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How to maintain health in winter if you have a yang-deficient constitution?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

How to maintain health in winter if you have a yang-deficient constitution?
I have always insisted on the view that in each season, people with various physiques pay attention to different things. If it is said to be the same conditioning method for any season, this is inappropriate. Therefore, we often tell you how people with different physiques cope with seasonal changes.

Today, we talk about how people with Yang deficiency spend the winter.

First, let’s look at what kind of person,

He is a person with Yang deficiency

People with yang deficiency always feel that they are afraid of cold; their complexion is pale or black; their limbs are cold, and their hands and feet are cold all year round; their urine is long and clear, and their stools are prone to looseness, especially after catching a cold; drowsiness during the day Always drowsy and unable to cheer up; frequent nocturia; loss of sexual desire and sexual function; pale tongue and slow and weak pulse.

The picture of the tongue of a person with yang deficiency is like this——

How should people with yang deficiency spend the winter?

In fact, I regret to tell you that for people with yang deficiency, the best time to nourish yang is in summer.

In summer, when the weather is warm, it is best to replenish yang, which raises the threshold of yang energy. Then, in winter, although the curve of yang energy decreases, it is still at a high level overall. So you can see that the "Sanfu patch" that uses warming yang drugs to treat asthma is used during the dog days. Cultivate the sun in the summer, so that it will be easier to get through the winter. If yang is not nourished in summer, people with yang deficiency will be more miserable in winter. They will be more afraid of the cold and more likely to be injured by cold evil.

Therefore, people with yang deficiency should try to avoid exposure to wind and cold during this season, because if a person with yang deficiency catches a slight cold, the consequences may be greater than others. There are many details here. For example, when living in the north, you need to change your insoles every day. It is best to change your shoes every day, because your feet are sweaty and the insoles are easy to get wet. If they are not dry at night, your feet will be cold. So there is something called a shoe heater that can be used to dry and warm shoes at night. The so-called warmth under the feet means warmth all over.

People with yang deficiency should add or remove clothes according to the weather at any time when going out. Especially when the cold wave strikes, they should pay attention to keeping warm.

For clothes at this time, try not to choose chemical fiber and other materials, but try to use natural clothes. This is my experience. Although chemical fiber is durable, it is cold outside when it is cold, and has poor breathability, which can easily trap sweat. Inside, it's easy to feel the cold and dampness. Cotton, down, leather, etc. have better breathability and warmth retention.

People with Yang deficiency should try to avoid getting up early and being exposed to severe cold. You should also try to avoid traveling at night. If you do travel, it is best to drink some hot soup before going out.

I have seen elderly people with yang deficiency who went out to exercise in the morning and suffered heart attacks.

If you have the conditions, often bask in the sun. This is the way to maintain health for people with Yang deficiency.

Diet therapy is an important way to maintain health. Therefore, people with yang deficiency should pay attention to diet therapy. When taking supplements in winter, they should always take care of yang energy. For example, you can often use some dietary therapy methods to replenish yang, such as eating mutton hot pot. In the soup of the hot pot, you can put some medicine that warms yang. For example, some friends simply use Yiwan (Damiwan) Jingui Shenqi Put the pill in, I think it's good.

You can make the mutton soup we often recommend:

Wenyang mutton soup

Use mutton slices, buy one pound, add one sliced Chinese yam, one sliced ginger, 10 grams of angelica root, 10 grams of wolfberry, 10 grams of antler cream, and ten jujubes. Make soup once a week.

This prescription warms yang and dispels cold, nourishes the spleen and kidneys. Can be used as a dietary therapy.

Pregnant women should not take this product.

In addition, you can also drink some traditional ginger candy products and so on.

People with yang deficiency are particularly taboo about eating cold things and drinking cold beer during this season. Sometimes, even one bite can cause physical discomfort and even disease.

People who really keep in good health will try not to eat this kind of cold food in winter.

In addition to temperature, food with cold medicinal properties is also taboo, such as watermelon. Some restaurants will serve it to you after a meal. No matter how greedy you are, don’t eat it, because it will cause great harm, and your mouth will be happy, but you will end up eating it. It must be enough for you to toss.

At this time, you can soak your feet every day. When soaking your feet, you can put a little moxa leaf or moxa velvet in, which will be better.

If there are conditions for keeping warm, moxibustion is also a good choice during this season, as it has a good effect on warming yang.

For women with yang deficiency, Nuanbaobao is a magical existence that can be carried with you. If you catch a cold somewhere, just stick it on the relevant position immediately, and it will be relieved quickly.

Wine is also a good partner for people with yang deficiency in winter. However, the medicinal properties of wine are somewhat cold, so it is best not to drink it in winter for people with yang deficiency. However, rice wine and rice wine are warm, so they can be drank. When drinking rice wine, I always recommend adding some shredded ginger, a plum blossom, and a handful of wolfberry to warm it up. This can warm the meridians and unblock the meridians, and is a good way to maintain health.

There are a lot of baijiu now. I think it is best to mix it with warming herbs and make it into a health-preserving wine. Otherwise, many people now regard baijiu as a tool for making wine, which is very bad.
For the elderly with yang deficiency, if possible, I even recommend going to the south to escape the cold. This is what the "Nei Jing" says "to remove the cold and bring warmth". There is also heavy smog in the north now, which is actually a threat to the elderly. If you can avoid it, it will be beneficial in all aspects.

In short, people with Yang deficiency should try their best to preserve their strength in winter and prevent themselves from being injured by the cold. And at this most unfavorable time for you, you must seize the opportunity to change your physique so that you no longer have Yang deficiency. This is the ultimate goal.

The weather is going to get colder and colder, let’s get ready little by little!
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