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Shudi article - treatment of facial paralysis | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Shudi article - treatment of facial paralysis | life recipe
A few days ago, an old leader in the economic field approached me. This is a scholar-type leader. I respect him very much. We have known each other for many years. When I lived in Beijing, we often met. In this phone call, he described his situation. It turned out that he suddenly suffered from a disease called facial paralysis these days. He has been hospitalized in a Western medicine hospital for a week, and the treatment has no obvious effect. What should I do?

This disease, also called facial paralysis, commonly known as mouth and eye
(wāi) oblique, refers to the simple paralysis of one side of the facial muscles. Generally, the facial paralysis caused by brain problems must be ruled out first.

The main symptoms and characteristics of this disease are:
1. The onset is sudden and there are few subjective symptoms. There is a saying that "I was fine last night, but I got sick this morning".
2. The corner of the mouth on the side with the problem is drooping, and the face on the healthy side with no problem is tilted upwards. The mouth cannot be closed tightly, the cheeks cannot be puffed up, or blowing air, and water leaks when drinking.
3. Facial fissures expand, the upper and lower faces cannot be closed, the conjunctiva is exposed, and the eyeballs turn outward and upward when forced to close.
4. Tears for no reason.
5. Forehead wrinkles disappear, can not frown.
6. Auditory examination: Bass hypersensitivity or hearing enhancement is common.

So, how is this disease caused?

Western medicine believes that part of it is idiopathic facial paralysis, which can heal itself, but the incidence of this kind of patients is generally only about 10 to 20 per 100,000 people per year, and most of them are infected by viruses and bacteria. Chinese medicine says this It is caused by the invasion of external evils, and I think this kind of facial paralysis caused by external evils is the majority of patients in our country.

When I was in the traditional Chinese medicine clinic in my hometown, I once saw a unit in a building. From top to bottom, three families had this disease at the same time. At first, one patient came, and we registered the address, but the second came. The unit, the third one too, such cases are rare, but I have encountered them, and this is closely related to external evils.

For the treatment of this disease, traditional Chinese medicine generally uses acupuncture and moxibustion, and the effect is very good. Traditional Chinese medicine will use prescriptions such as Qianzheng San, and ideas such as dredging wind, dredging collaterals and expelling evil spirits.

But, to be honest, according to my previous experience, the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion is very good, while the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is average for this disease.

This time the old leader came to me, and I also recommended him to go to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine for acupuncture as soon as possible after he was discharged from the hospital. I also recommended the doctor of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, when I was recommending it, I also thought: His body must be deficient in righteousness, otherwise how could external evils invade? So, I asked him to send his tongue via WeChat, and I will take a look and help analyze it.

As a result, he sent a tongue map. When I saw it, I immediately thought it was a deficiency of kidney essence.

I attach the tongue map he sent at that time here for your reference.

As I mentioned in the previous article, people with insufficient kidney essence have dark red tongue, hot upper part and cold lower part. various problems.

So, I suggested that he take a little traditional Chinese medicine first to regulate his body, so that the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion will be better.

At that time, what I thought in my heart was: nourishing the kidney essence, directing the fire downward, changing the state of the body, and reversing the living environment of external evils.

So, the fire soup was opened.

The formula is very simple, that is:

Ninety grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, nine grams of Morinda officinalis, fifteen grams of Poria cocos, nine grams of asparagus, nine grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, six grams of schisandra, and three grams of cinnamon. three mates.

Then, after taking it for three days, the patient sent me a WeChat message: "I think the effect is very good. Generally speaking, the crooked part has been corrected, and it is still a little not thorough. Please check it for me and see if it is still there. I need to continue to take it, I think the prescription you prescribed is very accurate..."

So, I asked him to take three more doses. At the same time, I still need to ask an acupuncturist to help dredge the meridians.

This is what the tongue looks like after taking the medicine:

The conditioning effect this time was within my expectations, but also beyond my expectations.

Before, I treated this disease by dredging wind, dredging collaterals and expelling evil spirits, and the effect was average, just like treating trigeminal neuralgia. I think this is the area where acupuncture and moxibustion are good at.

