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Some prepared ideas for dealing with "flu"

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Some prepared ideas for dealing with "flu"
The flu has been coming fiercely recently. In view of the prominent symptoms of this flu: "high fever that is difficult to get rid of", "headache, muscle aches all over the body", and "coughing and sputum production", today I will introduce to you some "prescriptions" to get rid of the epidemic in advance. With a few pairs of medicines at home, you will be prepared and feel at ease.

Tightness in throat

If there are any early signs of this flu, then if you have a tight, itchy throat and want to cough, you should pay attention. At this time, many people will instinctively "take some medicine quickly to get through it, but don't make it worse." Although the idea is good, the method is not satisfactory.

At present, the reason why this influenza has spread widely, affected so many people, and is difficult to control is because “the antibiotics at hand are no longer easy to use.” There are currently five main groups of epidemic diseases that are spreading everywhere: "the previous coronavirus", "this year's influenza A and B viruses", "the recently emerged influenza adenovirus" and "Mycoplasma pneumoniae" which is about to end.

When it comes to dealing with mycoplasma infections, we also have quinolones and macrolides. Although they are somewhat "drug-resistant", they are "old and honest and can still make a living", but when faced with the "top four" pathogenic microorganisms with viral properties , modern medicine is helpless because it has no useful soldiers.

In fact, "dry, itchy, coughing" in the throat is the first sign of the evil. You need to be quick to respond quickly. In the emergency, you should use "honeysuckle, forsythia" and other light and clear agents to dispel the evil, and then use yam paste to increase the righteousness. If you usually have phlegm-dampness or damp-heat constitution, you should soak 30 grams of raw coix kernels and 5 to 6 jujubes in water (boil for about 2 hours) to remove water and dampness and prevent moisture and temperature from forming.

If it has been 4 to 5 hours since the onset of symptoms, and you already have an itchy throat and unbearable cough, a red uvula, and a sore and uncomfortable throat, you need Yinqiao Pumpkin Powder to detoxify, dissipate stagnation, and relieve inflammation.

Itchy throat

"Dampness and warmth prevent sore throat, and Yinqiao Puffball Powder cures it."

Yinqiao puffball powder consists of: 30 grams of forsythia, 15 grams of honeysuckle, 18 grams of burdock, 9 grams of Shegan, and 6 grams of puffball.

●If it is not painful but the obstruction is severe, add 18 grams of talc, 15 grams of platycodon, and 15 grams of reed root.

Yinqiao Mabo Powder comes from "Febrile Diseases Treatise" written by Wu Jutong, a febrile disease expert in the Qing Dynasty. It is a good remedy for throat diseases. It can be used for conditions such as throat redness, swelling and pain, hoarseness and aphonia, such as acute and chronic pharyngitis. , tonsillitis, sore throat during colds, etc. It is very useful.

This prescription is composed of "five herbs". Although it is similar to "Yinqiao Powder" in that it contains three herbs: honeysuckle, forsythia and burdock, the "bull's-eye" of this recipe is more precise, specializing in "throat and cough". Honeysuckle and forsythia clear away heat and detoxify, open up lung qi; then use burdock seeds to loosen the "knot" in the throat; shoot dry to clear the "phlegm" in the throat; marbury the "dampness" in the throat. All medicines are used together, with clear goals and consistent targets. , which together have the effect of detoxifying and soothing the throat.

If the pain in the throat is not severe, but the foreign body sensation is obvious, it is necessary to clear away heat and resolve phlegm to relieve heat stagnation. Therefore, talc, platycodon, and reed root can be given to clear the throat and soothe the throat.

This is the first step in preventing the epidemic. Many people who are not too weak in righteousness follow this method and take precautions in time. Generally, the battle can be resolved in 1 to 3 days without delaying the stage of fever and muscle soreness.

Headache, muscle aches all over the body

Many people who don't pay much attention to themselves often find out that they have been infected when they have a "headache", "muscle aches all over the body", "aversion to cold, fever", and this is also a critical stage in the onset and transformation of the disease. Although it may My whole body feels uncomfortable, my chest hurts due to coughing, and I have no strength to speak, but I must not just take two capsules to cope with the problem.

At this time, there is no need to pay too much attention to the body temperature. If there is "aversion to cold" or "pain and discomfort all over the body", immediately use Shengjiang Powder to "regulate the flow of Qi".

The composition of Shengjiang Powder: 6 grams of white silkworm, 3 grams of cicada slough, 9 grams of turmeric, and 12 grams of rhubarb.

Mix rice wine and honey thoroughly and take it cold to relieve the symptoms.

Why is it said that you don’t need to pay too much attention to your body temperature, and you can choose this prescription as long as you have symptoms of “evil heat fighting”?

Because the function of this prescription is to "lift and lower Qi", reducing fever is only one of the external manifestations of Qi recovery. In fact, in those years when the epidemic was smooth, Shengjiang Powder was also quite effective in regulating facial acne, rhinitis, insomnia and other diseases. Achieving success. The original prototype of this prescription came from the idea of using white silkworms to treat scrofula in "Qian Jin Yao Prescription". It later evolved into "Rusheng Powder" for throat treatment in the Song Dynasty. Then Zhang Zihe, a representative of the conquering faction, added "rhubarb", and slowly Slowly evolved into the appearance of rising and falling.

Probably because Zhang Zihe worked at Jintai Hospital, this prescription was also included in the "Royal Medicine Hospital Prescriptions" and was also found in Gong Tingxian's "Rejuvenation of All Diseases". This prescription is also known as "Neifu Xianfang", "Taiji Pills" and "Compensation Powder" ""Warming Syndrome and Jiedu Powder" was later officially renamed Shengjiang Powder in the Treatise on Typhoid and Warm Epidemics.

