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Drink the blood-boosting and warming-yang decoction when it snows

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Drink the blood-boosting and warming-yang decoction when it snows
"Filial Piety Jingwei" says: "On the fifteenth day after the beginning of winter (the beginning of winter), Douzhihai will have light snow. The sky and the earth will be overcast. If it is warm, it will be rain, and if it is cold, it will be snow. When it is said to be small, the cold is not deep and the snow is not heavy. "

What changes have occurred in nature? Starting from autumn, the weather gradually rises and the earth's atmosphere gradually drops. During the light snow solar term, they are completely separated. It is said that the yin and yang are blocked and the heaven and earth are closed. The ancients said: "Everything becomes salty in light snow, and everything is closed in the severe cold, and the work of heaven and earth is over." Nature has completely completed a year of spring growth, summer, and autumn harvest. From light snow to severe cold, it is two months when heaven and earth are closed, and the human body also It’s time to start raising the treasure. Therefore, in this season, our health care mainly focuses on nourishing the kidneys and sealing them, consolidating the roots and nourishing the Yuan.

The light snow season is colder than the beginning of winter, and Yang Qi is hidden. If there is insufficient Yang Qi outside, it is easy for people to get cold. At this time, we must pay attention to "nourishing Yang to keep out the cold", nourishing the hidden Yang Qi, and preventing Yin and cold. Evil spirit. Especially those with Yang deficiency and fear of coldness, insufficient Qi and blood, lack of Yang Qi in the body, and coldness on the outside and inside. In addition to nourishing and storing, it is also necessary to replenish Yang Qi. The diet should be based on the beginning of winter, and add warm and nourishing products to warm and unblock the meridians. .

Today we are going to select the ingredients and make a filling-blood-tonifying mutton soup with angelica and astragalus. It replenishes qi and blood, strengthens the body and strengthens the foundation. It is very suitable for those who are afraid of wind and cold due to insufficient qi and blood, have pale complexion, and have lukewarm hands and feet. In winter, they can warm up the body and nourish the righteousness to resist the cold.

Ingredients: 12 grams of angelica root, 15 grams of astragalus root, 250 grams of mutton,

3 jujubes, 3 slices of ginger, and appropriate amount of salt.

"Shen Nong's Materia Medica" records that many traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are inseparable from Angelica sinensis, so there is a saying of "Ten Directions and Nine Gui Gui". Angelica sinensis has the ability to regulate blood and replenish blood. It is known as the "holy medicine in the blood" and is even respected as the "King of Medicines".

"Rihuazi Materia Medica" says that Angelicae Sinensis: "Cures all wind, all blood, nourishes all fatigue, breaks bad blood, nourishes new blood and main symptoms of addiction."

Angelica sinensis has a sweet, pungent and warm nature; enters the liver, heart and spleen meridians. We use its sweetness to replenish moisture, pungent warmth to disperse, good at nourishing and activating blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moisturizing the intestines and laxative, and dispersing cold. It is more suitable for those with blood deficiency, blood stasis, coldness, and intestinal dryness and constipation. It is used as medicine and food. Dual-purpose material. In winter, qi and blood circulate slowly, so these medicinal herbs can activate and replenish qi and blood and warm them up.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Elements say: Astragalus is sweet and warm and pure yang, and its uses are fivefold; it can replenish all deficiencies, the first one; it can replenish vitality, the second one; it can strengthen the spleen and stomach, the third one; it can remove muscle heat, the fourth one; it can expel pus, relieve pain, and activate blood circulation. Produces blood, supports vaginal gangrene inside, and is the holy medicine of the sore family, fifth grade."

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Scutellaria baicalensis is a medicine that nourishes the lungs and strengthens the spleen, strengthens defense and suppresses sweat, and is a medicine that dispels wind and transports poison."

Astragalus, sweet and slightly warm in nature and flavor; returns to the spleen and lung meridians. Take its sweetness and warmth to nourish and increase the temperature, its sweetness and lightness to infiltrate and benefit, mainly to strengthen the righteousness. It is good at replenishing middle qi, promoting and clearing yang, good at replenishing lung qi, benefiting the stomach and strengthening the surface. It can replenish qi and generate blood, promote fluid production and relieve stagnation. As the saying goes, "when qi moves, blood moves, and when qi stagnates, blood stasis" is suitable for nourishing in winter. While nourishing blood, it should be paired with this qi-tonifying material to benefit the source of blood.

