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Sweating profusely after eating a meal, what went wrong?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Sweating profusely after eating a meal, what went wrong?
Some people say that sweating is detoxification, some people say that excessive sweating is physical weakness; some people say that sweating in summer is normal, and some people say that every sweat is equal to hard work. So, which statement is more reasonable? Speaking of sweating, it really varies from person to person. It’s like "treating winter diseases in summer". People with cold body and yang deficiency are suitable to eat ginger, chicken soup, and mutton in summer to warm and firm the middle burner; but , if the same method is applied to hot and humid people, it will only make them more uncomfortable after eating, and the same is true for sweating.

As the saying goes, cats have cat ways, dogs have dog ways, teaching students should teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and sweating should also have a "way" of sweating. Sweating with unusual ways means sweating with problems. Let's talk about it today What should I do for this kind of "sweat leakage" that can sweat profusely after a meal, and is afraid of the cold and wind in summer?

ghost gate

The "Huangdi Neijing" says: "Thus, the person with yang qi dominates the outside in one day... the sun is west and the yang qi is empty, and the qi door is closed." The "qi door" here is what we understand as the "sweat hole", also called "xuan pore". Mansion" and "Gate of Ghosts".

Under normal circumstances, the ghost gate can automatically open and close to assist in regulating the cold, heat, yin and yang in the body. For example, during high temperature and exercise, the body will convert the received energy into heat, which is equivalent to a state of yang qi. The "Gate of Ghosts" will automatically open, and the excess "heat" in the body will be discharged through sweat; on the contrary, if it encounters low temperature or strong wind, the Gate of Ghosts will also automatically close to prevent the invasion of external evils.

In many cases, the opening and closing of the "ghost gate" will also "failure" due to factors such as the invasion of external evils and the dysfunction of viscera. If you turn it off too much, your body will be prone to edema and frequent urination. If you forget to turn it off, you will sweat profusely. The person in charge of "Gate of Ghosts".

Who is responsible for the opening and closing of the ghost gate?

This has to mention "defense". Wei Qi has three skills of "defense", "warmth" and "regulation", and the skill of "regulation" includes the excretion of sweat. Wei Qi, also known as Wei Yang, is a part of Yang Qi, and because of this, people often say that "people who sweat a lot are deficient", and this is the reason. And how should Wei Yang be repaired if he is not solid? What are the characteristics of such abnormal sweating?

"Yellow Emperor said: People have heat, food and drink go down the stomach, their qi is not settled, sweating comes out, or from the face, or from the back, or from the half of the body, it doesn't follow the way of defending qi, why?

Qi Bo said: "The external body is wounded by the wind, the interstitial tendons are opened internally, the hair is steamed and the ventilator is vented, and the guard qi goes away, so it cannot follow its path. This qi is strong and slippery, and when it is opened, it comes out, so it cannot follow its path, so it is called Leakage. ".

——"Huangdi Neijing"

Last week, we introduced three more daily ways to manage sweat. I saw some friends leave a message saying: My situation is a bit special. It is the kind of sweat that drenches the back of my clothes after eating. What should I do? Don't worry, the ancient Yellow Emperor was also puzzled by similar questions.

Huang Di asked Qibo, "Why do some people sweat just after eating a few mouthfuls of hot food? And this sweat is quite interesting. Sometimes it is only on the face, and there is no sweat below the neck. Sometimes it is on the back, and sometimes it is sweaty." It’s limited to half of the body, and it doesn’t open and close according to Wei Qi, so how about sweating evenly?”

Qi Bo explained that the problem of this kind of people is not "hot food". If it is purely because of heat, the sweating will not be like this. This kind of situation is mostly caused by "evil energy", loose interstitial muscles, and hot food is just an inducement. If the hair is steamed and ventilated, and the Wei Qi is aggressive and slippery, of course there will be unusual sweating, which is also known as "sweat leakage".


So far, we have also found the source of excessive sweating in the "back, face" and other parts of the body. The chest is Yin, the back is Yang, and the back is where the Bladder Meridian and Du Meridian are located. Therefore, if it happens that there is excessive sweating on the head or back, it is mostly the root of weak Yang Qi. Below, we will introduce two methods of antiperspirant.

01 Deficiency, incomprehensible

If you talk about wearing a cotton-padded jacket in summer, sweating a lot and being afraid of the cold and wind, then it must be "guizhi plus aconite soup".

Taiyang disease sweats, so the leakage does not stop. For those who have a bad wind, difficulty in urinating, slight urgency in the limbs, and difficulty in flexing and stretching, Guizhi plus Fuzi Decoction is the main treatment.

Guizhi plus Fuzi Decoction: 9 grams of Guizhi, 9 grams of peony, 9 grams of roasted licorice, 9 grams of ginger, 4 jujubes, and 10 grams of aconite (cannon).

In fact, it is really difficult to understand the provisions of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", but there is a tricky way you might as well try, which is to find "reference groups". Take this Guizhi plus aconite soup as an example. Said: "For postpartum wind deficiency, profuse sweating, difficulty urinating, slight urgency in limbs, and difficulty in flexing and stretching, Guizhi Jiafuzi Decoction is prescribed." That is to say, the state of sweating and fear of wind in new postpartum women is " Guizhi plus Aconite Soup" is the symbol group of people.

