scope of this prescription; ", the place in the middle of the mutton, above the epigastric cavity, is the place of "palpitations". This kind of palpitations is more similar to the category of autonomic dysfunction and cardiac neurosis in modern medicine.

Cinnamon sticks and roasted licorice

Xu Shuwei said: "Zhongjing has one hundred and thirteen prescriptions, and Guizhi occupies the first place." Sour and sweet can transform yin, and pungent and sweet can transform yang. Based on Guizhi decoction, it can reconcile Yingwei, and half of it can also "or help Yang or transforming Yin", the combination of cinnamon twigs and roasted licorice is the embodiment of warming and helping the heart yang.

Insufficient heart yang will lead to palpitations and chest tightness if the agitation is weak; stagnation of liver and gallbladder qi, turning into wind and moving, upwards and against the heart, will also cause palpitations and restlessness. Guizhi is warm and soothing, and its nature is in harmony with the liver. It can not only help yang transform qi, but also reduce adverse reactions and calm palpitations.

For example, Huang Yuanyu believes that Guizhi "is warm and comfortable, and its nature is in harmony with the liver. The organs obtained are well-developed and the menstrual blood is smooth. It can not only subdue adversity, but also rise and fall, soothe fear, and stop running dolphins." Guizhi combined with roasted licorice, transforms yin stagnation into yang harmony, nourishes vitality, calms palpitations and restores pulse. Therefore, if you sweat a lot and hurt your yang, your body has yang deficiency, or if wind and cold attack your yang, and you have palpitations and palpitations, you can choose Guizhi Gancao Decoction to warm the heart and yang, calm the Chong and reduce the adverse.

2 The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow

Heart palpitations are not only easy to entangle the elderly, but they are also more common in young women who are troubled by troubles. If you use "portraits" to summarize this group of people, then most of them belong to families, jobs, children, and labor. There are a lot of strenuous things, usually bloating, dull pain and discomfort in the stomach, poor appetite, not eating much, even some neurasthenia, and light sleep. Palpitations and upsets are often mixed together in this group of people, which belongs to More typical "feeling palpitations and annoyance".

"Two or three days of typhoid fever, heart palpitations and troubles, Xiaojianzhong decoction master"

Xiaojianzhong decoction: 9 grams of cinnamon sticks, 6 grams of roasted licorice, 18 grams of peony, 9 grams of ginger, 4 jujubes, and 60 grams of caramel.

People with palpitations and troubles in the heart must first have a deficiency of internal qi, insufficient heart and spleen, loss of both qi and blood, and then be disturbed by evil. Palpitation and restlessness are the main symptoms of "Xiaojianzhong Decoction", the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the acquired constitution, and the source of sanitation of qi and blood. Weakness of the spleen and stomach, insufficient qi and blood metaplasia, loss of nourishment of the heart, so "heart palpitations and annoyance", insufficient nutrition and defense, powerless resistance to evil, so it is difficult to quickly resolve the external syndrome, so people with this disease often have headaches, and even convulsions Nosebleeds, hot hands and feet, sore hands and feet, dry throat, dry mouth, stomachache, tasteless diet, sluggish complexion and other concurrent symptoms. Pain, loss of essence in dream, sore limbs, hot hands and feet, dry throat and dry mouth, Xiaojianzhong Decoction is the main remedy.”

Xiaojianzhong Decoction warms yang energy, relieves acute pain in the interior, and can also improve heart palpitations and annoyance due to deficiency of yin and blood. It is a nourishing prescription very suitable for contemporary women.

3 daily care

Spring and summer dominate growth, autumn and winter dominate storage. Autumn is also the beginning of a year of tonic. In summer, sweating hurts body fluid, and autumn is the season of dryness and evil. At this time, tonic should gradually transition from nourishing yin to nourishing qi and strengthening yang. If you also want to have the power of calming palpitations and rejuvenating the pulse, sea cucumbers are a good choice for people with weak constitutions. Sea cucumber, also known as sea cucumber, was exclusive to the family of officials in ancient times. Sea cucumber is warm in nature, sweet and salty, and enters the kidney, lung, heart, and spleen meridians. It is one of the foods that nourish both yin and yang. It is suitable for liver and kidney deficiency, weight loss and fatigue , people with palpitations and shortness of breath; if you have blood stasis, palpitations and chest tightness, slight pain, and dull lip color, you can add Rhodiola rosea, decocted and soaked in water, 5 grams a day to promote blood circulation. Blood stasis, invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi.

Alright, about heart palpitations and shortness of breath due to insufficient heart yang, let’s stop here today, and we will continue this topic next week.

When it comes to health preservation, I once saw a saying on the Internet, saying: "Cultivating the mind is a more advanced health preservation." Force majeure such as the plague swept through in turn. In such a big environment, it is still very difficult to be alone, but we only have to cultivate and nourish our minds to make our hearts stronger, think twice before doing things, dare to accept things after doing things, and not hold grudges , Don't tangle and twist, this may be a better way to health and longevity.
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