However, since I used Yinhuo Decoction, I feel that this prescription is far better than acupuncture in treating trigeminal neuralgia. I had a classmate with a master’s degree before. His father is an authority in the field of acupuncture and moxibustion in the army, and he is especially good at treating trigeminal neuralgia. , the effect is very good, but I went to observe, the treatment process is still relatively long. However, after conditioning with Yinhuo Decoction, most patients can basically recover within two or three days.

The treatment of facial paralysis this time made me think, how much of the facial nerve problem is caused by insufficient kidney essence?

This is an unknown field. Of course, there are various types of facial paralysis, but this kind of kidney essence deficiency must be one of them. Start with the individual case and gradually find the pattern. I think that’s how medicine progresses. yes.

As I said in the previous article, in the prescriptions such as Yinhuo Decoction, Shouhuo Decoction, and Zhenyin Decoction, the basic framework is a large amount of rehmannia glutinosa, mixed with a little cinnamon and other medicines, and then combined with other medicines according to the symptoms, For example, if the Yin is deficient, it should be combined with Ophiopogon japonicus and Asparagus; if it is Yang deficient, it should be combined with medicines such as Fuzi and Morinda officinalis. And the core medicine in the prescription is rehmannia glutinosa, rehmannia glutinosa tonifies the kidney essence, and is an indispensable medicine to turn the tide.

Kidney Essence Deficiency, also known as True Yin Deficiency by the ancients, often leads to the deficiency of both Yin and Yang in the body, and depending on the constitution, it may develop into Yin deficiency or Yang deficiency, but its essence is the deficiency of Kidney essence. At this time, if various factors change slightly, there will be a pattern of separation of yin and yang with upper heat and lower cold. At this time, the head and face are often burned by asthenic fire, and various diseases appear.

In this spring, I encountered various problems such as oral ulcers, sore throat, cough, headache, eye stye, facial rash, lip swelling, and trigeminal neuralgia. Decoction solves the problem, and it is all effective.

The facial paralysis this time, using this formula to turn the situation around basically, is also thanks to Shudi.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyue, a famous doctor in the Ming Dynasty who was especially good at using rehmannia, said:

"Anyone with deficiency of true yin may cause fever, headache, thirst, sore throat, coughing up phlegm, panting, or vomiting due to coldness of the spleen and kidney, or blood in the nose and mouth due to deficiency of fire, or flooding of the skin. , or yin deficiency and venting, or yang buoyancy and mania, or yin detachment and fall to the ground. If yin is deficient and the spirit is scattered, it will not be enough to gather it if it is not cooked; For those who are restless due to yin deficiency, the stillness of non-rehmannia land is not enough to calm them down; for those who are deficient in yin and are impatient, the sweetness of non-rehmannia land is not enough to slow them down. For those who are deficient in yin and are flooded with water evils, how can Abandon Rehmannia be self-controlled? For those whose qi is lost, how can the rehmannia land return to its source? For those who are deficient in yin and have both essence and blood damaged, and the fat is thin, how can the rehmannia land thicken the stomach?"

I think, with Zhang Jingyue’s fame back then, he was well-known all over the world. Some people said that he: "There are more than ten thousand people in the east and west of Zhejiang." Now I firmly believe that it comes from the bottom of my heart. I am experiencing the diseases he mentioned in the article one by one.

This spring is also fate. I happen to have the books of Zhang Jingyue and Chen Shiduo in my hand. I have been flipping through them. I originally wanted to study the context of the academic thoughts of the two, but unexpectedly, I met people who asked me questions. , They are all discussed in the book, and then I applied them casually, and the effect is amazing, so I feel that it is beneficial to open the book, and it is not a lie.

To sum up, today's article, I reiterate again:

1. This spring, I have seen a lot of people who suffer from the deficiency of kidney essence, which leads to fever on the head and face;

2. A large amount of rehmannia, combined with a small amount of cinnamon, is a more effective solution to this situation.

Regarding the application of Yinhuotang prescriptions, I hope fellow Chinese medicine practitioners can practice more and explore more. The purpose is very clear, which is to relieve the pain of more patients!
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