The syndrome of "sweating leakage" treated by this prescription is "caused by excessive sweating", which may be due to overuse of antidiarrheal drugs, postpartum, or other causes. After profuse sweating, it will inevitably damage the yang and consume yin fluid. "He has a bad wind", which means that the body's barrier ability is weakened, and the external yang has been injured; Infrequent or frequent or poor discharge, the spleen governs the limbs, the limbs should not be warmed by yang, and the tendons should not be nourished, and there will be some feelings of "soreness, swelling, and difficulty in flexion and extension". At this time, the three methods of "relieving the exterior, benefiting the yin, and supporting the yang" need to be used together.

Artful Roasted Licorice

So, is Guizhi plus aconite soup just "guizhi soup plus aconite"? This recipe is not so simple. It is often said that the secret of traditional Chinese medicine lies in the dosage, and this prescription has reflected it. The amount of roasted licorice is added to Fuzi Decoction, so that the ratio of Radix Paeoniae Alba is 1:1, which is consistent with Shaoyao Gancao Decoction, which "softens tendons and relieves pain", and is more suitable for those with insufficient body fluid and lack of nourishment of tendons.

Pao aconite

Aconite is an indispensable product for recovering yang and rescuing the adversity, supporting yang and dispelling cold. In "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", aconite is used a lot. Aconite is poisonous, but its toxicity is also medicinal, so there are also "sheng, For severe cases of acute illness, strong medicine should be used, such as Shengfuzi in Sini Decoction; when it is necessary to benefit fire and eliminate yin, warm and invigorate the spleen and kidney, use Fuzi more, such as Zhenwu Decoction, Fuzi Lizhong Pills, and Guizhijia Aconite Decoction, Paofuzi is used to warm the meridians, support the Yang, and solidify the exterior. Aconite Wu Guizhi is better at recovering the Yang and stopping sweating. Therefore, this prescription is suitable for people with physical weakness, sweating and fear of wind and cold, soreness in hands and feet, discomfort when urinating Infrequent or frequent or poor urination, even the evidence of "sweat leakage" in summer wearing long-sleeved cotton clothes.

02 Medicine for waist and navel

If there is only hyperhidrosis, hyperhidrosis after meals, and hyperhidrosis during exercise, but no one is afraid of wind or cold, this medicine is more suitable.

When it comes to traditional Chinese medicines that invigorate Qi and invigorate the spleen, it is easy to think of Codonopsis pilosula, Astragalus membranaceus, Chinese yam and Poria cocos, which have the same source of medicine and food, but they often ignore the "Atractylodes macrocephala" in the same Four Gentlemen Decoction. In fact, as early as in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", Atractylodes macrocephala is a high-ranking medicine: "The smell is sweet and warm, non-toxic. It can treat wind-cold-damp arthralgia, dead muscles, convulsions, jaundice, stop sweating, remove heat, and digest food. It is used as decocted bait. Take it for a long time and prolong your life without hunger."

How powerful is Baishu in the eyes of famous doctors? Let me give a few examples: people with yang deficiency, lack of transpiration and gasification power, are prone to internal stop of phlegm drinking and water dampness. As for the prescription "Lingguishugan Decoction" that can turn the clouds to the sun, the "surgery" here is Baizhu. If you say this is a coincidence, then let me give another example. People with yang deficiency will not only commit crimes when they drink water. Symptoms, it is also prone to water dampness in the waist, cold pain in the waist, and the feeling of falling five thousand dollars in the waist. At this time, we will use another famous prescription "Kidney Zhuo Decoction", and this prescription has A name "Ganjiang Lingshu Decoction", the "shu" here is also Atractylodes macrocephala.

The application of Atractylodes atractylodes is not accidental, and it is not just for nourishing qi and invigorating the spleen. There are many similar examples. In the six medical cases in Chen Shiduo's "Syndrome Diagnosis Lumbago Gate", Atractylodes atractylodes is used for its "beneficial waist and navel". What is the waist navel? The front navel and the rear vital gate, sharpening the waist and navel are equivalent to the power of unblocking the Qi mechanism, so Chen Shiduo said that Atractylodes Atractylodes is "a real medicine for the emperor rather than a partial benefit, and it can often be used blindly for success."

Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizome is warm in nature, tastes sweet and bitter, and belongs to the Spleen and Stomach Meridian. Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, is a Taoist doctor, and his treatment methods are also unique, unusual, easy to use but difficult to explain. For example, "Qian Jin Fang" contains: Spontaneous sweating: Atractylodes rhizome powder, drink 2 grams, twice a day. This method can also treat children with loss of appetite after illness, weak and spontaneous sweating.

Atractylodes macrocephala can be raised or lowered, and has the effects of invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi, drying dampness and diuresis, antiperspirant and anti-pregnancy. There are many similar single-flavor usages. Even Ji Xiaolan's "Yuewei Cottage Notes" once had "10 grams of stir-fried Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Replaces Tea Drinking, Improves Palpitation Records", if you usually sweat a lot, it is related to diet, and you have a daily loss of appetite, prone to bloating, sticky stools, and edema, you can follow this method and use 10~15 grams of fried Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes daily to replace it. Drink tea to strengthen the spleen and yang. If you suffer from sweating and irritability, you can add Buzhong Yiqi Pills to take together with it, so as to remove heat with sweetness and warmth, and to strengthen Qi and strengthen the surface.

That's all for today.

A cup of coffee refreshes me, but someone can drink 10 cups and still sleep through the night. This is an individual difference. This is even more so when looking for prescriptions and dialectics. Conditioning the body is the same as learning. There is no shortcut. Only by learning and memorizing a little bit down-to-earth can you find the soothing soup and Xiaoyao prescription that suit you.
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