In the prescription, Bombyx sibiricum dispels wind and spasms, resolves phlegm and dissipates stagnation; Cicada slough relieves wind-heat and relieves sore throat. The two are light and clear, rising and floating, clearing the yang in the rising yang; turmeric activates blood circulation and promotes qi, raw rhubarb is decoctioned with other medicines, which one has the effect of conducting heat evil downwards, cooling blood and detoxifying. The two have a thick and settling taste, which can lower the yin. The turbidity. Rice wine and honey are used as inducing drugs, which are used up and down to detoxify and moisturize. The combination of the four herbs of Shengjiang Powder can elevate clearness and reduce turbidity, unblock the flow of Qi, and make "the poisonous flow of miscellaneous Qi disappear immediately". It can relieve chest and diaphragm swelling and tightness, hiccups and diarrhea, cold limbs, cough and phlegm, and other disorders of Qi movement. disease.

sweating, coughing

Some friends also sweated slightly after taking some antipyretic and analgesics such as ibuprofen when they had a fever or heavy weight. After the symptoms of muscle aches all over the body subsided, the body temperature always hovered around 37.5°C, and the cough symptoms were obvious. If it worsens, this is a sign that evil heat enters the lungs and lung heat is excessive. Ephedra, almond, licorice and gypsum decoction can be given.

If you are sweating and panting without severe fever, you can take Ephedra, Almond, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction.

Ephedra, almond, gypsum and licorice soup: 5 grams of ephedra (fried for 40 minutes first), 9 grams of almonds, 6 grams of licorice, and 18 grams of gypsum.

——Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"

The Chinese patent medicine Lianhua Qingwen Capsule is made from the addition and subtraction of "Ephedra Almond Gypsum Licorice Decoction". The core syndrome of this prescription is "sweating and wheezing without severe fever".

When evil qi enters the inside, it transforms into heat and blocks the lungs, so that the lung qi cannot be released and descends, causing "coughing and wheezing" to worsen; when evil heat stays inside, it forces body fluids to leak out, so there is a feeling of "conscious sweating", and evil heat stagnates. In the lungs, it can be seen that "the body temperature goes up and down". These three symptoms are the specific symptoms of "heat" and "congestion" of Ephedra, Almond, Licorice and Gypsum Decoction.

When taking medicine and decoction, ephedra needs to be decoctioned for 40 minutes first, and then other medicines are added. Decoction a bowl of medicine with one medicine and drink it slowly. Generally, the symptoms of fever, chest tightness, cough and asthma can be relieved after 1 to 3 doses. If the body temperature persists, Maxing Ganshi Decoction can be combined with Shengjiang Powder; if the headache is severe, 9 grams of kudzu root can be added; if the headache is obvious, 6 grams of Bupleurum can be added.

Cough with sticky phlegm

If the disease progresses to the cough stage this time, it will be the darkness before dawn, because the cough at this time is different from the past. Typically, the phlegm is sticky and difficult to cough up. After several rounds of external evil attacks, many people have more or less symptoms of spleen and lung insufficiency. The spleen is the source of phlegm, and the lungs are the organ that stores phlegm. If the spleen and lungs are insufficient, phlegm increases, and evil heat enters the body. , the refined liquid is phlegm, so the sputum coughed at this time is mostly yellow-colored and sticky sputum, and the chest pain is obvious when coughing. In the past, hospitals often chose atomization to dilute the sputum when dealing with sputum symptoms, but this time it has even been used A fiberoptic bronchoscope was used to aspirate sputum.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the prescription that can be as powerful as the instrument for suctioning phlegm is "Xiao Xianxiong Decoction".

"For small nodules and chest diseases, which are located under the heart and cause pain when pressed, and the pulse is slippery, Xiaoxianxiong Decoction can treat it."

Xiaoxianxiong Decoction: 30 grams of Trichosanthes trichosanthes, 6 grams of Coptis chinensis, and 12 grams of Pinellia ternata.

Trichosanthes trichosanthes is sweet, cold and moist in nature. It can clear away heat and eliminate phlegm, open up the downward path of phlegm fire and smoothen the flow of Qi. Coptis chinensis is bitter in taste and cold in nature. It reduces evil heat, clears the heart and eliminates troubles, and can treat "stagnation of heat, irritability, nausea, and heart palpitations". "full", pinellia is pungent and warm, can open knots and eliminate pimples, "eliminate the heart, abdomen, chest and diaphragm with phlegm-heat and full knots", Coptis chinensis and pinellia are pungent and bitter, and Trichosanthes is "clearing phlegm knots and benefiting the large intestine". The combination of these three medicines can clear away heat. It has the effect of resolving phlegm, widening the chest and dispersing stagnation.

It is suitable for people with yellow and sticky phlegm that is difficult to remove, chest pain caused by coughing, unbearable heat, yellow and greasy tongue coating, and slippery and rapid pulse.

Well, today’s article ends here.

The Song Dynasty emphasized culture over military affairs. While the economy was prosperous, it also weakened the army's self-protection ability, so much so that General Yue Pengju "don't wait for a while. His young head turned gray and he was filled with sorrow." Nowadays, epidemics are everywhere, including bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms. Wave after wave, who can accurately predict the exact direction of these "epidemics"?

Therefore, it is useless to be anxious, and it is even more useless to worry. Instead of worrying about whether you will be infected and what will happen if you are infected, it is better to put down your mobile phone and do a set of Tai Chi, drink a bowl of yam paste, and tap the gallbladder meridian. , relax your mood.

I remember someone said, "The biggest disadvantage of procrastination is not delay, but it will make you hesitate and even gradually lose confidence." Just do it when you think of it and maintain a proactive and happy mood. This is the passionate attitude towards life. .

Okay, see you next time.
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