"Ben Jing" records that jujube: "controls evil qi in the heart and abdomen, calms the middle and nourishes the spleen, and helps the twelve meridians. It calms the stomach qi, unblocks the nine orifices, replenishes less qi and less body fluid. It can cause deficiencies in the body, shock, heavy limbs, and allergy-related diseases. medicine."

Li Gao said jujube: "It is warm to replenish the deficient spleen meridian, sweet to soothe yin and blood, harmonize yin and yang, regulate nutrition and health, and produce body fluid."

Jujube, sweet and warm in nature and flavor; enters the spleen and stomach meridians. Take it to invigorate the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and promote fluid production, regulate the body and mind, and detoxify the medicine.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Mutton can warm the body and replenish deficiency, nourish the body and replenish qi, stimulate the appetite and keep fit, nourish kidney qi, nourish gallbladder and improve eyesight, and treat fatigue and cold, five labors and seven injuries."

Mutton, sweet and warm in nature and flavor; enters the spleen and kidney meridians. Use it to replenish body deficiency, dispel cold, warm and replenish qi and blood; replenish kidney qi, replenish weak body, stimulate appetite and strengthen strength, support yang, and benefit essence and blood. It can not only protect against severe cold but also replenish the body. It is very suitable for those who are afraid of cold due to yang deficiency in winter.

The combination of angelica, astragalus, jujube and mutton nourishes the blood of the heart and liver to replenish blood and nutrition; nourishes the qi of the spleen and lungs to benefit the source of blood; strengthens the heart and strengthens the heart to nourish and replenish the health qi. It can be said to be a wonderful soup for those who suffer from qi, blood and yang deficiency in winter.

Soup story

The angelica and astragalus mutton soup is not as delicious as the milky white soup in the hot mutton soup restaurant that makes people salivate with a sprinkle of coriander flowers. It is the aroma of food "medicine" that overflows when you open the lid of the pot. It is the pungent and warm iron gas that tastes replenishing after one sip. People who understand it can distinguish the original aroma of these layers of ingredients. I don’t want to miss this opportunity to warm my meridians and nourish them silently.


It should not be taken by those with damp phlegm, stagnation, excess external evils, as well as those with yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, as well as pregnant women.

Summary of practice

Step 1. Clean the angelica root and astragalus root and set aside.

Step 2: Remove the pits from the jujubes and remove the flesh.

Step 3: Cut the mutton into pieces, place it in cold water, add ginger slices, cooking wine and water.

Step 4 Add the washed angelica root and astragalus root to the stew pot, cover the compartment (or put in a soup bag).

Step 5: Add mutton and ginger slices to the pot, and add enough water to cover the ingredients.

Step 6 Add red dates.

Step 7: Simmer over water for 1.5 hours.

Step 8: When drinking, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste according to your personal taste.

The smell of angelica gradually emerges under the constant temperature for a long time, covering up the smell of mutton. It carries the sweet smell of red dates and mutton and follows the steam to expand outwards. It seems that it is not satisfied with the small kitchen and wants to invade further places. It happens to be winter Just like this heat wave. This aroma arouses the dozing soup cooks and warms the cold soup drinkers.

Years are seasonal, deep and sentimental, beautiful things are like water and soup, they are indispensable nutrients for us. Sometimes they evaporate with the years, but they bloom again like flowers when you are cold.

Stop pursuing things you can't get, and just accumulate the little things you can do. Love never cools down. Time and we are moving forward. Don't look back, just wait for the new year.

That’s it for this issue. In winter, no matter whether you are nourishing yourself with soup or filling your stomach with food, you must have tasted the rich, fragrant and delicious food for a while. Nutrition in winter can easily increase or reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach. It’s time to adjust with vegetarian soup. Check it out. In the next issue, Ziqing will show you how to make a vegetable soup that can help digestion, reduce phlegm, reduce inflammation and increase immunity. Don’t miss it, bye.
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